West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
22 years after four Seattle firefighters died in the Mary Pang warehouse arson, the loss continues to loom large for SFD. The department’s Joint Training Facility in southeast West Seattle has a new memorial to the lost firefighters, thanks to a local Eagle Scout who officially presented it at a ceremony this afternoon.
Ben Beale is an 18-year-old O’Dea HS senior who is a member of West Seattle Troop 282. He and his troop were at the JTF this afternoon along with SFD Chief Harold Scoggins (with Ben in the photo above) and other SFD representatives, including firefighter Isaac Rivera, who introduced Ben and worked with him on the project, for which Seattle Fire Fighters Union IAFF Local 27 was also acknowledged:
Before the ceremony, we asked Ben how he first heard of the Pang arson tragedy, which happened years before he was born. He explained that his brother also had created a memorial which was on display at West Seattle’s Fire Station 32 (and will be returned when the new FS 32 is complete). He decided to make one for the JTF.
Along with a small-scale model of Hai Ying Wu‘s Occidental Square memorial sculpture, its materials include rock, rope, and rough-hewn wood, to show the challenging circumstances in which firefighters risk their lives. “Firefighters work hard, and find a way to get things done,” he noted.
Ben’s project will be permanently on display in the JTF administration building’s main hallway. While it’s not routinely open to the public, the building does host some public events (such as community meetings in the past year related to the nearby Myers Way Parcels), so look for it if you go to one.
Thanks to Nicole Sipila for the photo and report!
The High Point Community Center Girls Rec 12U team won the Seattle Parks and Rec Championship for 2017.
Many of these girls have been playing together since 2nd grade. They went undefeated in the regular season, with one loss in pre- season. Tonight they won an intense game against Laurelhurst Community Center.
Congrats to Coach Gaither and Coach Dabbs for leading these young ladies to an extra-special season. The parents are so grateful to these volunteer coaches.
In the photo: Top row – Coach Gaither, Hailey D, Lauren, Paloma H, Vivian G, Nora J, Coach Dabbs. Bottom row – Kailey B, Delaney S, Katie H, Hannilore P. (Not pictured, Lane N.)
8:21 AM: A “full response” from Seattle Fire was sent to the 9000 block of 35th SW [map] for a possible fire, but is already being downsized. Not yet sure what the incident has turned out to be.
8:41 AM: Went over to find out. Our crew talked with firefighters, who say it turned out to be a small kitchen fire in an apartment.
The West Seattle Food Bank touches lives in many ways – if you’ve never needed its services, chances are you’ve donated to help those who do. This afternoon, the WS Food Bank opened its doors to everyone to show off its new “store model” operations – as shown here last month, this remodel enables the food bank to serve more people, more hours, in a more natural and dignified way. The open House (continuing until 6 pm) is also a chance for people to ask questions and enjoy some treats, catered by Luna Park-based Duos (in our photo, chicken/waffle bites and coconut shrimp):
Another way to help the WS Food Bank, besides donating food and/or money, is to attend this year’s Instruments of Change dinner/auction, set for May 13th. WSB is proud to be a sponsor this year; go here to find out more about the event and to buy your ticket(s).
Two stolen cars to watch for, both Honda Civics – here are the reader reports we received this afternoon:
From Sibyl: “My car was stolen last night, ’96 Civic, red/rosy-ish color. License plate AHH7425.”
From Todd: “Just discovered our 2007 blue Honda Civic Hybrid 4-door car was stolen sometime between 7 pm Friday night and Saturday morning. It was parked in front of our house on 3200 block of 41st Ave. License plate is AON8130.”
If you see either one, call 911.
Play ball! It’s the first weekend of spring and the start of the West Seattle Little League season at Bar-S Playfields (64th SW/Admiral Way). Long hours of hard work have fixed up the damage vandals did earlier this week, and now the focus is on baseball. The younger players are on the field today – we stopped by during Coach-Pitch (~6-7 year-olds) play between the Grays and the Bombers:
WSLL’s Kathy Powers tells WSB that the Rookies (~8) start at 3:45 pm, and play goes until 7:15 tonight, as it does on Sunday, with Minors (~9-10) at 8:15 and Majors (~11-12) at 1:45. Here’s the full Jamboree schedule.
Thanks to Jim Borrow for the photo from Alki. This was the Corinthian Yacht Club‘s Three Tree Point race, third and final race in the Center Sound Series. The current U.S. Coast Guard Local Notice to Mariners shows another yacht race coming up next Saturday.
Why do you love West Seattle? You can write your answer on a little paper T-shirt like that one during the open house under way right now, until 3 pm, at the West Seattle Helpline‘s new Clothesline headquarters (southwest corner of 42nd SW/SW Genesee) – three times the space, enthuses Helpline executive director Chris Langeler:
That’s the room where female clients can shop, free, for donated apparel – and it’s the model that Helpline is raising money to emulate with the other rooms (including men’s and kids’). The Clothesline is open to anyone who needs it, from around Seattle, and now that there’s more room, there’s also more work for volunteers including those sorting even as today’s celebration continues:
Clothesline’s new digs are in a former school and art-studio building owned by West Seattle Christian Church, the across-the-street neighbors whose board is putting on this free barbecue during today’s event:
While you’re visiting the new Clothesline, you can also learn fun facts such as: This is its fourth location since it opened in 1995. Helpline hopes to triple the number of clients it serves – 160 a month last year – within two years. In order to get the new facility up to speed, it’s continuing to crowdfund – you can chip in by going here. And starting April 4th, you’ll be able to drop off clothing donations (new/gently used) 11 am-1 pm Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays – here’s what they have the most demand for:
School-aged (ages 7-13) children’s clothing
Men’s and children’s shoes
Undergarments adn socks (new or VERY lightly used)
Plus-size items (XXL+ for both men and women)
Again, today’s open house/barbecue is on until 3 pm. We’ll add a few more photos when back at HQ later!
