West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
Two thefts in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:
STOLEN BICYCLE: Watch for Callie‘s black Vilano road bike, stolen from outside 24-Hour Fitness at Westwood Village between 5 and 6 pm tonight. It’s been reported to police, so please let them know if you see it.
STOLEN PURSE: Danielle hopes the thief/thieves who took her purse out of her car might have just cast it aside, with her glasses still inside. Her car was broken into in an alley near her home by Fairmount Park Elementary, now being expanded for fall reopening:
The only item stolen was my purse and I am interested to know if anyone has maybe come across it. There was no cash inside and I canceled the credit/debit cards within 2 hours of the theft. The police officer told me that whoever stole it would probably have ditch the purse once the cards were canceled. The two purchases the thieves made I know of were made at the Shell gas station on Fauntleroy and the Rite Aid on California at 3:29 PM and 3:56 PM respectively. My eyeglasses were inside my purse and I need them to assist me with driving at night so I would be extremely happy if I could get them back.
The purse was an off white/cream color with a long arm strap. It was a fake leather type of texture with one small zipped-up pocket on the outside and a zipped-up wallet compartment on the other side of the purse (on the outside as well). The inside was black with one zip pocket. There were other items inside that I would love to get back that include my driver’s license and a pair of dark brown leather gloves. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I simply cannot believe this happened right outside my house and in the middle of the day! I had only been home for one hour and planned on leaving again soon so I didn’t bother to bring in my purse. I thought it was safe, but never again, I guess……
NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS? Bring them to Tuesday night’s West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network meeting, 6:30 pm, Southwest Precinct (Delridge/Webster).
Though they’re still not saying what exactly shut down the Highway 99 tunnel machine – the pipe, the boulders, or something else – tonight WSDOT has announced that it expects tunneling to resume this week. According to tonight’s update, it’ll go two more feet, and then will stop for evaluation. If it gets the green light to continue after that, the next milestone is 500 feet down the line, where it would be stopped for maintenance before going under the Alaskan Way Viaduct – which, as first reported here last April, is expected to be closed while the tunnel machine crosses underneath. The machine has been stopped for seven weeks.
Thanks to Mike for the tip: Just announced in an e-mail to Bartell Drugs customers, Bartell and Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) will raise what they call “the world’s biggest 12th Man flag” at the West Seattle Corporate Center on Thursday. That of course is the building at Delridge and Andover where both are headquartered, famous for flying a gigantic U.S. flag most of the time. You’re invited to be there for the flag-raising, 11 am on Thursday (January 30th) – we’re told the custom-made flag will be raised by White Center’s own Jack “The Throwin’ Samoan” Thompson and Robbie Tobeck, who was on the Seahawks’ first Super Bowl team.
ADDED TUESDAY MORNING: One other detail we’ve learned – the flag is described as 30 feet by 50 feet. In other words, 1,500 square feet – bigger than many houses!
Each “Little Free Library” that springs up is a little bit of magic all its own. But two brand-new ones in West Seattle have come to life with what Monika explains, sharing the news, was “a lovely bit of synchronicity”:
This past weekend, on the 4800 block of Rutan Place SW, two sets of neighbors, completely unaware of each others’ activities, assembled and installed Little Free Libraries on their respective properties. Once aware of this “duel,” they enjoyed a healthy and hearty competition on the way to the installation of their libraries.
Both LFLs are now up, stocked and ready for the neighbors!
Karen and Bob White (pictured far left and far right immediately above this line) host the LFL at 4812 Rutan Place SW, while John and Monika (top photo) host the one at 4802. Feel free to stop by and see two different styles of libraries.
You can build one from scratch or order one from the LFL site.
Synchronicity is the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained by cause and effect and that is meaningful to the observer.
~ Carl Jung
Monika Lidman
(Click image to see larger view)
Does that look enough like three separate buildings to satisfy the Southwest Design Review Board? It’s the newest design proposal for the biggest project currently in the works north of The Junction, 3210 California SW, the block-long, ~149-apartment, ~168-parking-space South Admiral proposal with two public meetings coming up – the special neighbor-requested meeting (announced last week) this Wednesday, 6:30 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle, and, at the same location, its fourth session before the SWDRB, 9 pm February 6th.
The rendering is from the new design packet, just made public and viewable here. Developer Intracorp and architects Nicholson Kovalchick were also asked to show more of how the back (east) side of the building will interact with the single-family-home neighborhood behind it, and this is one of the depictions:
Hard to tell unless you click for the larger view, but that is an overlay of how and where windows on the back of 3210 California SW will face the homes right behind it. Note: The new design proposal will be formally presented at the February 6th board meeting; this Wednesday’s special public meeting is mostly for the public to voice other concerns, including aspects covered by the State Environmental Policy Act such as traffic and noise.
WSB coverage of previous meetings about the project:
3rd SWDRB meeting (“recommendations” phase), November 2013
2nd SWDRB meeting (“early design guidance” phase), summer 2013
1st SWDRB meeting (“early design guidance” phase), spring 2013
The first informational meeting for families planning on, or considering, Fairmount Park Elementary – reopening this fall, six years after closing – is a week and a half away. And newly announced principal Julie Breidenbach is sharing a letter to those families, which includes details on how parents can get involved with “hiring teams”:
Future Fairmount Park Families,
I am excited to be joining your community as principal of Fairmount Park School! I’ll spend the remainder of January transitioning from my duties at Thurgood Marshall School. At the start of February I will begin working full time as planning principal at Fairmount Park. I look forward to getting to know parents and community members as we work together to reopen the school with rigorous, engaging programs for all students.
