West Seattle Super Bowl spirit: ‘World’s biggest 12th Man flag’ going up Thursday

Thanks to Mike for the tip: Just announced in an e-mail to Bartell Drugs customers, Bartell and Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) will raise what they call “the world’s biggest 12th Man flag” at the West Seattle Corporate Center on Thursday. That of course is the building at Delridge and Andover where both are headquartered, famous for flying a gigantic U.S. flag most of the time. You’re invited to be there for the flag-raising, 11 am on Thursday (January 30th) – we’re told the custom-made flag will be raised by White Center’s own Jack “The Throwin’ Samoan” Thompson and Robbie Tobeck, who was on the Seahawks’ first Super Bowl team.

ADDED TUESDAY MORNING: One other detail we’ve learned – the flag is described as 30 feet by 50 feet. In other words, 1,500 square feet – bigger than many houses!

12 Replies to "West Seattle Super Bowl spirit: 'World's biggest 12th Man flag' going up Thursday"

  • NorDel January 27, 2014 (7:25 pm)

    We are proud to have this flag flying in our neighborhood! Go Seahawks!

  • a January 27, 2014 (9:17 pm)

    Amazing! So nice to see our city embracing this team and their magical journey. Seattle and northwest pride is really on display. 30,000+ to send the hawks off to New York yesterday. So proud of my city and our team. One more win Hawks, you can do this!!!!!

  • Plus January 27, 2014 (9:43 pm)

    We have Macklemore and Lewis rockin’ it too. Big noise all around!

  • Peggy sarason January 27, 2014 (11:06 pm)

    One fabulous franchise supported by two others! Thanks Met Market & Bartells. #GoHawks!

  • David January 28, 2014 (7:10 am)

    Great work BD and MM, GO HAWKS!

  • Britlyn January 28, 2014 (10:22 am)

    My coworker and I were just talking about how great it would be if they replaced the American flag with a 12th man flag for the game! Such a great idea! Our studio is right across the street and we can’t wait to see it flying. GO HAWKS!

  • Myles January 28, 2014 (12:49 pm)

    I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Seattle Seahawks of America, so long as Lynch and Wilson stand; Seahawk Nation under Sherman, L.O.B, Go Hawks!

  • PDH January 28, 2014 (1:42 pm)

    Two of my favorite local companies teaming together to celebrate the Hawks in such a fun way. GO HAWKS!!

  • AJ January 28, 2014 (3:53 pm)

    How exciting! I’m going to try to be there. I hope some of the area food truck owners are paying
    attention – seems like this would draw a good lunch crowd. Go Hawks!!!

  • Bsmomma January 30, 2014 (10:40 am)

    Seattle Skittles??????

  • Steve January 30, 2014 (10:45 am)


  • Robert January 30, 2014 (11:23 am)

    The flag is visible from downtown for those with elliott bay facing windows.

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