Second Saturday in May has been West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day since 2005 … and this year, that means the 13th annual WSCGSD is May 13th, just seven weeks until our peninsula becomes the one-day epicenter of person-to-person recycling. Big sales, little sales, midsize sales … garages, yards, apartment courtyards, schools, businesses … whatever and wherever you’re planning, registration will start on April 5th, and when it does, you’ll find the link here as well as on our official WSCGSD site, westseattlegaragesale.com.
P.S. As usual, the second Saturday in May is also the Stamp Out Hunger food drive, with letter carriers picking up your donations while on their rounds coast-to-coast, so figure that into your plans for the day, whether you’ll be selling or shopping!
7:26 AM: Seattle Fire is sending a big “heavy rescue” response to the 6000 block of 44th SW [map], where a car is reported to be on its side, with one person possibly trapped. More to come.
7:41 AM: Photo added. The vehicle that went sideways is a car2go Smart Fortwo car. Two people were inside, our crew has learned at the scene, and both got out OK, no injuries. At least one parked car is damaged.
7:52 AM: Another photo. Tow truck has already arrived and SFD has left so the street should be clear before long.
(Rufous hummingbird, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
It’s a Saturday full of fun … with many events giving you the chance to have a good time for a good cause. From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
WHITE CENTER 5K: Not signed up yet? You can register before the 9 am race at White Center Heights Park – details here. (7th SW/SW 102nd)
SEAFAIR COMMODORES BOWL-A-THON: The day’s first bowling fundraiser at West Seattle Bowl raises money for the Seafair Scholarship Program for Women and for the Commodores, one of the Seafair families. Check-in starts at 9, bowling shortly after. Info in our calendar listing. (39th SW/SW Oregon)
WEST SEATTLE LITTLE LEAGUE JAMBOREE: The West Seattle Little League season begins at Bar-S Playfield with T-Ball players at 9:30 am, coach pitch at 12:30 pm, rookies at 3:45 pm. Games go through 7:15 pm. Older kids play Sunday. (64th SW/SW Admiral)
COMMUNITY GENERAL STORE SPRING CELEBRATION: 10 am-2 pm, the Community General Store invites you to “come celebrate our new pocket theater with food, story-telling, poetry, and music! We’ll have an open mic, a few select instruments, and drinks to share. Please bring your friends, family, and a dish to pass. This event is family-friendly and free for all!” (5214 Delridge Way SW)
FIRST ANNIVERSARY: Westside Bicycle is celebrating its first year 10 am-6 pm today. (3418 Harbor SW)
(added) SEATTLE-MADE POP-UP: At Sound & Fog, 10 am-3 pm.
SilverSheep Jewelry
Irene Akio Illustrations
Radley Raven (men’s accessories)
Uphill Designs (outdoor adventure gear)
(4735 40th SW)
WEST SEATTLE CLOTHESLINE GRAND OPENING: As previewed here, you are invited to stop by the new location of West Seattle Helpline‘s “free clothing store,” and bring a donation if you can! Noon-3 pm. Free barbecue! (4401 42nd SW)
FREE KINDERMUSIK: All kids welcome, especially babies/toddlers, 12:30 pm – free weekly Kindermusik at My Three Little Birds (WSB sponsor) in south Morgan Junction. (6959 California SW)
HRC BOWLING FOR EQUALITY: Three sessions of benefit bowling at West Seattle Bowl – 3 pm, 6 pm, 9 pm – as detailed in our calendar listing, raising money for the Human Rights Campaign, with hostess Dolly Madison. (39th SW/SW Oregon)
WEST SEATTLE FOOD BANK OPEN HOUSE: 3 pm-6 pm, visit the West Seattle Food Bank for a firsthand look at its new “shopping model.” Beverages and appetizers – all welcome, all ages! (35th SW/SW Morgan)
JOYAS MESTIZAS RECITAL/BENEFIT: Doors open at Hiawatha Community Center at 5 pm for silent-auction bidding, recital at 6 pm featuring “traditional folklorico dances from regions across Mexico, performed by youth ages 5-20!” More in our calendar listing. (2700 California SW)
BURGUNDY PEARL: Acoustic duo Peggy Sullivan and Ron Dalton at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)
DUWAMISH ROWING CLUB FUN(DRAISER): 6 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club, your ticket includes chili dinner and drink, special guest speaker Bob Ernst, silent auction and drawing, special guest speaker Bob Ernst (former UW rowing coach), and DJ playing the vinyl you bring. Details in our calendar listing. Proceeds benefit youth programs presented by our area’s only rowing club. (12th SW/SW Holden)
WEST SEATTLE BOOSTER CLUB FUN(DRAISER): 7:30 pm at Slim’s Last Chance, band The Groove Surfers at 9, with proceeds benefiting WSHS athletics, band, and cheer. (5606 1st Ave. S.)
TERESA TUDURY: Comedy singer-songwriter at Kenyon Hall, 7:30 pm. (7904 35th SW)
MORE SATURDAY NIGHTLIFE … see the listings on our complete-calendar page!