Westwood/Roxhill Find It, Fix It Walk, report #1


We counted at least 130 people at the start of West Seattle’s second Find It, Fix It Community Walk. It wrapped up in Roxhill Park just after 8 pm. While it was certainly planned, it wasn’t staged, and there were some raw moments, including resident Ami standing at the bottom of a problem-plagued stairway at 22nd and Henderson, playing a video by a former neighbor (see it here) who moved away, saying she couldn’t take the threats and trouble any more but begging the mayor to help those still there.


Lots of photos and video – and the commitments we heard – to come, in our second report.

7 Replies to "Westwood/Roxhill Find It, Fix It Walk, report #1"

  • mad in WS July 25, 2016 (9:33 pm)

    Personally, I don’t care what this man has to say until he is talking from one of those massive piles of garbage under the bridge.  I understand homelessness is a complicated problem but cleaning up garbage is simple.  It is unconscionable in this city of so much wealth that we have people living amidst piles of filth.  Mayor Murray, lets trade the cost of painting crosswalks fun colors for some extra shifts for the refuse companies.

  • Daniel Newsome July 25, 2016 (10:33 pm)

    Thank you to all who participated in this.  I live at 20th and Henderson and the crime in these few blocks is like nothing I’ve ever experienced.  It’s non-stop.   I don’t call 911 for 95% of the things that happen, just so they DO answer when it comes to a life or death matter.  I’ve called 911 (7) times in the last month.  

    I’ve found people sleeping in my yard, my cars broken into, gang graffiti multiple times.  People have fired guns at my house, there is constant bumping car stereos.  There are so many drug houses around here.  The trash is out of control. People will find every possible way to be bothersome at every hour of the night.   I’ve only lived here 8 months and I feel like I’m going to have to move away soon if something isn’t done.  

    I’ve contacted the mayor’s office to no avail.  If there is anyone out there who can help, please do.  I have gone from a happy, well-rested person to someone who is woken up constantly by crazy wandering meth addicts.  I have loaded guns all over my house and a security system and now I’m just sleep deprived, paranoid, gun-toting home-owner and tired of all the terrible people around here.  I never thought I would be this person. 

    • AmandaKH July 26, 2016 (1:38 pm)

      Hey Daniel.  So sorry you are going through all of this.  Here is my list:

      1) WWRHAH meeting Monday at 6:15 SW Library –  SPD will be there for a Police Focus Group.  That portion starts at 6:45

      2) Our Community Patrol Team (CPT) officers are amazing.  Officer Jon Flores 206.386.1088 jonathan.flores@seattle.gov or John O’Neil john.oneil@seattle.gov (I don’t have his phone number!)

      3) Find It, Fix It app.  Especially for the dumping and graffiti.  They are on it super fast.  Or you can call the Complaint line 206.684.2489 

      4) Block Watch:  Although they are on hiatus as a group, I bet you can contact them for info about if your block has a Block Watch Captain.  wsblockwatchnet@gmail.com or (206) 424-0040.  If you don’t have an established block watch, Mark Solomon mark.solomon@seattle.gov of the SPD is the Community Liaison and can help you establish one.

      5) Call 911 for everything criminal and suspicious (excessive noise only after 10 pm) and ask for an incident number.  Get your neighbors to call.  The way they determine coverage is by 911 metric.  It’s kinda strange, but that’s the way they do it.

      You are not alone!  But remember, changes come in the form of government – slow as molasses.

      Take Care,

      Amanda Kay Helmick
      WWRHAH Chair

  • mike July 25, 2016 (11:44 pm)


    You have at two upcoming opportunities to discuss this with SPD.  There is also the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council however that is on recess until end of summer. 

    Please  try to call 911 or the emergency number most of the time. SPD uses those calls to track where resources are needed. If we do not call, SPD does not know there is a problem! When you talk to the SPD they use those calls to determine how many other people notice the problem. 

    Monday August 1st 6:15-7:45 pm WESTWOOD/ROXHILL/ARBOR HEIGHTS
    (at the Westwood/Roxhill/Arbor Heights community meeting- at the SW
    Branch of the Seattle Public Library in the meeting room- 9010 35th Ave

    Monday August 8th 6-7pm SOUTH DELRIDGE/DELRIDGE TRIANGLE (at the SW Precinct community meeting room- 2300 SW Webster St)


    Please consider coming to the South Delridge Community Council meetings which are held on the third Sunday of the month at 10am.  We’ll be meeting at Fresh Flours bakery in August.

  • mike July 25, 2016 (11:47 pm)

    Re Illegal Dumping Pickup: The Find It Fix It App is amazing for this exact purpose. The app allows you to locate the dumpsite using gps, then you write a description and send it to the city. Typically a few days later a city crew cleans it up. I use it regularly to deal with illegally dumped stuff including piles under the bridge.

  • Melissa July 26, 2016 (1:13 pm)

    Daniel –  I agree with Mike.  You should attend one of the meetings and allow your concerns to be heard.  If you don’t want to call 911 you can call the non-emergency number.

    The Find It Fix It app is great for reporting illegal dumping, graffiti and other things.

  • Daniel Newsome July 26, 2016 (5:25 pm)

    Thanks for the advice everyone.  It’s so frustrating to buy a home and then move in to so many problems, but these are nice constructive ways of working towards a better neighborhood.

    I’ll definitely come to some of these meetings.

Sorry, comment time is over.