month : 07/2013 326 results

West Seattle redevelopment: Century-old house, once proposed for Parks purchase, coming down

Thanks to Bruce for the tip that a 106-year-old North Admiral home is being torn down today. The building at 1521 Sunset Ave. SW was most recently a rental four-plex, according to official records. (To see how it looked pre-demolition – including a stone fireplace inside – check out its webpage on the King County Assessor’s site.) According to the city Department of Planning and Development website, a new single-family home is planned on the site, which was sold in 2011 for just under $1 million. The year before that, as reported here in coverage of the March 2010 Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting, community members had proposed that the city use Parks and Green Spaces Levy money to buy the site and keep it as open space. Preserving the site as an overlook had been discussed for years – it’s in the Admiral Neighborhood Plan. But the application for levy Opportunity Fund money in 2010 received a low rating, and the proposal didn’t make the cut for funding.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Restaurant burglary attempt; 2 car break-ins

Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch this morning, starting with a burglary attempt at an Admiral District restaurant. Pizzeria 22 proprietor Cary Kemp says it happened last night:

Burglars broke off our back door handle to the restaurant and tried to pry open the door, couldn’t get past deadbolt. Then attempted to enter through small window in front. Broke all the Italian pottery in the windowsill but could not fit through window.

We also have two car-break-in reports – first, from Jeff:

Our minivan was the subject [of a break-in], at 39th Ave SW and SW Austin Street in the Gatewood neighborhood. It seems the the prowlers were looking for items of value, rather than to steal the vehicle. The glove box had been emptied onto the passenger seat, and other things had been moved around enough for us to notice. Missing is our CD case, containing about $500 worth of music. Fortunately most of the CDs were copies; however, there were enough originals in there to make us pretty mad. A police report has been filed.

And from Mia:

My SUV was broken into Friday night around 7:45 pm at Lincoln Park’s south end lot. Please don’t leave valuables in the car even if they are covered. Although it is a busy parking lot, there are prowlers sitting in cars waiting for you to make that one mistake. Please be more vigilant, as my family and I learned the hard way. We came back to find a smashed window and two hidden purses with wallets gone.

SIDE NOTE: Just two more weeks till Night Out (Tuesday, August 6th) – registered your block party yet? P.S. – if you’re having one and are OK with us stopping by, please let us know – every year Team WSB hits the road for “as-it-happens” coverage, and we appreciate having a list of potential stops all over the peninsula – – thanks!

West Seattle and North Highline groups ask city, county to study how to make SW Roxbury safer

(May 2013 WSB photo from Roxbury/14th crash that sent 2 to hospital)
Three local neighborhood groups – the Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council, Highland Park Action Committee, and North Highline Unincorporated Area Council – are asking the city and county for a safety study of the busy West Seattle/White Center road they share: SW Roxbury. More than 140 people have been hurt in crashes on or along Roxbury in the past four years alone, according to statistics the groups compiled for this letter they’re sending today:

Letter to city, county from WWRHAH, HPAC, NHUAC requesting Roxbury safety study

(If you can’t read the embedded letter, go here to see it as a PDF.)

As reported here last month, the city of Seattle plans two new school-zone speed cameras for Roxbury, near Roxhill Elementary and Holy Family School, but the groups say speeding isn’t the only issue along the busiest stretch of Roxbury, where they would like the study focused – between 35th SW on the west and 8th SW (the main entrance to the Greenbridge community) on the east. They also raise concerns about safety near the third school on Roxbury, the Community School of West Seattle.

The groups’ announcement is published in full on the WWRHAH website. As noted there, they are inviting other groups, as well as businesses and “representative(s) of the area,” to endorse their request by contacting WWRHAH at

ADDED 9:44 AM: WWRHAH secretary Joe Szilagyi tells WSB says they’ve already received one reply, from SDOT, “saying they would respond to each concern within 60 days.”

West Seattle Monday: In the wake of a busy weekend…

July 22, 2013 9:00 am
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Thanks to Eileen for the photo; she was among the West Seattleites in attendance at Saturday’s sendoff for “Bertha,” the Highway 99 tunneling megamachine, which the state plans to launch soon. Her photo shows visitors signing part of the tunnel liner, which will be installed behind “Bertha” as the machine proceeds. On to today; from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

LOW-LOW TIDE: Tide’s out! Seattle Aquarium volunteer beach naturalists are scheduled to be out at Constellation and Lincoln Parks 10 am-1:30 pm. The tide will bottom out at 11:03 am, at -3.1 feet. It was almost that low on Sunday, when we shared this photo via Instagram:

If the photo doesn’t show for you, go here. P.S. You can check tides any time on the WSB Weather page.

