‘Keep High Point Green’: Gardening teams get going, starting with Middle College High School students

Students from Middle College High School (based at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center) are doing it – and you can do it too! Deborah Vandermar from the High Point Neighborhood Association shares the photos and an update on Keep High Point Green:

Keep High Point Green (KHPG) is a project that evolved last year as a community response to High Point’s need for weed control and its commitment to sending only clean water to Longfellow creek by avoiding the use of herbicides. HP Open Spaces Association assigned 30 plots including park beds, roundabouts, and parking strips to the The High Point Neighborhood Association (HPNA) for maintenance.

KHPG has been organizing teams of neighbors in and around High Point into teams to weed and providing ongoing classes that include garden analysis, plant selection and garden design. These classes are conducted by green gardening experts such as Vera Johnson of the Village Green Perennial Nursery and Janice Nyman, Architect and Landscape Designer.

The HPNA won a grant from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods to cover child care, translation, and outreach so that all members of the High Point Community can be engaged. Seattle Public Utilities partnered with KHPG to produce a film about weeding featuring Garden Hotline teachers Katie Vincent and Justin Maltry. It will be on SPU’s YouTube site shortly. Other projects include a large garden fence mural by YELS in Hip-hop style.

Our first team of gardeners, students from Middle College High School, started Thursday at Morgan & Sylvan. In spite of the cold and rain, they were enthusiastic and began the conquest of vetch that has taken over the south west corner of Commons Park.

Anyone can join a gardening team in High Point. Classes, tools, mulch and plants are free. Volunteer opportunities include bringing snacks, taking pictures, working with kids, fixing fences, outreach, doing research for theme gardens and more.

For more information, contact Deborah at 206-225-5627 or dvandermar@gmail.com. And check out more about the Middle College HS students’ work here!

3 Replies to "'Keep High Point Green': Gardening teams get going, starting with Middle College High School students"

  • HP Resident March 10, 2014 (2:25 pm)

    Amazing! Thank you for all of the hard work!

  • Alonzo Ybarra March 13, 2014 (3:45 pm)

    Very proud of our students at Middle College High Point and their dedication to education and community involvement!

  • Boo Balkan Foster March 20, 2014 (1:27 pm)

    Thank you to the community for welcoming our students and allowing us the opportunity to work together. Blending academics and experience creates a powerful learning opportunity!

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