First, a word about the camera view: The east-facing West Seattle Bridge camera has been offline for days; the west-facing one is switched to a low-bridge view as of this writing, but SDOT could change that at any time; some other cameras are shown on/linked to the WSB Traffic page.

SCHOOL’S OUT: No classes today for Seattle Public Schools or Highline Public Schools (White Center, Shorewood, southward).

DETOUR REMINDER: The repaving detour on Delridge Way between Roxbury and Henderson did change directions as of Thursday afternoon – southbound traffic now continues through, while northbound traffic is detoured.

CITYWIDE WEEKEND ALERTS: Who’s at which stadium and when? That’s part of SDOT‘s roundup of weekend events citywide that might affect traffic.

3 Replies to "TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Rainy Friday"

  • POC October 11, 2013 (8:33 am)

    They sure have a lot of problems with the West Seattle cameras. We are lucky if we have ONE of the upper bridge cameras working at any given time. At this moment there are NONE on the upper bridge. For the past day or more, the 35th and Fauntleroy camera is pointed almost directly down at the pavement below. The other day when traffic was really bad, the Fauntleroy and Alaska camera was pointed directly at Les Schwab Tire and it remained that way for 24 hours. Great marketing for them but not much help for a weary traveler.

  • Azimuth October 11, 2013 (10:51 am)

    Yeah, pretty frustrating POC. You can let them know here but I have no idea if it will actually get you anywhere…

  • Raymond October 11, 2013 (8:22 pm)

    Wednesday AM of this week the traffic was horrible!!! I could not find anything on line to tell me what was wrong or where to go. Was the little bridge open at 8am in the morning?? I guess it was the camera for the reason not knowing anything. But hey its WS sho cares. Not Paul Tosh the traffic dude. They never talk about WS!

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