SET-BUILDING HELP: If you missed the volunteer-seeking announcement Friday, Twelfth Night Productions is building sets for its upcoming “Guys and Dolls” at West Seattle High School all week long and would appreciate volunteer help; they’re starting work at 10 am. (3000 California SW)

SPECIAL STORYTIME: Melissa at Westwood Village Barnes and Noble, which usually has storytime on Saturdays, sends word of a special one at 11 am today: “We’ll be reading ‘The Day the Crayons Quit,’ a story about what happens when one’s crayons feel unappreciated or overworked. We’ll also be having some treats and some fun with crayons, of course!”

TONIGHT’S NIGHTLIFE: Even on Monday night, there’s something going on; we have three trivia/quiz listings on the calendar.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Murky Monday morning

(Live view from the east-facing WS Bridge camera; other cameras are on the WSB Traffic page)
7:15 AM: Heading toward the heart of the commute, nothing out of the ordinary right now. The weather is again expected to clear later in the day.

7:54 AM: Not sure if it’ll still be there when you see this, but we noticed the west-facing camera was turned toward the low bridge. And the east-facing camera on the high bridge is back. So we moved the latter to the top, and the former here:

8:01 AM: In comments, STB says an empty Metro Route 57 bus is stalled and slowing things a bit on the northbound 99 ramp.

WestSide Baby ‘Stuff the Bus,’ report #2: Today’s tally

July 21, 2013 9:44 pm
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Car by car, box by box, the diaper donations came, and tonight – following up on our in-progress coverage earlier today – we have the official wrapup for WestSide Baby‘s 13th annual “Stuff the Bus.” From WS Baby’s executive director WestSide Baby:

Thank you so much to the communities of West Seattle and Burien today for the amazing support of Stuff the Bus. As of today, the Stuff the Bus Campaign for WestSide Baby has raised 193,000 diapers! We still hope to reach 250,000 diapers but we see it in sight. We count our goal through a combination of physical diapers donated, cash gifts and sponsorships.

The West Seattle Bus brought in 35,595 diapers and the Burien Bus gathered 23,750 today!! We have special thanks for all of our staff and the 80 volunteers and board members who blanketed Seattle in yellow over the last 2 days to support our efforts.

Special call outs to Burien Toyota and Burien Chevrolet for hosting a record drive, gathering more than 12,000 diapers for a first-ever effort. AmericanWest Bank lent us their support, parking lot and an incredible group of energetic volunteers. First Student bus company, and especially Jerry our bus driver, rock for donating services and time. Much appreciation to Bright Horizons and Ages and Stages child-care programs for diaper drives and volunteer efforts. Local grocery stores at Safeway, West Seattle Thriftway, QFC and Albertsons offered incredible support, resulting in many diapers and gifts. There were many, many drivers, volunteers, and others who went out of their way to make our event a success. We will continue to recognize folks on our Facebook page, website and other outreach over the next couple of weeks. Thank you to everyone who gave!!

In the waning moments today, we photographed Nancy and daughter Mcinnis:

WSB is proud to be among the many community co-sponsors for “Stuff the Bus.” And it’s important to note, you can help WestSide Baby help local families in need ANY time of year – by donating diapers, other items they need, your time as a volunteer, and/or money – details on all of the above can be found on the WS Baby website.

The WSBeat: Tall-tale teller; bocce-ball burglary attempt; 13 more summaries

By Megan Sheppard
On the WSBeat, for West Seattle Blog

This edition of the WSBeat contains summaries written from reports on cases handled in the past several weeks by Southwest Precinct officers – generally cases that (usually) have not already appeared here in breaking-news coverage or West Seattle Crime Watch reports, but that might at least answer the question “what WERE all those police doing on my block?” It’s actually two rounds of WSBeat checks; we start with the most recent round:

*The customer at the bar had a sad story that he shared with a waitress: Home from Afghanistan on bereavement leave (his mom had died), he had nowhere to stay for the night until his plane left the next day. The waitress offered a cot for the night. While he was showering, she checked his phone for text messages. One said, “I heard you were back in Seattle. There is a restraining order. Do not go to (local area).” One text was signed “mom” (thereby poking holes in the dead mom story). She allowed him to stay, but the next day, when his behavior became erratic, she quietly asked some friends to come over. The husband told the man he had to leave and took him to the Fauntleroy ferry dock. Meanwhile, the waitress and friends checked her computer: Part of the browsing history had been deleted, but he had typed his name into a sex-offender registry database, where there had been a match. She decided to tell her story to officers, who advised her to call 911 if he contacted her again.

