West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 break-ins while residents slept – then, a neighbor’s kindness

Another reader report of burglars breaking in while people were home – in this case, asleep. From RA at West Ridge Apartments (7900 block of Delridge Way SW):

Last night, sometime between 2-830 am, two homes were broken into. In my unit, the burglars entered through the kitchen window, over the kitchen sink and into our home, where they stole my 11 year old son’s PlayStation.

Two buildings down, our neighbors lost much more. Laptops, phones, tablets, car keys, and wallets. The burglars were brazen enough to enter my neighbor’s bedrooms, as well as their 16 year old daughter’s bedroom, while they were asleep, and take things right off the nightstand.

Police responded this morning and reports were filed for both incidents. They also obtained several fingerprints from our window. A big thank you to SPD for making this a priority among the chaos this weekend

THE GOOD NEWS: My next-door neighbor, whom I have only known for three months, stopped my house with a NEW PS4 for my son!! He stated, “I knew you were under a lot of stress today, and wanted you to have one less worry.” In all of the ugliness in this world, we are reminded of the abundance of generosity and kindness out there.

10 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 break-ins while residents slept - then, a neighbor's kindness"

  • curious August 21, 2016 (10:10 pm)

    Were the break ins BOTH thru the kitchen window?  Were the windows open?  I only ask because it was so hot out … making it less noisy to enter a screen then breaking a glass window.

    Yes, VERY lovely the neighbor helping out with the playstation – it’s nice to know there are decent human beings in the world!

    • Rachael August 21, 2016 (11:06 pm)

      My kitchen window was closed but not locked. Sadly it was the first night I took sleeping medication for a recent bout of insomnia, and I was already quite groggy when I made my rounds locking up the house. I slept through what must have been a noisy entry, and normally I wake up to everything! My neighbors accidentally left their back door unlocked, which is how the perps entered. What kills me about this all is that these people walked from apartment to apartment checking for unlocked doors and windows, all under the cover of night while my children slept. Unnerving to say the least.

      It it is a HUGE wake up to be extra mindful of locking doors and windows on these hot summer nights. A hard lesson to learn, I hope others take heed and prevent similar incidents from happening.

  • Rob August 22, 2016 (7:14 am)

    We had a “visitor” try our sliding glass door early Sunday morning, just south of Roxbury Lanes. Luckily the door chime got the dogs barking. 

  • Rachael August 22, 2016 (11:37 am)

    Our neighbor had a security camera, and captured an image of the perps shoes. They are pretty unique. We have been told to contact police if we see an individual wearing these shoes in our community.

    I am telling you this because if the individual goes to sell these items on Craig’s list and you meet them in person, and you recognize these shoes- please contact me with a link to the ad or contact the police referencing case #16-302100. Do not put yourself in danger by confronting the individual personally. 

    Here are the images:


    My info: rach.abh@gmail.com

  • lookingforlogic August 22, 2016 (12:27 pm)

    Your neighbors should batten down the hatches too, because they were successful in all probability they will return.

    Also, periodically conduct a thorough window and door check.  I found a remote window unlocked at a clients house after a housecleaning service had been there.   Also, plant or place objects to block windows and put down a chalk mark or something so that you can see if it has been moved.  If you leave a window open for cool air install a stopping mechanism to prevent from opening wide.   I have nothing worth stealing but the damage and insecurity from someone breaking into my house is too anxiety producing for me to deal with.  I have invested less than a $100 in installing simple preventatives so that it is arduous to rip me off.  

  • ohwellmaybenot August 22, 2016 (2:16 pm)

    Rachael- thanks for posting the images!

    I will surely be keeping an eye out. 

    I wonder if apartment management will notify the residents as well. Seems that this may have happened in a section of the community that I am in too. So scary, and frustrating. 

  • Rachael August 22, 2016 (5:12 pm)
    A good samaritan identified the shoes: 

    “Nike Huarache Run Ultra” in the attached image.  
  • Double Dub Resident August 22, 2016 (5:26 pm)

    Well those shoes are about $120, so it’s highly probable that this worthless POS stole those too.  I’d say almost 100% probable. 

  • DA August 22, 2016 (7:34 pm)

    Apartment management did send out an email to residents.

  • Rachael August 22, 2016 (8:32 pm)

    An email went out to the entire Westridge Park community. The images of the suspect were captured by a resident, who gave them to our management, who then sent the images out to all of us. The apartment management team has been more than willing to help resolve security issues, and catch the people that did this.

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