West Seattle Wednesday: Dogs go swimming; Delridge District Council; ‘Fantasy Island’ Feedback comedy

(Pileated woodpecker)
We’ve dubbed this Woodpecker Wednesday, with three photos from Mark Wangerin (thank you!) woven through our daily preview. Meantime, we have a partly sunny day forecast ahead, and from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, these events of note happening today/tonight:

ALL-DAY ARTHRITIS BENEFIT: Massage Envy West Seattle (WSB sponsor) is donating $10 from every one-hour massage today to the Arthritis Foundation – details in our calendar listing. (north side of Westwood Village)

(Northern Flicker)
DOGPADDLE: Today’s the second day of the “dogs in the pool, no people” post-season fundraiser at Arbor Heights Swim and Tennis Club, 5-7 pm, details in our original preview. (11003 31st SW)

WEST SEATTLEITES PERFORM AT FRINGE FESTIVAL: Not in West Seattle, but involving West Seattleites – Tas de Pierres Theatre debuts tonight with “Grave Love at the NW Film Forum, two one-acts, “Flora/Dora” and “The Juliet Project,” featuring movement, puppetry, and text, created & directed by Jennifer Crooks, stage-managed by Maikel Van der Verren, both West Seattleites. Showtime is 6 pm. If you miss it tonight, other dates are 9 pm tomorrow, 3:30 pm Saturday, 1 pm Sunday. (1515 12th Avenue)

(Downy woodpecker)
DELRIDGE NEIGHBORHOODS DISTRICT COUNCIL: Tonight’s 7 pm monthly meeting of reps from community councils and other key organizations around eastern West Seattle will include a guest appearance by City Councilmember Tim Burgess, looking ahead to the council’s annual budget process, as well as discussions of K-5 STEM at Boren (now officially proposed to become K-8, as reported here Tuesday) and the Delridge Grocery co-op as it gets ready to open in the new Delridge Supportive Housing building next year. Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, public always welcome. (4407 Delridge Way SW)

‘UNPLUGGED!’: The Seattle Classic Guitar Society‘s open-microphone event is 7-9 pm tonight at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) – details in our calendar listing. (5612 California SW)

FEEDBACK FUNNYNESS: A rare chance to enjoy live comedy in West Seattle – tonight’s the night for the “Fantasy Island” comedy slate headlined by West Seattleite Mona Concepcion, also featuring West Seattleite Cait Parks, and other area comics. It all starts at 8 pm at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) – free! (6451 California SW)

Lots more for today/tonight – just check our calendar.

7 Replies to "West Seattle Wednesday: Dogs go swimming; Delridge District Council; 'Fantasy Island' Feedback comedy"

  • Silly Goose September 18, 2013 (10:21 am)

    WOW all there species, I am dying to see the Pleated, in person. We have a family of Northern Flickers, and a couple times have seen the little Downy but the Pleated WOW!!~

    • WSB September 18, 2013 (10:26 am)

      Every so often, one turns up on the utility pole by our southwest corner, and/or hammering at our house … we let it be, figuring that (a) it’s eating ants, and we need FAR fewer of those, and (b) the 72-year-old wood siding has survived this long with such visitors … Anyway, we’re so grateful to Mark for these photos and to other contributors (including Fauntleroy’s Trileigh Tucker, Danny McMillin, Alki Point’s Gary Jones …) who share detailed looks at birds they’ve clearly spent a lot of time watching for! – TR

  • Norma September 18, 2013 (11:27 am)

    It’s that time of year when a lot of different birds show up. I love it but some of them won’t be here for long.

  • pupsarebest September 18, 2013 (2:11 pm)

    Silly Goose, I have had the great, good pleasure and timing of seeing a Pileated Woodpecker twice within the past two weeks at Lincoln Park.
    The first sighting was close to the little zip-line ride near the south end of the park, and there were tons of people around, so they are not shy. :)
    We have lots of wonderful Flickers in our Gatewood neighborhood, but I’ve never been lucky enough to see the beautiful little Downy woodpecker…I’ll keep looking! :)

  • Silly Goose September 18, 2013 (8:20 pm)

    pupsarebest thanks for the tip on the sighting location I am hoping to get down there in the next couple days. Fingers crossed..

  • Anna September 18, 2013 (9:08 pm)

    Love the trio of bird pictures!

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