14 more summaries, short and not-so-short, ahead:

Read More

West Seattle Outdoor Movies 2013: Successful start; ‘Devil Wears Prada’ next week

That’s a trailer for “The Devil Wears Prada,” next Saturday night’s West Seattle Outdoor Movies feature – second movie in this summer’s six-week series in the courtyard next to Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), following a successful start last night. Though the movies start at dusk, be sure to come early – people started staking out spots after 6 pm last week, and in the 7 pm hour, the prime back rows were filling up:

You won’t be bored if you come early – there’s usually something special before the movie, and last night that included a robotics demonstration by Seattle Lutheran High School:

You’ll also meet cool people like Paul and Dave from PB&J Textiles (WSB sponsor), who run the popcorn machine on movie nights:

The movies are always free; concessions are sold as a benefit for nonprofits, who usually provide volunteers to help out. This year’s full schedule of Saturday night movies is here, with co-sponsors including WSB – see you at the movies!

Sunday scenes: 26th annual Mediterranean Fantasy Festival

July 21, 2013 3:01 pm
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All the park’s a stage at Hiawatha as Mediterranean Fantasy Fest, the region’s premier belly-dancing festival, continues for a few more hours. You just might find a troupe getting ready, as we did, while others are onstage:

Performances continue outdoors and indoors until about 5 pm today – here’s the schedule. And don’t miss the vendors! Among them, West Seattle’s own Dina Lydia, the Costume Goddess:

The festival’s been an annual tradition for more than a quarter of a century, founded by the Babylonian Ensemble, whose website tells the story here.

ADDED 8:46 PM: Dina Lydia shared a few of her photos from the festival:

Belly-dancing is for all agencies; those sisters dance as The Bellybuttons. Next, Shalaa and Amanda in sailor outfits for a humorous mother-daughter routine:

On to the traditional – a Persian dance by a member of the troupe Karavans:

Here’s veteran troupe Shahradezade Dance Ensemble with a traditional beladi dance in the Hiawatha gym:

And the student troupe Dancing Mirage:

SiDE NOTE: This festival’s over, but summer fun at Hiawatha keeps going – next up, six Thursday nights of music, with Summer Concerts at Hiawatha beginning next Thursday night – details here.)

Update: WestSide Baby’s 2013 ‘Stuff the Bus’ diaper drive

July 21, 2013 11:14 am
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11:14 AM: Look for volunteers like Gracie and Ned to point the way to WestSide Baby‘s West Seattle headquarters for the “Stuff the Bus” diaper drive until 2 pm today – the AmericanWest Bank lot on the northeast corner of 40th and Alaska. Here’s the bus they’re hoping you’ll help them fill with diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6 are the ones most needed):

Among the first donors: Laurie from Bright Horizons in The Triangle brought the results of their diaper drive:

Through earlier drives and contributions, WS Baby executive director Nancy Woodland says, they have received 121,000 diapers of the current 250,000 goal. They’re hoping to net more than 63,500 in West Seattle today. If 40th/Alaska isn’t convenient, here are four other places you can drop off diapers today:

*West Seattle QFC on SW Alaska St & 42nd Ave SW (Alaska Junction)
*West Seattle Safeway on SW Admiral Way & California Ave SW (Admiral Junction)
*West Seattle Safeway on SW Alaska St & 42nd Ave SW (Jefferson Square)
*White Center Safeway on SW Roxbury St & 28th Ave SW

WestSide Baby helps thousands of local families each year.

11:30 AM UPDATE: Via Facebook, WS Baby reports almost 15,000 diapers received in West Seattle so far. But that’s not even a quarter of the way to the goal – hope you can help!

2:22 PM UPDATE: When today’s collection officially concluded a short time ago, the unofficial West Seattle tally was up to almost 34,000 – note the “tote board”!

West Seattle Sunday: Stuff the Bus; Garden Tour; Alki Art Fair; MedFest; Pedals For People; more…

(Saturday afternoon Alki Art Fair photo by WSB’s Katie Meyer)
Another murky morning – forecast to make way for a sunny afternoon, just like Saturday. Our highlights list isn’t as long as Saturday, but still plenty to do:

POST-FIREWORKS CLEANUP: In case there’s any debris from last night’s fireworks show off Beach Drive – and to take advantage of the chance to pick up any “summertime beach trash.” 9-11 am, Emma Schmitz Overlook. Details here. (4503 Beach Drive SW)

WEST SEATTLE GARDEN TOUR: 9 am-5 pm, self-guided tour of 9 gardens (with locations listed in the ticket book, on sale at locations listed on the WSGT website), with guest speaker Debra Prinzing‘s presentation at noon; details in our preview from last night.

