West Seattle Crime Watch: Hit and run; stolen packages

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch this afternoon – first, from Kristy:

Saturday night (8/2) around 10:15 pm I was driving north bound on 35th Ave SW when, at the Roxbury intersection, a brown two-door older car blew through his red light heading west and t-boned my black toyota prius. If anyone has information, please contact police (incident #14-254719). He backed east on Roxbury after it happened and then took off. His car sustained front end damage and we did get a partial license plate thanks to a helpful witness (who thoughtfully stayed with me until police arrived).

Thanks so much, West Seattle!

Not far south, Fumiko in Arbor Heights says package thieves have hit:

My friend suggested that I contact the blog and let you know that I had one package stolen from my front door step on July 23rd (USPS confirmed delivery on that day) and also about 6 months ago I had another package stolen from the same location. I live on 35th near 100th.

3 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Hit and run; stolen packages"

  • Amy August 4, 2014 (1:23 pm)

    That’s terrible, Kristy! I hope you (and anyone with you) weren’t injured. Hopefully the police will find that driver.

  • HelperMonkey August 4, 2014 (1:48 pm)

    I live in the area and go through that intersection frequently – scary stuff, Kristy! Hope you all are ok. I will keep my eyes open in the neighborhood for brown, older car with damage. Thinking if they were headed W on Roxbury they must live in that neighborhood since it’s not exactly a thru-way.

  • newesty August 4, 2014 (3:06 pm)

    i live on 44th near 101st and had a package stolen a few weeks ago. i was told by some neighbors that around the holidays people were driving around watching UPS drop packages and then stealing them from peoples door steps. i have all my packages delivered to my husbands office now. it sucks.

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