(Photo by Long B. Nguyen: Luna/Anchor Park, Don Armeni, & Hamilton Viewpoint all visible)
The weekend before Thanksgiving is the full-on kickoff for the holidays, and today’s slate of highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar won’t disappoint:
TURKEY GIVEAWAY: From 9 am until supplies run out, Eastridge Church is again giving away turkeys and bags of groceries to anyone who shows up – no proof of need required. (39th/Oregon)
SOUTHEAST ASIAN EDUCATION SUMMIT: 9 am-4 pm at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor), presented by Southeast Asian/American Access in Education – free to attend; details in our calendar listing. (6000 16th SW)
LONGFELLOW CREEK SALMON WALK: 10 am, meet Puget Soundkeeper Alliance stewards at Dragonfly Pavilion to embark on an exploration of Longfellow Creek, learning about its salmon, as previewed in this WSB report. (28th/Dakota)
J.F. HENRY OPEN HOUSE, DAY 1: 10 am-6 pm, first day of the big Holiday Open House at J.F. Henry Cooking and Dining (WSB sponsor) in The Junction. Deals, demonstrations, treats, more – see who and what will be there and when, by going here. (4445 California SW)
JUNCTION TRUE VALUE OPEN HOUSE: 10 am-2 pm, the big holiday open house at Junction True Value (WSB sponsor)! Refreshments, gifts, prizes. Coupon for ornaments, good Saturday/Sunday. Bring nonperishable food donations for the West Seattle Food Bank! (4747 44th SW)
GREAT BIG BAZAAR: 10 am-3 pm, first day of the Great Big Bazaar at Peace Lutheran Church in Gatewood – details in our calendar listing. (39th/Thistle)
NORTHWEST ART & FRAME OPEN HOUSE: 10 am-5:30 pm, including demonstrations, refreshments, specials. (4733 California SW)
WHITE CENTER FOOD BANK HOLIDAY FOOD DONATIONS:11 am-2 pm, drop off turkeys (or cash) at the WC Food Bank‘s headquarters. (10829 8th SW)
CLOTHING-DONATION DROPOFFS AT VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER: Again this year, West Seattle’s Vietnamese Cultural Center is going to spend Thanksgiving helping homeless people, and they’d love to have your help, via donations of clothing/socks/etc. You can drop the items off today (and/or tomorrow), 11 am-5 pm, at the center. (2236 SW Orchard)
FREE LUNCH AT WSPC: Hungry? Chilly? Just need some good company? Noon-1:30 pm, you’re welcome to come have lunch, free, at West Side Presbyterian Church. (3601 California SW)
KITTY HARBOR ‘PRE-BLACK FRIDAY DOORBUSTERS‘: Noon-5 pm, pre-holiday cat/kitten adoption specials at Kitty Harbor, as detailed here. (3422 Harbor SW)
WEST SEATTLE FOOD BANK TURKEY DRIVE: 1-4 pm, drop off turkeys (or cash) at the WS Food Bank‘s headquarters. (35th/Morgan)
TEA WITH GEORGIE: She’s a comic, a musician, a writer, a rabblerouser … Don’t miss the chance to spend the afternoon in the company of West Seattle’s one-of-a-kind Georgie Bright Kunkel, 3 pm at Kenyon Hall. (7904 35th SW)
ARTS & CRAFTS SALE PLUS CRECHE EXHIBIT: 3-5 pm, first of two days at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church‘s newly expanded annual event – handmade holiday items for sale, plus a chance to see an exhibit of creches. (California/Hanford)
BEER CHURCH’S TURKEY BOWL: 5:30 pm at West Seattle Bowl. The lanes are sold out but you are invited to come down, cheer the Beer Church and its bowlers, have a brew, buy a raffle ticket, and most importantly, bring food (and/or money!) for the West Seattle Food Bank, which gets a big boost from this every year – and this is the 16th annual edition! (39th/Oregon)
WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITY ORCHESTRAS’ GALA: As previewed here earlier this week, tonight is the night to celebrate with the West Seattle Community Orchestras at Highland Park Improvement Club, and help them support student music! Doors open at 6; we’re told there’s still room. (12th/Holden)
FLOURISH BEAUTY SHOPPING EVENT & DONATION DRIVE: 6-9 pm, with local vendors plus raffle/donation drive for West Seattle Helpline – details in our calendar listing. (Fauntleroy/Raymond)
THE BURNZ AT EASY STREET: 7 pm, free all-ages in-store concert with Seattle’s own The Burnz at Easy Street Records in The Junction. (California/Alaska)
‘DOGFIGHT,’ FINAL NIGHT: 7:30 pm, closing night for the musical “Dogfight” at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) in The Junction. (4711 California SW)
SOUTHWEST TEEN LIFE CENTER LATE-NIGHT THANKSGIVING: 8 pm, ages 13-19 get to celebrate early with a full Thanksgiving dinner at Southwest TLC. (2801 SW Thistle)
ALL THAT, BUT STILL … there’s more! Go directly to our calendar to see for yourself.