WESTSIDE BABY ‘STUFF THE BUS’: The big diaper drive for WestSide Baby is today, 10 am-2 pm. Main dropoff location is AmericanWest Bank’s lot (40th/Alaska, northeast corner) but you can also drop off diapers at:

*West Seattle QFC on SW Alaska St & 42nd Ave SW (Alaska Junction)
*West Seattle Safeway on SW Admiral Way & California Ave SW (Admiral Junction)
*West Seattle Safeway on SW Alaska St & 42nd Ave SW (Jefferson Square)
*White Center Safeway on SW Roxbury St & 28th Ave SW

ALKI ART FAIR, DAY 2: 10 am-6 pm for artists, music until 8 pm, on the promenade at the beach. See the artist/food vendor list in our Thursday preview; see today’s music highlights (subject to changes, we’re warned) here (PDF). Free shuttle if you park at West Seattle High School at 3000 California SW.

MEDITERRANEAN FANTASY FEST, DAY 2: Largest belly-dancing festival in the Northwest! Vendors and food, too. Performances 11 am-5 pm today, indoors and outdoors at Hiawatha; more info here. (2700 California SW)

WHITE CENTER JUBILEE DAYS PARADE: 11:30 am, on 16th SW from SW 112th to SW 100th. Part of a big day of activities listed here.

PEDALS FOR PEOPLE: Starting at noon at the West Seattle Tool Library, join Sustainable West Seattle to donate and/or help fix bikes to be donated to people in Togo.

(Photo added 2:36 pm, courtesy SWS)
Full details on the SWS website. Continues until 4!

STEM SUMMERTIME PLAY DATE: New or returning student at West Seattle STEM Elementary (K-5 at Boren)? Play date today! 3-5 pm at the Lincoln Park playground by the “zip line.” More info here.

Even more – including nightlife – listed on our calendar!

WestSide Baby ‘Stuff the Bus’ diaper drive: Today’s the day

They marched and rolled and chanted in the West Seattle Grand Parade on Saturday; today, it’s your turn to take action – to answer WestSide Baby‘s call to “Stuff the Bus” in their biggest diaper drive of the year on behalf of thousands of King County babies and toddlers in need. It’s a really simple action to take, too; buy diapers and bring them to either the major West Seattle dropoff spot, the one where you’ll find the big yellow bus 10 am-2 pm, in the parking lot of AmericanWest Bank on the northeast corner of 40th/Alaska, or to one of these grocery stores where you’ll find WS Baby volunteers those same hours:

*West Seattle QFC on SW Alaska St & 42nd Ave SW (Alaska Junction)
*West Seattle Safeway on SW Admiral Way & California Ave SW (Admiral Junction)
*West Seattle Safeway on SW Alaska St & 42nd Ave SW (Jefferson Square)
*White Center Safeway on SW Roxbury St & 28th Ave SW

Sizes 4, 5, and 6 are most needed, according to WS Baby’s website. Speaking of which: If you can’t bring a donation of diapers anywhere in person today – you can donate money online and WS Baby will buy the diapers. “Help us help more kids than ever before,” is their request – as you’ll see in this WS Baby-provided video, also featuring their parade appearance:

So whatever you’re doing at midday today, detour for a few minutes for a gift to help our littlest local neighbors.

Video: 10-minute ‘private’ fireworks show from barge off Beach Drive

(UPDATED with video of entire 10-minute fireworks display)

9:49 PM: Beautiful end to what started as a foggy day! That vessel arrived off Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook in the 4500 block of Beach Drive about half an hour ago, for the “private” (but publicly visible) fireworks show we first told you about almost three weeks ago, expected to start by 10 pm. And spectators are gathering in the park to watch the fireworks. We’ll update when they’re over.

10:34 PM: If you were within earshot, you know they’ve been over for about 20 minutes – we couldn’t update until we got home from the park. Adding video when it’s ready.

11:45 PM: Though small-screen video of fireworks isn’t much like experiencing it in person – here (above) is the full 10-minute show, for posterity’s sake. We watched it from the water’s edge on the lower level of Emma Schmitz Overlook, about as close as you could get to the barge without going into the water.

