West Seattle weekend scenes: North Delridge Tree Walk

(Photos by Holli Margell of Holli With An I Photography)
Do you take the trees in your neighborhood for granted? One way to shake that ennui – organize a Tree Walk. That’s what Patrick Baer did in North Delridge today, and about 30 people joined him, including photographer Holli Margell, who shared these photos. Above, that’s Patrick with the Heritage Cully River Birch. The walk started at Greg Davis Park, and the group heard about the park’s origins.

From left in that photo are Lisa Taylor-Whitney, Patrick Baer, Councilmember Tom Rasmussen, and Tanya Baer. The route included part of the Longfellow Creek Trail:

And a stop under the canopy of a Lawson Cypress:

Find out more about tree walks around the city and how to be a Tree Ambassador, by going here.

3 Replies to "West Seattle weekend scenes: North Delridge Tree Walk"

  • NW September 13, 2014 (8:11 pm)

    Thanks for covering this if you follow the link forterra working in conjunction with the city is trying to get citizens interested in becoming tree ambassador’s like the individual who lead this group and also those interested in getting work parties together to target neglected public tiny owned spaces and properties in our communities. About 8 of us total in 4 hours we able to with the tools and dumpster provided thru the city clear and overgrown path that leads to the bridge that spans Fauntleroy at Andover st. . It was rewarding work and long over due and although SDOT should by all means be doing it I believe they just down have the resources.

  • John September 13, 2014 (9:21 pm)

    Councilman Rasmussen seems to be communicating something with his sweatshirt.

  • Alice September 14, 2014 (12:55 am)

    Another West Seattle Naturalist!

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