Ex-Allstar Fitness bankruptcy: Newly mailed notices NOT related to current ownership

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Some confusion tonight regarding notices sent to past/present members of the former Allstar Fitness club at 2629 SW Andover in North Delridge.

We’ve heard from three people so far who received the notices in postal mail today and assumed they have something to do with current concerns at what has since last March been West Seattle Athletic Club.

The new notices do NOT have anything to do with current ownership.

They are part of the pre-existing bankruptcy proceedings for West Seattle Fitness, the official name of the ownership from the club was Allstar Fitness. You might recall that back before the club was sold to its current ownership, the previous ownership had been going through bankruptcy proceedings (here’s our coverage archive, newest to oldest) and there was some discussion of when members should get notices regarding those proceedings. According to images of the court documents in the new notices, they relate to a hearing December 20th on setting the amounts to be paid to people involved with those bankruptcy proceedings, including the trustee who for a time oversaw the former Allstar Fitness, and lawyers. The notices invite recipients to respond, and note that if no responses are received, the motions might be granted without a hearing.

We just checked the online file for that pre-existing bankruptcy case involving the prior owners, and that appears to be all that is going on (although we urge you to review anything you receive for you reading any legal-type notices you receive.

Separately, after a flurry of e-mails from members in recent days, we have been checking on the situation with the club under current ownership.

Members who e-mailed WSB have made multiple mentions of concerns, from instructors leaving amid claims of bouncing checks, to missing amenities such as towel-service interruption and soapless showers, to a lack of water service at the club for at least part of two days, most recently November 20th. One member who exhaustively detailed what she did and was told upon discovery of that problem that day says a staffer claimed it had something to do with locker-room repairs.

We have been continuing to check court records, watching for any evidence of filings involving the club’s current ownership; we found September and October warrants for unpaid state taxes, with no indication of whether the situations had been remedied. We took questions about that and the other aforementioned problems directly to the club’s current owner, Sam Adams, who answered promptly, but only to tell us that he would not comment on anything we asked about. (We have since filed a public-disclosure request with the city to find out more about the water-service interruption, as Seattle Public Utilities said otherwise it cannot comment on specific customers’ situations.)

Following what was described by multiple sources as an emergency meeting between club ownership and some club personnel/instructors last week, members told us a notice went up promising improvements, and one member has since sent us an image of the notice:

Adams’ company has been dealing with problems in two other areas where it operates – Tacoma (the News-Tribune reported last week that some employees there say their checks have bounced). Earlier this month, The Oregonian reported that one of the company’s clubs in Portland had been evicted.

But again, the notices some have received in postal mail today are related to the longrunning bankruptcy proceedings involving the prior owners, under the business name West Seattle Fitness – not the current ownership, known as West Seattle Athletic Club/Oregon Athletic Clubs.

53 Replies to "Ex-Allstar Fitness bankruptcy: Newly mailed notices NOT related to current ownership"

  • Mark November 29, 2013 (8:30 pm)

    Pulling for the ownership to be a success. It was a great facility when it opened and can be again.

  • Mark W November 29, 2013 (8:31 pm)

    I think that Sam Adams had a All the best intentions when he took over the old all star fitness, but for everyones sake, it might be best to throw in the towel. It’s been a nice club to work out at and the personnel have been terrific. I just think its a lost cause and he should cut his losses before it gets worse.

  • Eddie November 29, 2013 (8:49 pm)

    Will somebody give the poor boy (adidasboy) some freakin’ soap.

  • Christine C. November 29, 2013 (8:56 pm)

    Thank you for publishing this article. I was confused by the letter I received today.

    Is Sam Adams filing for bankruptcy or has he already done so?

    I’m a member of the club and it’s clear that it’s disintegrating. There are very few weekend classes left. Like many others, I’m investigating other fitness options.

    I’m upset that this is happening AGAIN. There must be a fitness club business model that works. We need classes in West Seattle. I hope another company/set of individuals picks up the slack.

    • WSB November 29, 2013 (9:33 pm)

      Christine – I have not seen any filings involving Sam Adams or Oregon Athletic Clubs in the Washington state or federal court systems, aside from the tax warrants I mentioned above. These documents only involve the entity that is no longer affiliated with the West Seattle facility (and was never involved with Adams aside from selling the business – not the building, which is leased, just the health-club business itself – to hime). – TR

  • Paul November 29, 2013 (9:28 pm)

    I have been a club member for 10 years and have also seen it slowly deteriorate. I applaud the new owner for trying his best but there seem to be so many problems, from broken equipment to a lack of towels and soap to low staff morale. I’d like to stay long term but will probably leave when the new LA Fitness opens in WS sometime in the future.