ADDED SUNDAY: The cleanup on Sunday morning didn’t turn up much:

As Laura James with Puget Soundkeeper Alliance wrote in part in this comment below:

We were out as promised, and did a sweep of the beach with T & T, which also had a skiff checking the near shore. Unfortunately we were unable to find very much fireworks debris. I did find one fuse? assembly and a handful of cardboard that was IDENTICAL to the debris we clean up at the Lake Union show (it was not a consumer grade item) So I am asking folks in west seattle to keep an eye out for stuff washing up on the beach or when you are out kayaking/boarding. It will resemble a heavy duty box that got chopped up in a boat motor and by now be a bit waterlogged. There will likely be more of the blue material tube wrapped in burnt plastic items …

Like this:

Laura continued, “If you happen to find stuff that looks ā€œdifferentā€ than the normal beach trash please take a picture, note time and place, and send it to me: laura (at)”

West Seattle Grand Parade 2013, report #4: The people

July 20, 2013 9:40 pm
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Yet more highlights from today’s West Seattle Grand Parade. Big cheers for the first-time appearance by a group for whom the parade route was like a walk in the park – Team Tracy, the breast-cancer-fighting 3-Day Walk team led by survivor and superstar fundraiser Tracy Dart. Some walkers sported bras they had decorated at a parade-prep party earlier in the week; the group was accompanied by a motorcycle:

Elsewhere on 2 wheels, Sustainable West Seattle and West Seattle Bike Connections were among the sustainable-transportation advocates who rallied young bicyclists for the first “Kidical Mass” parade ride:

1-wheelers represented, too- the Pathfinder K-8 unicyclists:

Back on 4 wheels, the West Seattle Lions Club had a multiple-vehicle presence, with the lead vehicle, if you look closely, sporting a sign noting that parade day was recently retired service-station proprietor Dick Barnecut‘s birthday (87!):

Some of the most-memorable people were cheering on the sidelines:

At California/Alaska, current West Seattle Hi-Yu royalty cheered past royalty who are competing in the Miss Seafair program this year – Kayli Schulz, representing Hi-Yu, and Victoria Ferrulli, representing the Admiral Neighborhood Association:

Speaking of competing – there were of course politicians – in alphabetical order, we start with King County Executive Dow Constantine, running for re-election but with no opponent actually campaigning:

Running for Seattle mayor, four candidates were in or at the parade – here’s City Councilmember Bruce Harrell:

Incumbent Mayor Mike McGinn wasn’t “in” the parade but was sighted on the sidelines – we didn’t see him but his Twitter account included photos:

State Senator Ed Murray started out marching with the 34th District Democrats and had broken out by the parade’s final section:

And former City Councilmember Peter Steinbrueck campaigned his way down California (we heard him asking spectators “Are you undecided?”):

We should also note that current Councilmembers Richard Conlin and Sally Bagshaw, running for re-election, were here too, as were local legislators accompanying with the 34th.

Our other Grand Parade coverage for this year, and past years, is archived here.

West Seattle Garden Tour tomorrow: Explore 9 special gardens

July 20, 2013 7:30 pm
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(Sea holly and bee, photographed for WSB by Nick Adams during 2012 WS Garden Tour)
One of tomorrow’s big events is less than 14 hours away – and you have all day to enjoy it, even interspersed with other Sunday fun: The West Seattle Garden Tour runs from 9 am until 5 pm tomorrow, and your ticket book gets you the locations of, and admission to, the nine featured gardens, plus the noon presentation by Debra Prinzing, “A Year in Flowers” (at The Kenney [WSB sponsor], 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW). In addition to a day of self-guided garden touring and learning, the WSGT also is a fundraiser; net proceeds go to local nonprofits chosen each year, and this year’s half-dozen beneficiaries are listed here. If you don’t already have a ticket book, you’ll need to buy one tomorrow; ticket outlets are listed here – we’re told West Seattle Nursery (California/Brandon) is a good bet, since it’s open at 9 am, which is when the tour gardens open, too.

Seen in the 2013 West Seattle Rotary Kiddie Parade

July 20, 2013 7:12 pm
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 |   West Seattle Grand Parade | West Seattle news

(WSB photos by Katie Meyer)
Every year before the West Seattle Grand Parade, kids get a parade of their own courtesy of the Rotary Club of West Seattle, the Rotary Kiddie Parade. Above, the Junior All-City Band (which trailed the rest of the paraders by a bit today); below, Charlotte led the main group:

Some paraded in costume:

Some in mini-vehicles, too:

Rotarians provided balloons for kids who signed up:

And the Kiddie Parade even drew “royalty”:

This parade travels a shorter route than the Grand Parade – down California from the north end of The Junction (SW Genesee) to the south end (SW Edmunds).

West Seattle Grand Parade, report #3: The winners!

