Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation celebrates retiring minister Rev. Peg Boyle Morgan

The biggest party on Gatewood Hill tonight is at the Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation church at California/Othello – in honor of Rev. Peg Boyle Morgan (above), who’s retiring after 13 years. The party includes a lasagna dinner …

… and marimba music:

Rev. Morgan’s tenure with WSUU included its purchase of, renovation of, and move five years ago into the Gatewood church building, a home of its own after two decades of meeting in rented space. WSUU will welcome an interim minister, Rev. Beatrice Hitchcock, in August; she’s coming from the same role with a congregation in Anchorage, Alaska. But first, Rev. Morgan will preside at tomorrow’s 10:30 am service, at which she’ll be formally installed as WSUU’s Minister Emerita and will share her “best hopes for Westside’s future.”

1 Reply to "Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation celebrates retiring minister Rev. Peg Boyle Morgan"

  • Matt June 21, 2015 (12:02 am)

    Westside UU is a truly special congregation. Peg will be most certainly be missed, but she has helped to create a loving community that grows stronger and stronger as time goes on. Anyone looking for a unique spiritual home should stop by for a visit and see what all the buzz is about.

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