West Seattle Friday: Books, sports, games, film, wine, more!

April 3, 2015 11:06 am
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Highlights for the rest of today and tonight include a West Seattle couple known for walking and writing:

CATHY & JAKE JARAMILLO @ WORDS, WRITERS, WEST SEATTLE: The authors of “Seattle Stairway Walks” are in that clip, inviting you to tonight’s edition of WWWS, 5-7 pm at Barnes & Noble/Westwood Village, presented by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society. More info here. (2800 SW Barton)

SPEAKING OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Out of school early today? Take a trip to the Log House Museum, which is open noon-4 pm as usual. (61st/Stevens)

FRIDAY AFTERNOON AT THE MOVIES: 1 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle, today’s movie is “Fargo.” (Oregon/California)

HIGH-SCHOOL SPORTS: Chief Sealth International High School varsity teams have home games at Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle) – baseball vs. Nathan Hale and softball vs. Rainier Beach, both at 4 pm. West Seattle High School‘s varsity baseball team has two on-peninsula games as well – 3:30 pm baseball at Hiawatha (2700 California SW) vs. Ballard, 3:30 pm softball at SWAC, also vs. Ballard.

GAME NIGHT AT CORNER BAR: It’s Game Night at this month’s edition of Corner Bar at Highland Park Improvement Club, 6 pm, full details here. (12th/Holden)

BIN 41 TURNS 5: 6-7:30 pm, the weekly wine tasting at Bin 41 celebrates the Junction wine shop’s fifth anniversary. Local winemaker Darby English is in the spotlight. (4707 California SW)

‘PAJAMA GAME’ AT WSHS: 7:30 pm curtain for the West Seattle High School Drama Club production at the WSHS Theater. (3000 California SW)

PASSOVER & GOOD FRIDAY: For Good Friday services, check local churches’ schedules, linked from our WSB Easter & More page. Meantime, Passover begins at sundown tonight. (You can always find sunset/sunrise times on the WSB West Seattle Weather page.) No public events that we know of.

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