Thanks to Mike for the tip: Just announced in an e-mail to Bartell Drugs customers, Bartell and Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) will raise what they call “the world’s biggest 12th Man flag” at the West Seattle Corporate Center on Thursday. That of course is the building at Delridge and Andover where both are headquartered, famous for flying a gigantic U.S. flag most of the time. You’re invited to be there for the flag-raising, 11 am on Thursday (January 30th) – we’re told the custom-made flag will be raised by White Center’s own Jack “The Throwin’ Samoan” Thompson and Robbie Tobeck, who was on the Seahawks’ first Super Bowl team.
ADDED TUESDAY MORNING: One other detail we’ve learned – the flag is described as 30 feet by 50 feet. In other words, 1,500 square feet – bigger than many houses!