July 20, 2013 3:44 pm
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 |   West Seattle Grand Parade | West Seattle news

(EDITOR’S NOTE: More Grand Parade reports to be published Saturday night-Sunday morning)

(Thanks to Frank for that photo of part of the Luna Park CafƩ entry, #1 in Commercial)
The list is just in from West Seattle Grand Parade coordinators and judges:

Overall Grand Prize Winners

1stā€‹ – Marysville Strawberry Festival Float

2nd ā€‹- Seattle Schools All-City Marching Band

3rdā€‹ – Calgary Round-Up Band

(From the Seafair Clowns, West Seattle’s own “Officer Lumpy”)
1stā€‹ – Seattle Seafair Clowns
2nd ā€‹- Lake City Western Vigilantes
3rdā€‹ – Keystone Kops

1st ā€‹- Seafair Pirates

(Photo by Rachel Chaimson)
2ndā€‹ – Joyas Mestizas ā€“ Mexican Folk Dance
3rdā€‹ – Pathfinder K-8 School Unicycle Team
1stā€‹ – Luna Park CafĆ© (see top photo)
2ndā€‹ – Hotwire Coffee
3rdā€‹ – Seattle Public Utilities
1stā€‹ – Last Resort Fire Department
2ndā€‹ – Hope Lutheran School
3rdā€‹ – 1942 LaFrance Fire Truck
1st ā€‹- Electronette Butterflies

2nd ā€‹- The Princesses of Elegance
3rdā€‹ – Anointed to Praise Drill Team
1stā€‹ – Electronette High Steppers & Drum Corp

2ndā€‹ – Seattle Chinese Community Girls Drill Team
3rdā€‹ – The Ladies of Elegance Drill Team (see them with Princesses of Elegance in clip above)

1stā€‹ – Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish & School

2ndā€‹ – Cub Scout Pack 793
3rdā€‹ – WestSide Baby ā€“ Stuff the Bus (see video here)
1stā€‹ – Marysville Strawberry Festival (see video earlier in this story)

1stā€‹ – Seattle Police Pipe and Drum Corp

2nd ā€‹- Kennedy Catholic High School Marching Band

We’ll continue adding photos and video to this over the course of the weekend, since we have video and/or photos of everyone in the parade! Meantime, our other Grand Parade coverage – from today and from previous years – is archived here.

Artists, music, more @ Alki Art Fair 2013: Saturday scenes

(Photo by Keri DeTore)
Parade’s over but – as shown in our West Seattle Saturday lineup – other big events are on, including the first day of the Alki Art Fair! Above, a mother-and-daughter team you’ll find among the more than 60 artists/vendors at the fair – Holli (from Holli With An I Photography) and Iris Clementine. We have a crew at the beach right now and will be adding photos a bit later. Quick links:

*Artist list here
*Today’s music lineup for the main stages here (PDF)
*Silent-auction items inside Alki Bathhouse

And remember you can take a shuttle from the West Seattle High School parking lot (3000 California SW) if you’re not biking, bus-riding, walking, skateboarding, etc., to get to the fair, which is along the boardwalk, paralleling Alki Avenue from about 60th SW westward. Artist booths are open until 6 pm today and again 10-6 on Sunday, with music continuing tonight until 9.

ADDED: More scenes from Saturday – all photos below are by WSB’s Katie Meyer. Beautiful afternoon for a fair:

Music filled the air all day long and into the evening – this is MoonGirl:

So much to see, hear, and do, whatever your age:

The art being shown and sold is sometimes dazzling:

Sometimes fun:

And you’ll find it in a variety of media:

Or – if you’re of a certain age – create your own; Young At Art is there for projects with little ones.

Also look for Seal Sitters, whose art and essay contest for kids is under way (read all about it here), with a chance for them to enter at the fair:

Remember – it’s the “Year of the Seal“!

Sunday hours are again 10 am-6 pm, with music continuing until 8.

West Seattle Grand Parade 2013, report #2: The end & the beginning

(Find all our parade coverage in this archive – newest to oldest)

12:49 PM: After almost two hours, the West Seattle Grand Parade is over in the Admiral District, where it begins, and the north part of California SW has reopened to traffic as of a few minutes ago. Final entry is Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), with a live band, The Afterthoughts, on board a flatbed tow truck. Lots of great moments before that, too, and we’ll be rolling out highlights for hours to come. (P.S. Hotwire is alongside the courtyard where we hope to see you tonight for the first West Seattle Outdoor Movies presentation of the season!)

1:30 PM: Our crew on the south end of the route reports that the parade has concluded there too.

Meantime, in advance of later reports focusing on parade angles such as the trophy winners, we’re expanding this one to include not only the end of the parade but a few sights from the start!

Above, the West Seattle Hi-Yu float in action (you can also see it in tomorrow afternoon’s White Center Jubilee Days parade and the Seafair Torchlight Parade a week from tonight). Below, a quick maneuver by the Vancouver, B.C., Police Motorcycle Drill Team – in the only Seattle-area parade in which they participate!