  • WSFit November 29, 2013 (10:29 pm)

    I let my membership lapse. The staff must keep all the soap to themselves, because they’ve not kept in in the washrooms. Toilet paper seems to be an issue, either stocking or at least filling.
    I see Eddie made some sort of reference to Adidasboy. Well… it’s true.

  • Bradley November 30, 2013 (12:15 am)

    Giving your hard-earned money to any gym nowadays is risky, since they all operate on razor-thin margins and can go under at the drop of a hat. I think it’s best if this facility gets turned into condos, apartments, or something else that could use a decent pool and small parking garage. I get a better workout at home or in the park, anyway.

  • bandana November 30, 2013 (7:37 am)

    Go to the YMCA… solid staff, great members and awesome classes.

    Also lots of locations.

  • sam-c November 30, 2013 (9:10 am)

    I am not a member (haven’t been for about 5 years). but reading these articles and the forum posts… it is so weird that they are making all these promises for improvements when they can’t even pay the people who work there…?

  • mozabo November 30, 2013 (10:26 am)

    I heard the same rumors of bounced checks. The best spin instructor just left. I have seen other classes canceled. There is only one of the original personal trainers left and he temporarily quit for a week. What is most disgusting is the lack of work out towels to clean the machines. No one uses the paper towels that are sporadically placed. The gym is filthy with germs. Once LA Fitness opens, I am leaving this club after being a member for 6 years.

  • qwest November 30, 2013 (11:03 am)

    Does anyone know when LA Fitness is scheduled to open?

    • WSB November 30, 2013 (11:53 am)

      Construction at Spruce (ex-The Hole) resumed about seven months ago. Projects of that size tend to take about a year and a half. So – I would speculate toward the end of next year. Neither LA Fitness nor the developers responded to previous requests for info, so unless someone out there has inside info, that’s about the best guess we have. – Tracy

  • CEA November 30, 2013 (11:44 am)

    Thanks, WSB, for keeping us posted. I wish this place could turn around.

  • Paul L November 30, 2013 (12:06 pm)

    Sometimes it takes a while to dig out of a hole. But I think OAC/West Seattle Athletic Club is actually on the right track. There’s no doubt that the old owner was sleazy, let everything run down, and left the membership rolls a mess. But he’s gone and I see all sorts of major upgrades, some already completed, and others in progress. Some are small things, like having straps available in the yoga rooms, and being offered towels when you check in. (Well maybe not so small on the latter, compared to how it was). But others are pretty significant, like renovating the old cruddy locker rooms. And they have a bunch more in the works, like replacing the hot tub, upgrading the steam sauna and making improvements to the weight room, and just generally spiffing up the club.

    I go there mostly for yoga. I love my long-time teachers, and there’s a great community in the classes. And although they shouldn’t have had any delays in pay, it sounds like they have now all gotten caught up for what they were owed and the new owner is making sure they’ll continue to get paid. My wife likes the Zumba and Nia classes. I have friends who use the pool and really like it. And for friends with kids, the kids section is a lifesaver. So it’s a pretty full range of available options. I think it’s good that the new owner has also brought in a new crew of people to run the place, since the previous managers were part of letting it get run down and creating the messed-up bookkeeping system that really did create all sorts of problems. I also like that the new owner, former football player Sam Adams, has some roots here, and that this isn’t just a soulless out-of-town chain like LA Fitness or 24 Hr fitness. Adams has actually been meeting with the instructors, like my yoga teacher, who felt like he was straightforward and honest in acknowledging problems that needed to be addressed. Adams also pledged to put enough personal resources into the gym to make it as good as it should be, which is important, because you need capital to make something like this work. I haven’t met Adams personally, but this feels like a gym that’s definitely improving after some rocky years. I think it’s an important assets for our West Seattle community, and I’m glad to support it as a member.

  • West Seattle Fitness Member November 30, 2013 (2:04 pm)

    I have been a member at this gym for years. They did put in new TV’s, new gym equipment, and fixed some things in the last few months, but now they are out of soap, towels and had the water shut off…. The hot tub has also been out of service and they removed the tanning beds. They are also signing up new members everyday. I watch as they walk people through the gym sign them up. I would be very careful about signing up!

