ORIGINAL REPORT, FRIDAY MORNING: Thanks to everyone who called and messaged this morning with word that Zatz A Better Bagel in The Admiral District has announced it’s closing its doors after Sunday. We went to the shop to confirm this, and also have spoken with its proprietor. Zatz has been listed for sale for a while, but no buyer has come forward, owner Don Nolan told WSB by phone. He says they’re closing because the business has been “in Chapter 11.” He’s owned the shop for 9 years, and it had been open for a decade before he took it over. Zatz’s closure will leave four restaurant/bar spaces shuttered within one Admiral block, following the Benbow (ex-Heartland Café) in March, The Cask last fall, and Royal India Grill in May 2014.
ADDED SUNDAY NIGHT: We went by late this afternoon in hopes of catching the final bagel buyers, but by 4 pm (an hour earlier than posted), Zatz was already closed, empty racks visible through the window. Here’s the sign on the door:

We heard from several readers who said Saturday was busy too; Christine sent us a note Saturday morning pointing out the crowd and saying that, as a regular, she was shocked to hear about the imminent closure: “We’re here this morning having our last Scrambagel and thanking the great staff for all the years of wonderful memories and.delicious bagels!”