Video: 2nd annual West Seattle Float Dodger 5K, and its special dedication

10:16 AM: In its second year, the West Seattle Float Dodger 5K is an unquestionable hit – West Seattle Runner (Float Dodger and WSB sponsor) told us that as of earlier this week, registration already had eclipsed the first year’s total turnout, and having just watched the entire crowd pass here at California/Lander, we can verify a bigger crowd.

Our video (top of this story) includes some of the runners around the middle of the pack; we had a crew at the starting line too, and will add much more later – but for now, we’re getting close to West Seattle Grand Parade time!

ADDED 1:49 PM: The results are now available online. Brett Winegar, #720, finished in 16:11, followed by Jeffrey Bigham, #698, in 16:35. First female finisher was Caitlin Latimer, #690, in 19:19; second was Katherine Urbanski, #668, in 20:30. The official results show almost 300 runners!

We’ll be checking with organizers for other winners – best costume, etc.

ADDED 7:51 PM: A very special aspect of today’s Float Dodger 5K was the dedication. As explained on the official website:

This year’s race is dedicated to Andrea Boag, a dear friend of Tim and Lori, owners of West Seattle Runner. On June 10th, she passed away, ending a long battle with cancer. Andrea lives forever in our hearts and this race is in honor of her.

Below, with a poster honoring Andrea, are from left, West Seattle Runner co-proprietor Lori McConnell, Andrea’s sister Sara, her nephew Ethan, and her mom Kristin:

The race’s emcee – leading a moment of silence and the countdown – was KIRO TV’s Michelle Millman, herself a cancer survivor:

Here’s that countdown, and the start of the race:

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is a major beneficiary of the Float Dodger 5K, and Tim and Lori also invite donations in honor of Andrea – go here.

West Seattle Grand Parade 2013, report #1: Getting ready

8:48 AM: The hundreds of people who’ll be part of the 70-plus entries in today’s West Seattle Grand Parade are getting ready – including West Seattle Hi-Yu volunteers accompanying this year’s float, themed “Alki Deep,” photographed a few minutes ago in the staging area. More parade-prep coverage to come; the parade starts at 11 am, heading south on California from Lander to Edmunds (see the route here; see traffic/bus changes here).
9:22 AM: At the Float Dodger 5K starting line (9:45 am, California/Charlestown), signs of the times:

Note that we’ll be sharing photos via Instagram before, during, and after – see our feed here. Another one – back at the parade’s starting line, co-coordinator Jim Edwards:

A bit of drizzle amid the fog a few minutes ago – but that seems to have stopped (no, wait, there it is again). Think sun – but bring a jacket to start off with!

ADDED 5:35 PM: A few more pre-parade scenes – featuring the Seafair Pirates, who once again came to Merrill Gardens-Admiral Heights (WSB sponsor) for breakfast:

This year’s Captain Kidd – West Seattleite Rusty Harper – shared a table with Hi-Yu royalty:

But before the parade – Moby Duck needed a fill-up, and they went over to Admiral (formerly Barnecut’s) Shell:

Our parade coverage, from today and earlier, is all archived here.

West Seattle Saturday: Grand Parade; Float Dodger 5K; Alki Art Fair; MedFest; Outdoor Movies; much, much more…

(8:30 am photo: Seafair Pirates already have landed in the Admiral District, pre-parade!)
Biggest day of West Seattle’s season of summer fun! And this is just SOME of it – even more is on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

CSWS RUMMAGE SALE: 8 am-8 pm, one of our area’s biggest annual rummage sales, with a bake sale too! (9450 22nd SW)

FLOAT DODGER 5K: 9:45 am, the second annual edition of this fun pre-parade race – see the route here. Run in costume! Win prizes (see the list here)! Receive cheers from people waiting for the parade! You can still sign up pre-race starting at 8 am. (Starts at California/Charlestown)

ROTARY KIDDIE PARADE: 10 am, check-in starts at California/Genesee; 11 am, kids are invited to walk, roll, skip, pedal in the Rotary Club of West Seattle‘s annual mini-parade, which also features the Junior All-City Band (see our Friday night preview).

ALKI ART FAIR: 10 am-6 pm for artists, music until 9 pm, on the promenade at the beach. See the artist/food vendor list in our Thursday preview; see today’s music lineup for the two main stages here (PDF). Free shuttle if you park at West Seattle High School (3000 California SW)

COMMUNITY GARDEN TOUR: Village Green Perennial Nursery has organized a free self-guided West Seattle/White Center tour spotlighting rain gardens, urban farming, beekeeping, and other sustainability practices, 10 am-4 pm today, – see the map and more info here.

FRIENDS OF MORGAN JUNCTION PARKS CLEANUP: 10 am-noon, lots of help needed to continue beautifying Morgan Junction Park! Details in the calendar listing.