  • Jill November 30, 2013 (6:28 pm)

    Fellow West Seattlites, give the new ownership a chance. They are doing a great job trying to clean up the mess from the last owners. I am very pleased with the work Sam Adams is doing. He is putting in a lot of money to renovate the building and update many parts of the facility. This club can be a success if we give him a fair shake.

  • Scout15 November 30, 2013 (6:31 pm)

    I quit when I heard Sam Adams was buying the gym.
    All positive reports on Sam Adams run gym’s are highly suspect. He has a history, in my opinion, from Oregon and Tacoma of not being a good steward.
    The gym’s current issues are nothing new.
    My advice: save your money and join another gym!

  • Thomas November 30, 2013 (6:35 pm)

    The new ownership is really trying. They’ve had some issues, but overall the club is better under the new ownership. Sam Adams is really committed to making this place a success. The club he bought was in terrible condition and it will take some time for him to fix it. I think the community should give him a chance to do so. Even after the LA fitness opens, it will be a good thing for us to have choices on the peninsula.

  • Mel November 30, 2013 (11:22 pm)

    I keep hearing “the ownership is working hard.”
    When you run out of a basic necessity like soap in your showers – a public health issue – and your employees up front are oblivious about it, it indicates real, deep issues, and suggests that no, you’re NOT “working hard.” New towels have been on order for months. Soap is still dodgy and often watered down to make it last.
    These are very basic things, and if you can’t do them right, it doesn’t matter whether you remodel your lobby or not.
    At this point we want the broken stuff fixed, and working stuff to stop breaking – and STOP with the new TVs and the teenage-girl music cranked to 11. New “sprint/turf track”? What the hell? I’m looking SO forward to seeing what kind of package LA Fitness puts together.

  • Nancy December 1, 2013 (9:42 am)

    Does anyone realize that the owner is taking over a club in Hawaii? http://m.bizjournals.com/pacific/print-edition/2013/04/12/honolulu-clubs-new-leadership.html?page=all&r=full
    I especially like the comment “we are really focused on this club”. I wish them well, but they need to take care of business here first! Doubt that we will renew (after 4 yrs of enjoying the gym). I wondered about all the new TV’s (last priorty in my mind) and had to chuckle when the new machines broke down within weeks and stayed that way for a few more weeks. Then I hear some of the instructors quit because they were not being paid. Doesn’t bode well.

    • WSB December 1, 2013 (9:46 am)

      Nancy, that is an old story – having not heard about Adams managing a Honolulu club, I just dug through the other news results. His company was hired only to “manage” the Honolulu club but that is over, according to this much-newer story:

  • Who? Me? December 1, 2013 (10:30 am)

    Judging by some of the competently written supporting statements above, Sam has enough money to pay for writers. Special kudos to Paul L for hitting all the talking points in his missive.

  • Amy Thomson December 1, 2013 (10:42 am)

    I’m a member, and the location of the club is perfect for me. As long as the exercise machines continue to function, and there are mats to exercise on, I’ll keep going there. I hope they pull out of this downward spiral.

  • Nancy December 1, 2013 (1:40 pm)

    Thanks for the update WSB. My friend had just returned from Hawaii 2 wks ago and showed me article I posted, so I thought it was current information. I love going to the gym and sincerely hope it thrives. I haven’t thrown the towel in quite yet! Pun intended.

  • Artimus December 1, 2013 (3:44 pm)

    My Wife and I have been members for 10 years. We recall the old All Star being a fun place to be with a great staff. Yes, the original owner speculated on growing the All Star chain, as did most businesses prior to 2008. We have watched the gym deteriorate from a great place to be to a barely working facility. If you are someone who goes to the gym for the weights, doesn’t do any cardio, never takes a shower or participates in group class, then this is the place for you. We know the few remaining class trainers well and I can assure that they have not been payed for months, although Sam Adam continues to promise ‘that the check is in the mail’. Once the best Plyometrics trainer that gym has ever had (Priscilla) leaves, we are leaving as well.

  • brewmeister December 2, 2013 (8:14 am)

    Sam started out with a bang but things have really fallen off the last month. Towels in the locker rooms are rarely available anymore. They gave some lame excuse that they are on “backorder”? Give me a break. They’re towels! Soap? What’s that? Paper towels in the dispencers? Just wave your hands and air dry them. I just started bringing my own towels.

    A lot of people have said things are being fixed up. They did fix a few things early on but in reality, it’s mainly cosmetic. The machines are still failing. If you’ll notice, they don’t fix them, they remove them. The cardio area on the 3rd floor keeps seeming to get more spacious. Maybe because there are less and less machines every week? Sam did bring is some “new” to this gym equipment from some of his other gyms but a lot of them have since broken down.

