West Seattle Cyclery: Welcoming a new WSB sponsor

The three-day grand-opening celebration has begun for West Seattle Cyclery, one of WSB’s newest sponsors, now that both its retail and service operations are up and running. Here’s what proprietor Brad Loetel would like you to know about his new business:

(From left, West Seattle Cyclery’s Brad, Catherine, Sawyer)
We are a new full-service bike shop in West Seattle. Our mission at West Seattle Cyclery is for our customers to love cycling as much as we do. We will support our customers in that effort by hiring dedicated, smart, and professional staff who will use their knowledge and experience to ensure that our customers purchase the bikes and equipment which best meet their needs.

Our customers have said that they really appreciate that West Seattle Cyclery is a locally owned shop with both an owner and staff from West Seattle. Our customers also appreciate that we understand that they prefer to be riding their bikes instead of waiting for their bikes to be repaired. Our goal is to complete most repairs within 2 days. Occasionally it will take longer, but we will make every effort to minimize the delay.

The customers who seek us out are happy we are in their neighborhood. A few have had bad experiences at other shops and want to find a new shop. The staff at West Seattle Cyclery have been in the business for many years. We know you don’t get loyal customers by providing poor customer service. We also know there is competition from other bike shops around the Seattle area, and the Internet has definitely made an impact on the bike industry. So it is in our interest to make sure you get great customer service, because we love cycling and want you to enjoy riding your bike.

Catherine, Sawyer and I used to work together at another shop. Recently, a former customer from that shop came in to West Seattle Cyclery. He was really excited to see us because he did not know that we were the people behind West Seattle Cyclery. He bought his first bike from us to train for the STP a few years ago. Now he is doing four to five 100=mile rides a year and no longer has to take his diabetes medicine. He looks forward to having us work on his bikes to prepare him for his next big ride.

Regarding community involvement – we have talked with West Seattle Bike Connections to see how we can help them achieve some of their goals. We also want to make West Seattle safe for cyclists of any age. We look forward to supporting many other local organizations. Community is an important part of why we are here, so we plan on giving back when we can.

West Seattle Cyclery is at 4508 California SW, 206.557.7267, online at westseattlecyclery.com. The grand-opening celebration continues through Sunday!

We thank West Seattle Cyclery for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

13 Replies to "West Seattle Cyclery: Welcoming a new WSB sponsor"

  • W Sea Neighbor August 16, 2013 (4:35 pm)

    I stopped by West Seattle Cyclery yesterday for some bar tape and other items. Really great folks there with a lot of bike knowledge, and the prices are very reasonable. Price on the bar tape was actually better than you can find it for most places online.

    Welcome to the neighborhood! I’ll be a frequent customer…

  • dwhiting August 16, 2013 (4:44 pm)

    dang! I just dropped off my Scott speedster for repair at another LBS.

  • happy August 16, 2013 (4:49 pm)

    Yay, WSC! Thanks for sponsoring WSB.

  • modern city dweller August 16, 2013 (5:18 pm)

    seems like a bicycle shop that cares. they’ll get my business.

  • L.A. August 16, 2013 (5:32 pm)

    Already took my bike in for a tune up. Great and friendly service at very reasonable prices. Much better experience than I’ve had recently elsewhere locally.They also work with a local charity that helps kids get into riding. Nice folks.

  • Chris W August 16, 2013 (5:52 pm)

    Sorry if this gets duplicated. I was going to say what LA did (we are in the same household) but she beat me to it. Welcome to the Junction and welcome to the WSBlog! I’m impressed with your service, cost and turnaround time. We will be back!!

  • wsea August 16, 2013 (6:30 pm)

    Welcome. I plan on checking out the store. Cathernie looks like someone who worked on my bike in the past. If she is the same person, she is an awesome wrench. Would love to see some cannondale bikes too if you plan on working with other vendors.

  • Karen Lyons August 16, 2013 (6:50 pm)

    Wonderful Service! My husband brought in a long neglected bike and someone with West Seattle Cyclery, I wish I knew her name, but she did everything she could to repair and make his bike safe. THANK you so much, now I can feel safe about my husband riding his newly repaired bike!
    KJ Lyons

  • Karen Lyons August 16, 2013 (6:56 pm)

    I apologize, it must have been Catherine.

  • Patrick August 16, 2013 (11:17 pm)

    Interesting article since they are the only Bike shop that is a : “sponsor of the wsb”

    A few have had bad experiences at other shops and want to find a new shop.

    • WSB August 17, 2013 (12:05 am)

      P – just to be clear, this is a “sponsor welcome,” the only type of stories (unlike many other news sites these days) we publish that are “advertorial,” and we have always disclosed them as such – “here’s what they want you to know about their business,” which means the message is directly from the sponsor, and that point you call attention to is part of what WSC chose to say. New local sponsors all have the opportunity to have a welcome published as part of their advertising (no extra charge); some opt not to. But the writeups all begin the same way, “we’re welcoming … and here’s what they want you to know …”. We also write about non-sponsor businesses; all of our business coverage is archived here – https://westseattleblog.com/category/ws-businesses (not counting restaurants, which have an archive all their own – https://westseattleblog.com/category/west-seattle-food – TR

  • Aaron August 17, 2013 (12:52 am)

    Stopped by there last weekend! Great folks there!

  • smokeycretin9 August 17, 2013 (4:06 pm)

    Stopped in today and put my name in the drawing for prizes. Great group of people and nice shop. Support this shop.

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