Junction demolition update: Basement briefly exposed

Didn’t get a chance to publish these photos on Thursday because of everything else that was going on; it’s another view from the California/Alaska demolition work at the future site of two 7-story apartment/retail buildings that Chicago-based Equity Residential will build over an underground parking garage. Unlike the building torn down next door at 42nd/Alaska, the one to the west had a basement, and that’s what’s shown in our photos. Some say it included a morgue back when the building included a second-floor hospital; in later years, ArtsWest used some of the space for storage. Today, the demolition equipment is pushing debris into this basement area, but yesterday at midday, it was mostly exposed:

The sidewalks around the site will be open in time for Sunday’s Harvest Festival in The Junction, which will close California and Alaska between Oregon, Edmunds, 42nd, and 44th, starting fairly early in the morning for setup, and continuing until everything is cleared after the festival ends at 2.

3 Replies to "Junction demolition update: Basement briefly exposed"

  • JanS October 25, 2013 (5:37 pm)

    wonder if they let the ghosts out…:-\

  • Steve Hodson October 26, 2013 (12:51 am)

    I was born at West Seattle General Hospital in Dec. of 1958.
    My dad tells me that I was almost born in the basement when he pushed the wrong button and went down into the basement
    first then realized he needed to go to the second floor. My mom was able to stay there for 7 days and showing me off looking out the window at the Poggie tavern where my family was cheering. I miss the old days of the junction. At least the Poggie is still there.

    • WSB October 26, 2013 (9:20 am)

      Thanks for sharing your story, Steve. Old print-news clippings suggested the baby boom was very busy there – one blurb I came across said something like “ONLY one baby was born today at …”

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