West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen-and-found reader reports

Starting this afternoon’s West Seattle Crime Watch roundup – Byron was hit by Halloween-decorations theft:

We had a few strings of lights, a string of 8 legs, arms, feet and hands (good quality molded body parts), and a few skulls stolen from our yard on Hanford and 38th. Oh how sad.


Someone took our toddler’s white and blue Strider bike and big orange stroller from our front porch last night. We’re in the 5200 block of 36th Ave SW. Don’t expect to see them again, but we did file an online report.

STROLLER FOUND: A stroller stolen earlier is one of the possibly stolen items found by another reader:

Thursday morning at around 6:15 AM while walking our dogs on 32nd Ave SW between Thistle and Elmgrove St. my friend and I found a discarded stroller and nice jacket. These items were thrown onto the sidewalk, leading us to believe they were possibly stolen and discarded? We would like to get them back to the owner (s). I am happy to arrange the return but would like for anyone claiming these items to please describe the jacket and the make of the stroller. I can be reached via this email address: turtle05071@aol.com

BIKE FOUND: Another item found – possibly stolen property – by Allison:

Last week I found a BMX bike on the side of my house. I live at 30th and Roxbury accross from Roxhill Elementary. I’m thinking the bike was stole and stashed on the side of house?

Thanks again for sharing your reports – go to the police first, but once you’ve done that, please let us know so your neighbors ALL around West Seattle can stay in touch with what’s happening. And be safe this Hallo-weekend! We work 24/7, so you can get breaking news to us any time – text or call 206-293-6302 – thanks!

9 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen-and-found reader reports"

  • LafayetteMom October 30, 2015 (2:23 pm)

    So sorry Byron – your home is one of the highlights on our morning walks. Hope the culprits realize how uncool they actually are – really lame.

  • Brenda October 30, 2015 (2:47 pm)

    Yes Byron, I was thinking just the other day please don’t let people mess with these awesome decorations! They were SO cool!!!

  • sam-c October 30, 2015 (2:53 pm)

    wait, are the crime round ups going to be a daily thing now ? (like the daily traffic report?) that’s sad. Hope people get their things back. Stealing peoples’ decorations is low. My son really wanted an inflatable decoration this year. We got it, but I told him we wouldn’t put it out til halloween night cause I didn’t want it to get stolen.

  • Oakley34 October 30, 2015 (3:35 pm)

    considering all these stolen items constantly being dumped in alleys etc I wonder, WSB, if you’ve thought about adding a lost and found items section like your lost pets section?

    • WSB October 30, 2015 (3:54 pm)

      Oak, yes, we’ve thought about it. The forum is the default for now but we’ve been deferring naming a separate section until our overhaul goes live. Still mulling how to do it otherwise.

  • CP October 30, 2015 (3:36 pm)

    Hi I am the person who found the stroller and the jacket. To clarify it was a stroller that was found not a car seat. If you think these items belong to you please shoot me an email with a description of the items. The jacket is unique and I do not think it was just thrown out. My email is

    • WSB October 30, 2015 (3:54 pm)


  • sacatosh October 30, 2015 (10:09 pm)

    Byron, by your walk location, we’re neighbors! We’re approx 31 & Cloverdale. Is your house the lovely-decorated one on the NW corner of 31 & Thistle by chance with the amazing garden? I’ve been admiring that yard since we moved in and haven’t gotten down there to say so in person.

  • BelvidereMom November 1, 2015 (8:58 am)

    Wondering about the BMX bike found near Roxhill. We are on the lookout for my son’s fluorescent green Redline, stolen a few weeks ago from our yard.

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