West Seattle Wednesday: Sealth safety meeting; 34th Dems talk caucus; more…

Happy midweek! Highlights for today/tonight from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

LOCAL BIZ MEETUP: At noon, take a break, bring your lunch, see who shows up for this week’s meetup at West Seattle Office Junction (WSB sponsor). Free! (6040 California SW)

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AT THE MOVIES: 1 pm, Terry’s Matinee Treats on the second floor of the Senior Center of West Seattle, featuring “Mud” with Matthew McConaughey and Reese Witherspoon. Here’s the trailer:

Suggested donation $1-$2. (California SW/SW Oregon)

DINE OUT AND HELP WSHS’S TRACK TEAM: 5-10 pm, Pecado Bueno in The Junction is donating All-You-Can-Eat Taco Bar proceeds to the West Seattle High School track team, which is raising money for much-needed new uniforms. $15/person, $10/kids 12 and under. (4523 California SW)

GROUP RUN & FREE ROLLERSIZER CLASS: First, the run leaves West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) at 6:15 pm; then, the free class – bring a yoga mat! Details here. (2743 California SW)

STUDENT SAFETY MEETING: 7 pm, come talk about keeping students safe on and off campus at Chief Sealth International High School and Denny International Middle School. In the Sealth library; hosted by CSIHS and its PTSA. (2600 SW Thistle)

34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS: 7 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy, looking ahead to the March 26th caucuses and reviewing social-equity issues from the almost-over Legislature session. (Added 1:40 pm – details)

7:30 Our main program: Panel discussion, moderated by Attorney and 34th PCO Jamila Johnson.
How Did Good Social Equity Policy Fare in Olympia?

Panel Members:
Rachel Myers, Executive Director, Washington Low Income Housing Alliance/Washington Housing
Alliance Action Fund
Janet Chung, Legal & Legislative Counsel, Legal Voice
Doug Honig, Communications Director, ACLU of Washington

8:10 Elect representatives to the State Democratic Convention to serve on the Credentials, Rules, and
Platform and Resolutions Committees.

8:20 New Business
 Endorsements may be considered
 Appointment of PCOs
 Resolutions

More info here. (9131 California SW)

‘VIOLET’: Second week of ArtsWest‘s newest production, curtain time 7:30 pm for the musical summarized as: “On a cross-country bus trip in search of a minister to heal her scarred face, one woman discovers the true meaning of beauty, courage, and love.” (4711 California SW)

MORE! on our complete calendar.

1 Reply to "West Seattle Wednesday: Sealth safety meeting; 34th Dems talk caucus; more..."

  • JanS March 9, 2016 (1:18 pm)

    Go see Violet at Arts West. I saw it this past Sunday, and it is superb. Standing ovations. You will not be disappointed !

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