Video: WWRHAH’s questions, Metro’s answers

(From left, Metro’s Victor Obeso; Delridge District Council chair Mat McBride; Metro’s DeAnna Martin and Doug Johnson. Photo courtesy Joe Szilagyi)
With side effects of last fall’s big changes still rippling, and the possibility of cuts ahead if new funding isn’t found, Metro Transit remains a hot topic, even for those who don’t ride its buses regularly. For the new Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council (aka WWRHAH), it’s the #1 topic its members want to know about – not surprising, given that the Westwood Village area is being increasingly utilized as a transit hub, and that last fall’s cuts hit especially hard in Arbor Heights. So last night, WWRHAH devoted the entirety of its meeting to hearing from and talking with Metro reps. If you couldn’t be there, here’s our video – in two parts, since there was a five-minute break during the meeting. Part 1:

Here’s part two:

That ends a few minutes before the meeting did, as our camera operator had to run out to breaking news. If you don’t have time to listen to/watch the video, WWRHAH secretary Joe Szilagyi published detailed notes via the council’s website late last night, and you can read them here.

P.S. Metro reps are making another appearance in this area tomorrow night, as part of the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting, 7 pm Thursday (June 6) at NH Fire District headquarters, 1243 SW 112th.

SIDE NOTE: Just as we were finishing this story, Metro announced details of its June service changes, taking effect Saturday. Here’s the regionwide page; we’ll have a separate West Seattle breakout shortly.

7 Replies to "Video: WWRHAH's questions, Metro's answers"

  • Joe Szilagyi June 5, 2013 (10:48 am)

    is the sound OK for the videos or is it just me?

  • WSB June 5, 2013 (11:09 am)

    Update: Seems to be a YT glitch. I have re-embedded the code for part 1, which looks and sounds fine now. About to try the same for part 2. – TR
    added – YT still isn’t letting that one work. So watch/listen to part 1 while we re-upload part 2.

  • WSB June 5, 2013 (11:59 am)

    And update: Part 2 now working. We won’t gripe about YT since it’s a free service and seldom problematic, but it was weird to see the video go silent and low-res AFTER we uploaded it and checked before posting! Oh well. Glitch. Thanks to Joe for the quick catch – TR

  • Carlton June 5, 2013 (12:09 pm)

    Just go ahead and.make the cuts, I dont care.

  • ws born & bred June 5, 2013 (12:46 pm)

    Thank you WSB for the coverage and thank you Joe for your organization and communication efforts!

  • Norma June 5, 2013 (11:19 pm)

    I think this is very sad. It’s a bad situation for our great city. It’s really very difficult to get around town any more.

Sorry, comment time is over.