West Seattle scene: Cleaning up ‘Walking on Logs’

(Photo courtesy Sharonn Meeks)
Interspersed among the sculpture children of “Walking on Logs” today were real live volunteers, tidying up the overgrown-during-the-winter bridge-side area. By the time they were done, there was a sizable stack of sacks. As noted in the daily preview, this was one of at least four community cleanups – anybody else with a photo to share? Let your neighbors know you took the time to help beautify our community.

2 Replies to "West Seattle scene: Cleaning up 'Walking on Logs'"

  • Mike June 8, 2013 (11:01 pm)

    Thank you!!!

  • nancy38 June 9, 2013 (11:01 am)

    The WOL Landscape Group always appreciates the thanks and the honks but what we’d appreciate more is other community members willing to give a few hours of their time once or twice a year to help maintain the site. Particularly members of the community groups who make use of site to advertise their events. We will be doing another clean up in July (announcement forthcoming) – hope we will see some of you there. Walking on Logs Landscape Group

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