The dates of several informational evening events are now listed on the school website. All who are interested are welcome to attend any and/or all of the meetings. One presentation will focus on implementation of the APP and Spectrum programs in the fall of 2014 and will be of particular interest to parents of advanced-learning students.
One of my first responsibilities will be to hire five teachers for next year.
(We had one of the special Seahawks drinks at Hotwire Coffee [WSB sponsor] this morning)
By mayoral proclamation, it’s Seahawks Blue Week! With the Super Bowl less than a week away, we’re assembling a page of info you might find helpful – and hoping for your help collecting it. Including:
*Where to watch the game (we’ll break it out into adults-only and all-ages; White Center venue info welcome too)
*Seahawks gear and decorations – for example, PB&J Textiles (WSB sponsor) has a 2 x 3 12th-man banner at the shop, just $12, larger sizes available – 3805 Delridge Way SW or call 206-243-3053
*Who’s offering special takeout/delivery treats/times – we’ve heard of a few already:
–Harry’s Chicken Joint (WSB sponsor) will be open noon-3 pm, and is suggesting pre-orders
–West 5 will be open 9 am-2 pm Sunday and suggests: “Give us a call today (WE5-1966) to pre-order Mac N Cheese for your house party and we’ll have it ready for you to pick up and put in the oven Sunday morning.”
–Mashiko has listed specials that, if you order in advance, will be ready for pickup 1-2 pm Sunday (otherwise, they’ll be closed that day)
–Ma’Ono Fried Chicken & Whisky is offering a Super Bowl Fried Chicken Party To Go, ready @ 1 pm Sunday if ordered by 8 the night before
*Who’s closing for the day, or closing early (let us know so potential customers aren’t disappointed)
–Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor) says it’s closing at 3 pm (open at 8 am as usual)
And anything else you want people to know. Best way to get us non-breaking-news info is ALWAYS e-mail – editor@westseattleblog.com – but our other contact channels are listed here. We’ll launch the info as a special Super Bowl page by tomorrow. Thanks!
You’re invited! Here’s what’s up when the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meets tomorrow night:
If your neighborhood has concerns about traffic, what can you do to resolve them? Did you know you can borrow a radar gun to document speeding? Want to know how to go about getting a traffic circle? Stephen Padua, Neighborhood Programs Coordinator from SDOT, will educate us on the different resources and options available to neighborhoods and how you can effectively address other traffic issues. During the second portion of our meeting, we want to hear about any other issues that have been problematic in your neighborhoods since our last meeting in October.
You don’t have to be a captain, or even IN a Block Watch, to be there. 6:30 pm Tuesday (January 28th), Southwest Precinct meeting room (off Webster just west of Delridge).
On Friday, we noted the release of repeat offender Ryan Cox, barely a day after he was arrested on a warrant related to his most recent assault conviction, following a discussion at last week’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting. This morning we have the promised followup information from City Attorney’s Office spokesperson Kimberly Mills, who has just spoken with the deputy city attorney on the case.
Mills says the warrant was issued because Cox “needs to report to probation to comply with conditions of mental-health and chemical-dependency evaluations and follow-up treatment,” but has now failed to, twice. With the second failure to report, “the city asked the court to strike probation and impose 60 days, since this was the 2nd time he failed to appear.” But instead, the judge denied that and granted the defense request to give Cox another chance to report to probation: “The court said it would allow him one more chance because the case was fairly new.” So if he fails to report today, apparently another arrest warrant would be the next step.
Cox’s jail stay last Thursday afternoon through Friday afternoon was his third in less than two months; the previous warrant had him in jail January 10th through 13th, and his guilty plea in the case kept him in jail December 12th through 31st.
SIDE NOTE: The challenges in his ongoing saga include our state’s laws regarding mentally ill offenders and what it takes for them to be involuntarily committed. A proposal to change those laws has been introduced in Olympia, as our partners at The Seattle Times reported this past weekend.
Update for those who’ve been asking: After three weeks of proceedings, the Morgan Junction murder trial hasn’t reached the jury-selection phase yet. Pre-trial motions have continued all month for 69-year-old Lovett Chambers, on trial for second-degree murder in the shooting death of 35-year-old Travis Hood on January 21st, 2012. We’ve been checking in with the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office; this morning, WSB’s Katie Meyer went to the courthouse for an in-person update. She learned that jury selection might start this afternoon. Once a jury is in place, they’ll move to opening statements and testimony, expected to take at least a month.
Welcome to Super Bowl countdown week! More gray right now than blue/green … above and below, our two main high-rise bridge views:
And here’s the northbound Alaskan Way Viaduct:
More cameras, and other info, on the WSB Traffic page. Just south of the Viaduct view, it’s opening day for the new Atlantic Street overpass. If you’re just heading past it on 99, no effects, but for those getting around in the area west of the stadiums, it means changes – here’s the announcement – including a map link.
Three years after King County announced two very different plans for reducing combined-sewer overflows at two West Seattle pump stations, both projects are about to go into the major construction phase.
The county hosted a pre-construction meeting back in November (WSB coverage here) for the CSO project in the Murray basin, a million-gallon storage tank across the street from Lowman Beach.
And now, the Barton basin project – 91 roadside raingardens on 15 blocks in Sunrise Heights and Westwood – has just had two pre-construction meetings. The project map has been updated, showing construction on eight blocks this year, seven blocks next year, and five more blocks in reserve if needed:
We covered the first meeting Thursday night at Westside School (WSB sponsor), which was followed by a Saturday morning session at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center.
Thursday night brought a scene very different from an early project meeting in the same room a few months after the plan was first unveiled.