Followup: RapidRide robbery suspect charged in another bus holdup

The man charged with the November 25th gunpoint robberies aboard a Metro RapidRide bus three weeks ago is now charged in a robbery on another bus. As Trevonnte Brown of Beacon Hill appeared before a King County Superior Court judge today, prosecutors filed a charge of second-degree robbery in connection with an incident on a Route 36 bus at Hanford and Beacon on Beacon Hill (map) on the afternoon of November 16th, nine days before the Morgan Junction robberies. Charging papers say Brown walked from the back of the bus and wrestled a Samsung Galaxy phone away from a man sitting in the middle of the bus. The victim stopped fighting back when Brown claimed he had a gun. After Brown’s arrest here on November 25th, investigators compared surveillance images to his booking photo and to an image of Brown selling an iPhone at an automated Southcenter kiosk on November 18th; on the bus and at the kiosk, he was wearing what charging documents describe as the same “distinctive” knit cap. Brown pleaded not guilty to all charges, including the three filed in the West Seattle case, and remains in jail, with bail set at $350,000. He is due back in court December 30th.

13 Replies to "Followup: RapidRide robbery suspect charged in another bus holdup"

  • Genesee Hill December 16, 2013 (5:10 pm)

    Mommy. Help me.

  • boy December 16, 2013 (5:17 pm)

    I always thought that if you had a gun or claim to have a gun it is first degree.

  • JayDee December 16, 2013 (5:32 pm)

    I saw one of those automated phone trade in Kiosks in Westlake Mall. These look like automated fences for stolen goods. Imagine if he was a tad smarter and had worn a different knit cap? We should charge this company under the RICO statutes. Do we really think he is the first “alleged” criminal to use them?

  • Genesee Hill December 16, 2013 (5:45 pm)

    When your bail is set at $350,000 dollars, even mommy selling her ’74 Chevy Cavalier, ain’t gonna help the sorry dude.

    Enjoy the pen, dude.

  • Mind blown December 16, 2013 (5:57 pm)

    I had never heard of those kiosks until now. I can’t believe such a thing even exists. No wonder iPhone thefts have become so rampant. What a little turd.

  • smokeycretin9 December 16, 2013 (6:22 pm)

    “he was such a good boy. He’d never done nothing like that before”

  • KD December 16, 2013 (6:35 pm)

    She had made the comment of the news that she was aware that he carried a gun, or something similar to that.
    She can stop the ‘acting’ job now.

  • patrick December 16, 2013 (9:15 pm)

    No problems here having my tax dollars put him away for life….

  • Walker December 17, 2013 (12:30 am)

    I am actually more upset that there is a kiosk fencing stolen phones. At least make it somewhat difficult for people to unload this stuff.

    • WSB December 17, 2013 (12:37 am)

      I honestly had never heard of that, either, but I haven’t been to a mall in a very long time. On the semi-bright side, according to the narrative in the charging documents, which I did not have time to transcribe word for word when publishing this earlier, these kiosks apparently take photos and scan ID and that’s how they matched Brown to this “activity” – though the new charge involved a stolen Galaxy and the phone he allegedly was turning in at the kiosk was an iPhone: “The automated kiosk also took photos and/or scanned Brown’s Washington State ID card while he pawned the phone,” the narrative says.
      Seems this business has really picked up this year.
      And since that story, the company’s been bought by Outerwall, which started as Coinstar.

  • Waterworld December 17, 2013 (1:28 am)

    Boy (#2): Robbery is classified as first degree if the person is either armed with a deadly weapon or displays something that appears to be a deadly weapon, whether it really is one or not. If the perpetrator claims to have a gun, but doesn’t reveal it and isn’t caught at the scene with a gun, then it’s classified as second degree robbery.

  • HelperMonkey December 17, 2013 (2:06 pm)

    automated iPhone kiosks = automated pawn shops. Same thing – they both ONLY exist to fence stolen items. Shut them all down and see what happens.

Sorry, comment time is over.