    Trainers are bailing every week and the ones they have left, are, um, inexperienced? Except for Quinton and a few other class trainers. I’ve also noticed staff come and go almost weekly. I guess if you’re first paycheck bounces, why stick around?

    Pool, hot tub? Still a mess.

    The bottom line is Sam put a little makeup on the pig but as of right now, it’s still pig. New TVs, a little paint, fixed some plumbing issues and put some used equipment in. The last month has been troublesome. A lot of staff have left and the basic amenities have not been kept up, at all. Is Ramon still there? I think he might have bailed, I haven’t seen him in a while.

    These are signs of some serious money issues. I really hope he works it out but this place is a sinking ship right now. At this rate, I give it another couple months before he pulls the plug.

  • G. H. December 2, 2013 (3:23 pm)

    I would like the club to pull out of this mess but I find it interesting that yesterday when I worked out the main gym had brand new Precor elliptical climbers WITH INDIVIDUAL TV SCREENS but no soap, very little shampoo etc. The money is coming from somewhere to buy this expensive equipment but no money is going toward the basics. I guess if the place goes under the fancy equipment can always be moved to an existing gym elsewhere but any structure repairs stay with the building and the soap- when used – is gone. The priorities are all backwards for a club who wants to stay open and continue business.

    Further, regarding the hot tub, I think I may have them on “breach of contract” on that one. I was guaranteed certain services for the dues I pay – which is more than most. They haven’t been willing to adjust my dues but I am also not getting the services.

    I keep trying to be a good sport, but my patience is wearing quite thin.

    Back to basics boys or you may not make it.

  • Kristina December 2, 2013 (3:47 pm)

    I am having horrible issues with this new ownership and have since they took over. They were withdrawing odd amounts and not on my regularly scheduled date. Check your accounts! I’ve tried repeatedly to get the situation fixed and instead they just sent me a horrendous bill for fees that don’t make any sense. At least All Star debited the correct amount on the correct date every month. I was a member of All Star for over 10 years – won’t spend another dime under this new ownership.

  • scout15 December 2, 2013 (3:52 pm)

    MMMM..If he starts making cosmetic improvements, maybe he will sell it to someone soon.

  • Paul December 2, 2013 (7:18 pm)

    Just join the Y. The gym is great and so is the staff. I was an allstar member for year, but that ship sailed long ago.

  • A.R. December 3, 2013 (8:47 am)

    I was a member at All Star (now West Seattle Fitness) for years. Due to the issues they’ve been having, I cancelled my membership in October. I was charged for November which I shouldn’t have been, so I called multiple times and spoke with multiple people to try to get my money back.

    I finally went in yesterday to get it resolved and waited over an hour to speak with the woman in charge of billing.

    During the house I waited in the lobby, I saw the Puget Sound Energy man come in and ask to speak with a manager about turning their gas off because they had no paid their bill. I also witnessed an employee calling on the phone to find out where their paycheck was, a man complaining about them being out of towels, and another man asking when the soap for the showers was going to be there- apparently a manager had run to the store to get some but no one at the front desk knew when this person would be back.

    The comments being made by an employee standing around the front desk was particularly concerning. A woman (who also worked there) asked him if he had turned the volume of the radio down in the workout room because several people had complained. His response was, “they just need to turn their hearing aids down. It isn’t my problem. I turned it down as much as I could. It’s mind over matter- I don’t mind, and they don’t matter.”

  • Suzanne Grischott December 3, 2013 (9:45 am)

    I used to belong to the Y but I found that facility overcrowded and the pool times for adults are not convenient for my schedule. It’s also expensive. I joined Allstar for the pool and thought it was a beautiful facility. Unfortunately now the pool temperature is variable and pretty cool, sometimes cold. The last time I was there it was at least tolerable. I just keep Hoping……but the money problems seem obvious.

  • Christy December 3, 2013 (10:25 am)

    I belong to the Y, only because there is a facility near my work. I can’t recommend it for single adults. The West Seattle one in particular is extremely crowded and as someone else noted, lap swimming times are very limited.

