West Seattle development: What’s happening at 4755 Fauntleroy

You might have noticed that some demolition work started today at 4755 Fauntleroy Way – aka the Whole Foods (and ~370 apartments as well as other retail) site – but that does not mean the project has its final approvals, and it has nothing to do with the results of last night’s mayoral election (you might recall that the “alley vacation” needed for the project became a campaign issue, when Mayor McGinn told SDOT not to approve it). What’s happening here, a project spokesperson told WSB today, is demolition of the former gas station on the Fauntleroy/Alaska corner, so that its tanks can be dug up and the site can be cleaned up.

This work will take about three weeks, according to the project spokesperson. (Even if the site had remained under its previous ownership, the tanks were slated for removal and replacement – we had been watching permits and processes there for a long time.) As for the aforementioned alley vacation, it still has to go before the City Council Transportation Committee, which wouldn’t happen any sooner than next month. As SDOT’s street/alley-vacation specialist Beverly Barnett told the Junction Neighborhood Organization in September, the proposal remains open for public comment.

6 Replies to "West Seattle development: What's happening at 4755 Fauntleroy"

  • Brian November 6, 2013 (12:35 pm)

    Hurry up and get ‘er done.
    Can’t wait for this to be done, the LA Fitness across the street to be done, and start developing some of the other abandonded and neglected properties in the area. Such a shame that the majority of the main business area are old abandoned buildings. Lets see some cranes going up already.

  • David November 6, 2013 (1:01 pm)

    I’m glad to see development too. We can (and will I’m sure) argue on the exact size, and probably the color of the gutters and window trim) but it was horrible coming into West Seattle and your first view is a mini-mart with bars on the window, a semi-rotten looking lumber yard, and a series of abandoned businesses and empty lots. We can debate if the new development should be 3, 4 or 6 stories, but I’m HAPPY to see something there. I’m glad we have Trader Joe’s and not “another” empty rotting building. And Whole Foods is fine too, if you don’t like them, you’re not under ANY obligation to shop there :)

  • Mark November 6, 2013 (1:32 pm)

    I for one can’t wait for that neigborhood to be completed. The Triangle IS the entrance to West Seattle. This corner when completed will go along way to giving the area some character I travel a lot and am always happy to find a Whole Foods, and welcome them here.

  • Ycart November 6, 2013 (2:28 pm)

    I am also happy that the abandoned buildings are getting used, I just hate how they are getting used. As a 40 year West Seattle resident, I miss the way WS used to look. Can’t stand the high rises and lack of parking. Sure it’s great if you want to live in a condo within walking distance of the junction, but for the rest of us, it’s becoming a pain to support the local businesses due to the lack of parking and traffic. We are loosing some of our charm that made WS a place people wanted to live. WS will always be home, I just miss the good ‘ol days.

  • CW November 6, 2013 (3:16 pm)

    The developer should name the alley “McGinn’s Way” complete with a sign.

  • Ted November 9, 2013 (12:30 pm)

    Ridiculous. All this new development has increased street traffic and congestion, and reduced parking options. I like the ‘semi rotten old lumberyard’. And those small shops that look dingy allow new businesses that can’t afford the high rents in the new bldgs. Stop trying to turn W. Seattle into Disneyland and take away its uniqueness.

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