UPDATE: ‘Small electrical fire’ at house in Arbor Heights

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)
10:20 PM: All those sirens are from a big Seattle Fire response headed to a possible house fire in the 10200 block of 32nd SW in Arbor Heights [map]. Updates to come.

10:23 PM: Crews are starting to arrive. Early word is that the fire started in the living room, and that everyone got out of the house OK.

10:28 PM: Per scanner, they’re scaling back the response. The fire has been declared “tapped.”

10:43 PM: Our crew has talked with the incident commander, who says it was a “small electrical fire” that’s now out; nobody hurt, and the residents will be able to go back inside shortly.

7 Replies to "UPDATE: 'Small electrical fire' at house in Arbor Heights"

  • AA August 3, 2015 (10:25 pm)

    I’m in Arbor Heights and have been smelling smoke. I hope it isn’t a bad fire and everyone is safe.

  • tiff August 3, 2015 (10:26 pm)

    live a block from 35th and more and more sirens keep coming every few minutes .

  • BigRed August 3, 2015 (10:30 pm)

    On 28th Ave SW and listening to all the sirens. Glad to hear everyone made it out ok!!

  • Andi August 3, 2015 (10:31 pm)

    Glad to know everyone got out all right.

  • Jordan Munro August 3, 2015 (11:06 pm)

    Wow. So many fire trucks (4, 1 of them ladder) and multiple fire chief trucks and ambulances. We live right down the street! Glad everyone is okay.

  • Erich August 3, 2015 (11:38 pm)

    I live directly across the street from the house fire which was a small fire due the alert residents inside and the quick response of the fire department (no cutting through the roof required, mops are).
    The Seattle Fire Department was amazing to watch. Their response time was ~2 minutes and, even with 10 SFD response/support vehichles & hoses in the house and then back in the trucks, they were gone in <40 minutes. They are clearly well choreographed and instantly effective.

  • Ben August 4, 2015 (8:09 am)

    That was quite a response from the SFD. I thought the neighborhood was on fire

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