  • WSAC Employee December 3, 2013 (1:04 pm)

    Unfortunately, the issues at WSAC are not just a result of prior bad management with the last owner. For the most part, those prior bad acts are being addressed in bankruptcy court as part of the Allstar bankruptcy case – not related to this. Sure, there are things to ‘fix’ that are a direct result of the previous owner not maintaining them. But beyond that, this new mess is all on Sam Adams and his ‘executive’ management team, of which there are way too many for such a small facility, even for a group of facilities. If you have a small operating budget then pare down your offerings and grow. Don’t continue offering what was previously available, adding more and then NOT PAY employees. It’s unconscionable and really lacks integrity. Sure, maybe most got paid EVENTUALLY but would you accept that from your employer? It’d be great if Sam Adams could turn that place around. But given what we’ve seen I’m not convinced that is his intent. Have you seen his track record? Either he is a questionable business owner with too many inexperienced ‘managers’ or maybe his game is to buy places, take the money, and close up shop when the money is gone. Or maybe his luck is just that bad. Either way, not a great bet.

  • KT December 3, 2013 (1:27 pm)

    I have read all the comments and found the owner’s refusal to address the media concerning. But for some reason I decided to check out membership. At 11am today there was no one present who could explain what membership options were available. Really? When your business is struggling? The poor receptionist said they would be in in 30 minutes but you could tell she was flustered and really guessing. Guess all the buzz is probably correct. No thanks.

  • joseph December 3, 2013 (5:24 pm)

    Many of the “executive team” of OAC (Oregon Athletic Club) are former failed managers of other fitness chains. I worked with a lot of these people over my many years in the fitness industry and a few of the worst are now managing West Seattle Athletic Club. Every time I’ve witnessed what the above people are complaining about at several health clubs it always resulted in the gyms closing or being sold off. From my experience, I guesstimate that Sam Adams will not be involved with this gym for much longer and will probably put it on the auction block. Signs of an impending sale are: new equipment, new paint, new TV’s, and member services being the LAST priority.

  • anne December 3, 2013 (8:00 pm)

    Thanks to the teachers who stayed on, working for free, giving us at least a heads-up courtesy and another class or two while waiting for those checks. The teachers I’ve had here, past and present, are among the reasons why I kept renewing my membership.

  • Brewmeister December 4, 2013 (11:14 am)

    Was in the gym yesterday and it’s still having all the same problems. Most if not all the initial staff are gone. Just a few straglers.

    The longer this goes on, the more and more it looks like Sam just bought the place to flip it. If I remember right, I think he only paid something like $75K for all the contents? In other words, dirt cheap. At this point, I think he’s just stringing everyone along as long as he can until he can sell it or close it.

    As bad as it is now, I’m guessing there will be some kind of “announcement” of closure or sale listing soon or after the first of the year.

    It’s really ashame because this place could be a great gym if someone would run it right. The pool is a massive money pit due to the cost to keep it running. As much as it would ticked some people off, it might be wise to close it up. and just focus on the fitness classes and workout areas.

  • brewmeister December 4, 2013 (12:00 pm)

    BTW, I saw Ramon in the upstairs office yesterday. He didn’t look happy. I’m guessing he was there trying to collect back pay.

    It would be nice to get his opinions about what’s happening at the club now that he is gone.

    Here’s an interesting article. Check out the comments.


  • SGG December 5, 2013 (7:40 am)

    I can’t believe they are still signing up new clients. A couple weeks back there were so many people filling out cancellation forms they didn’t know what to do. Vote with your feet people and quit this gym. I won’t be a member of a gym where they refuse to pay their staff.

    This is happening in Tacoma as well as his gyms in Oregon.


    • WSB December 5, 2013 (8:24 am)

      The Tacoma and Oregon links **are already in the story above**. Thanks. I am working on a followup, however – TR

  • kate December 5, 2013 (9:30 am)

    AllStar probably should have raised their membership dues a long time ago. West Seattle Athletic Club should charge more, too, ONLY if they can get the club up and running and return to standards that members were accustom to years ago. I joined AllStar in 1995 and I was paying $40 a month and I had access to all 5 of their gyms. Eighteen years later I’m only paying $43 a month. Not only that, but over the eighteen years of membership they gave me 4.5 years FOR FREE. I would happily pay more per month if the club were managed better and the class schedule was improved with employees getting paid. I checked out Seattle Athletic Club and they charge a whopping $120 a month with a $300+ signing fee. I don’t know if I can stick it out with West Seattle Athletic Club. If soap is not in the showers I’m worried about the lack of cleaning products behind the scenes. The whole situations is really upsetting. It makes me physically ill to think about quitting this gym, but my gut is telling me to bail….

