West Seattle Crime Watch: Admiral scuffle leads to BB shooting

Just talked with police about an Admiral incident that several asked us about this afternoon. According to Seattle Police spokesperson Det. Drew Fowler, it boiled down to a fight involving four people outside Admiral Safeway just before 3 pm. Two were brothers, ages 16 and 17; the other two’s identities aren’t known. Police are still sorting out the motive for the fight but say that at one point, one of the unknown two suspects shot one of the brothers in the face with a BB gun. There also were reports of punches thrown, but in the end, what happened was so convoluted that Seattle Fire medic crews came and went from the scene twice – finally, the victim was taken to a hospital. His injuries are not described as major. No one’s been arrested.

10 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Admiral scuffle leads to BB shooting"

  • Mr Elliott July 21, 2014 (6:03 pm)

    In the FACE? Thank goodness the gun involved only shot BBs. I don’t even want to imagine the lives that would be ruined forever because of heavier artillery.

    • WSB July 21, 2014 (6:05 pm)

      This is just the boiled-down version – I hope the full police report might be available tomorrow. Before talking to field crews, the public-affairs detective skimmed through the log of the call while on the phone during my first call, and it was really a convoluted tale … even regarding sorting out how the victim had been hurt … TR

  • newnative July 21, 2014 (7:26 pm)

    I was just going into the store when this guy was getting first aid from the Safeway management. He looked pretty bad. He seemed to be alone at the time. When I asked a cashier what happened they said, oh some drunk guy got hurt.

  • JanS July 21, 2014 (8:30 pm)

    drunk? These are teenagers…although I’ve seen my share of younger looking people walking down the alley behind me with bottles of something akin to beer(and one was carrying a couple of what looked like cheap champagne. No bag…just carrying them.Again, could have been sparkling apple juice for all I know…. I live directly east of Adm. Safeway, across the street from it.

    And, yes, Mr. Elliott, it’s bad enough it was a BB gun…glad it wasn’t more.

    • WSB July 21, 2014 (8:53 pm)

      Part of the early text police were reading to me indicated that at least two people involved were believed to be under the influence of something. Again, I hope to get the full police narrative sometime tomorrow, and will update, so check back if interested – Tracy

  • Mike July 21, 2014 (8:51 pm)

    Who carries a BB gun around?

  • Eric July 22, 2014 (12:13 pm)

    Jan, you seem shocked that the word teenagers and drunk could be in the same sentence. Remembering myself as a teenager going to countless keg parties in Lincoln Park, Whiskey Woods, and Bon Air, it certainly isn’t unreasonable to think that a teenager could be drunk.

  • wade lynch July 22, 2014 (3:14 pm)

    what was the kid doing to get shot with the bb gun in a public place? whats the real story here?

  • Rick July 22, 2014 (4:00 pm)

    Yeah,keggers behind the horseshoe pits!

  • WestofJunction July 23, 2014 (10:47 am)

    The sad thing is that these kids should have been taking classes, working, volunteering, or a combination of these. That they were just hanging around is really a bad idea. And thoose of us who wanted to do things we were not supposed to do at least tried to do it away from adults. That these kids were hanging out in a public place and misbehaving shows a real lack of fear for consequences.

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