Mariners go to bat for local students at West Seattle Elementary

Hours before taking the field tonight – a lineup of Seattle Mariners took the stage at West Seattle Elementary School this afternoon. it was one of five DREAM Team assemblies around the region, held simultaneously on the Mariners’ 16th annual Education Day. Here’s what DREAM stands for:

It was not just a DREAM for kids to meet pro baseball players, who moved into the audience to sit with them while watching a reel of recent highlights …

… but it also was a dream for some of the grownups on hand, like Ms. