Thanks to James Bratsanos for the photo of the snowy Olympics emerging this morning! Now, looking ahead to the rest of the day – from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and year-round Event Calendar:
FOOD TRUCK BACK AT C & P: 11 am-2 pm, you get another chance to try Napkin Friends, the “latke-sandwich food truck,” at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), parked out back. (5612 California SW)
GRAB YOUR LUNCH AND TAKE IT TO … the free weekly networking meetup at our area’s only coworking center, West Seattle Office Junction (WSB sponsor), a few blocks south – details here. (6040 California SW)
HOLIDAY CRAFTS/WRAPPING FOR TEENS: Another drop-in session for teens to make gifts and wrap them at Hiawatha Community Center, 2:30-4 pm each day. Details in our listing. (2700 California SW)
COLLEGE PREP WORKSHOP: Trust us, if someone in your household is looking ahead to college, there’s no such thing as being TOO prepared. So check out this 4 pm workshop at High Point Community Center. (6920 34th SW)
DO A GOOD DEED – CAROL! As we noted late last night, a West Seattle woman is asking for volunteer carolers to join her for a few minutes to make a very ill neighbor (who is a retired police officer) happy – meet at 4:30 pm in the 3600 block of 48th SW.
‘CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS!’ Community Christmas party tonight at Trinity West Seattle, 6:30 pm. “Everyone is welcome! There will be pictures with Santa, ‘Santa’s Workshop’ (crafts and activities for kids), live music by Lindstrom & Company, and a dessert bar.” (7551 35th SW)
HOLIDAY MUSIC: Sounds of Christmas concert at Hope Lutheran Church, 7 pm: “Join us for a fantastic evening of music performed by the Hope School Choir, Glee Club, Bell Choir, and the Seattle Lutheran High School band. All are welcome and encouraged to come join the festivities!” (42nd SW & SW Oregon)
34TH DISTRICT REPUBLICANS: 7 pm at the American Legion Hall in The Triangle, it’s the group’s holiday party, with guest Sen. Mark Miloscia, who’s running for state auditor. (3618 SW Alaska)
HIGH-SCHOOL BASKETBALL: 7:30 pm home games for the girls-varsity teams at West Seattle HS (vs. Lakeside; 3000 California SW) and Chief Sealth IHS (vs. Rainier Beach; 2600 SW Thistle).
AND ONE MORE LOOK AT THE OLYMPICS … got this from John Bartell moments after we had published this, so, adding!

Thanks again to our photo contributors – editor@westseattleblog.com or if it’s breaking, you can also text 206-293-6302!
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