West Seattle weekend scene: Pedal-powered trolling

The photo and report are from Guy and Joy Smith near Alki Point:

Everyone is enjoying the great summer along Alki. This photo was taken just north of the Lighthouse on Sunday the 11th, showing Elliott Bay’s greenest salmon troller and a canoe passing each other. Leg power and arm power.

P.S. Another reminder – next Saturday, kayakers are invited to join in a West Seattle-based pink-salmon fishing tournament – here’s the announcement we published earlier this week.

3 Replies to "West Seattle weekend scene: Pedal-powered trolling"

  • Been there August 11, 2013 (3:27 pm)

    The pedal powered kayak is made by Hobie Cat Company and are sold by Hobie Cats Northwest on Lake Union. They have demo boats you can try out to see if you like the pedaling concept.

  • Maggie August 11, 2013 (4:25 pm)

    Love this update on folks out enjoying the day! What a wonderful place we live (magnified by a picture-perfect summer).

  • they August 11, 2013 (7:02 pm)

    The kayak thing is gr8 but think twice if only wearing a tee shirt and shorts. Puget Sound is quite cold and would render most helpless if they were to fall in. After just a few minutes it can be difficult to get yourself back up on your kayak. Many options, so play it safe and enjoy… I do !

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