WEST SEATTLE GRAND PARADE: 11 am, more than 70 entries from motorcycles to marching bands to unicycles to drill teams to community groups (and more!), heading south on California from Lander to Edmunds. The parade is presented by West Seattle’s American Legion Post 160. Here’s the official website; here’s our coverage archive, with multiple previews (as well as coverage of past years).

BARBECUE LUNCH FOR WESTSIDE BABY: Today’s 11 am-~4 pm benefit barbecue at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) raises money for WestSide Baby on the weekend of its biggest annual diaper drive – more on that a few entries down! (California/Fauntleroy/Morgan)

MEDITERRANEAN FANTASY FESTIVAL: Belly dancing, vendors, food and more, in the park at Hiawatha Community Center. The dancer lineup for today – outdoors and indoors, 11 am-7 pm – is here; other details are in printed programs on site. (2700 California SW)

BYE, BYE BERTHA: 11:30 am, not in West Seattle, but Highway 99 affects us in a big way, so the official sendoff for the tunnel-boring machine might be of interest. It starts with speeches and a ceremony at 11:30, and continues until 3 pm with launch-pit tours. Full details here.

KIWANIS BENEFIT MOTORCYCLE/SCOOTER RALLY/POKER RUN: The Bridge is the start and finish spot for the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle‘s 5th annual Charity Motorcycle and Scooter Rally (Poker Run), from registration at noon till the conclusion of the afterparty around 7 – full details in our calendar listing. (4439 35th SW, and beyond!)

BACKPACK GIVEAWAY AND BARBECUE: Eastridge Church presents a family festival including a barbecue lunch and backpack giveaway, 1-3 pm at Delridge Community Center; full details in the calendar listing.

GATEWOOD ELEMENTARY PLAYDATES: Meet your future schoolmates long before the new school year starts! 1-3 pm on the Gatewood playground – details here.

FUNDRAISER FOR JAN: Longtime WSB’er Jan Seeley is recovering from a long-needed kidney transplant, and well enough now that friends are throwing a party starting at 2 pm today. It’s a multi-part party, explained in this Facebook event.

EARLY ‘STUFF THE BUS’ DONATIONS: The big diaper drive for WestSide Baby is Sunday – but today, you can drop off diapers early, 4-7 pm, with WS Baby volunteers tabling at:

*West Seattle QFC on SW Alaska St & 42nd Ave SW (Alaska Junction)
*West Seattle Safeway on SW Admiral Way & California Ave SW (Admiral Junction)
*West Seattle Safeway on SW Alaska St & 42nd Ave SW (Jefferson Square)
*White Center Safeway on SW Roxbury St & 28th Ave SW

WEST SEATTLE OUTDOOR MOVIES: At dusk tonight in the courtyard by Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), this year’s Outdoor Movies series (co-sponsored by WSB) begins with the 1964 James Bond classic “Goldfinger.” Free, but come early to stake out your spot (BYO chair/blanket), and bring $ for concessions and raffle prizes. Preceded by a short from the web series “Rocketmen.” And more surprises! (4410 California SW)

SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK: Greenstage presents “Merry Wives of Windsor” at High Point Commons Park, 7 pm (map and details on the calendar).

FIREWORKS OFF BEACH DRIVE: At about 10 pm tonight, from a barge off the 4500 block of Beach Drive, a privately arranged (but publicly visible) fireworks show is scheduled. Here’s our original report, and another reminder that cleanup volunteers are welcome tomorrow morning.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Saturday closures, changes

Once again this weekend, summer fun brings road closures and bus changes, so we’re starting the morning with a reminder about those. For today’s Float Dodger 5K and West Seattle Grand Parade, California SW will be closed from just south of Admiral Way to Edmunds in The Junction by the time the race starts at 9:45 am; the north part closes earliest for parade staging, and some side streets are affected too, with parking restrictions kicking in shortly wherever you see a “No Parking” sign.

Here are the official Metro Transit reroutes (each link goes to the PDF posted on Metro’s site for that specific route), expected to be in effect approximately 8 am-2 pm:

*RapidRide C Line
*Route 22 (only southbound affected)
*Route 50
*Route 128
*Route 773 (Water Taxi Shuttle)

If you are going to the Alki Art Fair (3000 California SW), which starts its first of two days at 10 am today, you can park at West Seattle High School and take a free shuttle to and from the beach. Note that the WSHS/Hiawatha area will be extra-busy not just because of that and parade staging, but also because the Mediterranean Fantasy Festival starts today at 11 am.

CITYWIDE TRAFFIC ALERTS: Here’s the SDOT-provided weekend roundup.