  • Keith December 6, 2013 (9:06 am)

    Wow, I wish I read these comments before I joined! I just signed up again after taking a three year break from this gym because I couldn’t stand the staff and trainers attitudes. 25 of us left the gym back then and went to anytime fitness which was great. I hope they improve.

  • Bill December 6, 2013 (3:34 pm)

    I am a long time member of the club. I believe the new owner is committed to making this work and is trying to recover from a previous bad owner and management. It may not be pretty now, but believe it will be once again. Its hard to turn this big ship around unless lots of new memnbers join. But then again, I’m an optimistic person. I have read posts that the new owner may have honored a number of prepaid contracts from the previous owner. This was a kind and honorable thing to do, but also restricted income to the business to keep things running and fix them up. My suggestion is that if improvements aren’t made in the month of December, that we write the new owner and share our unhappiness and dissatisfaction (but belief that he has good intentions) and ask that he arrange for a town hall meeting with the members. Its only fair that we know where this is headed in 2014. Lets be open and honest in our communications with the managment and the members. I believe good things will happen.

  • Bradley December 6, 2013 (4:48 pm)

    The best thing current members and those who have canceled and are still being billed can do is contact the Washington State Attorney General’s office via their website and file a complaint. It only takes a few minutes of your time. Given that Sam Adams is causing current and formers members these same problems and neglect at his Oregon clubs, the State of Washington should hear from those who have been victims from his West Seattle location. The office will investigate each complaint and if they get multiple complaints they can take action on behalf of the multiple complainants (similar to a class-action).

  • on board December 16, 2013 (2:26 pm)

    Just posted this in the forums as well.

    Now it looks like both of his Oregon clubs have been put into some kind of hold with a financial company.


    And another story I hadn’t read yet about billing going on despite the closure.


  • Jen December 16, 2013 (3:10 pm)

    I have been a member at the gym since it started as All Star Fitness. It was a great gym back then, but I have only seen the gym deteriorate over time. I can’t count the times the wet sauna and hot tub have been “out of use”, and unavailable to gym members…sometimes for days on end! I don’t remember the last time the hot tub was working. The wet sauna wasn’t even warm the last time I went in it and it had 2 lights out inside with some kind of plastic stuffed up in it. There are rarely towels to use to work out with let alone towels to clean off equipment after use. I am incredibly disappointed in the gym.

    How does the owner expect to make all the “improvements” recently listed when he can’t keep staff or pay them?….

  • Artimus December 16, 2013 (6:12 pm)

    Today at 5:10pm I witnessed an employee explode with anger over not having been payed. The incident happened at the front desk in full view of many members. Despite the sophomoric, racist and offensive language of the indignant employee it is yet another example of discontent between staff and management/owner. Why continue to keep the doors open if you can’t even pay a mother of three, around Christmas time, her back-pay? I don’t know how much longer I can take this place, if it wasn’t for ‘Survivor’ class I would be long gone.

  • Lilly December 18, 2013 (9:14 am)

    I was there for that as well. I feel like it has gone from hygiene issues to safety issues. I think that was the nail in the coffin for me.

  • Karen December 18, 2013 (6:55 pm)

    It’s really sad and unethical the way the new owner has been treating the employees at WSAC. We have lost a good portion of the class instructors and this particular club had a high quality roster of dedicated excellent teachers. The good ones trying to hang on have to be there on borrowed time if they still can’t expect payment for their services. The club has always had issues but over all there has been minimal real improvement under the current leadership. One never knows what the pool temperature will be, if the steam room will
    be open and if and when the hot tub will be operational. Not to mention availablity of paid for amenities such as soap and towels to use in the shower.
    In the women’a shower area, the mold and mildew
    are making a come back big time so there are definite health concerns to worry about. Does this sound like a club that the owner plans on
    making a state of the art facility?
    I suspect the SeaHawks Organization would never treat their players and coaches in such a shoddy way as the employees and members of WSAC are being treated. It’s too bad that this ex SeaHawk is representing the organization in such a shoddy fashion.

  • Lilly December 19, 2013 (12:39 pm)

    I cancelled my membership yesterday. Oh and they are denying that it was a former employee on Monday night. The employee that I talked to said she was just some random crazy person that had wandered in from the street. I don’t buy it. I am just glad I am done with that place. I feel sorry for the people that still work there though. They are on a sinking ship.

  • Lilly December 19, 2013 (12:59 pm)

    The other great quote from last night, from the club’s one day old manager, regarding employees not being paid, “Employees will get paid when they get paid”.

Sorry, comment time is over.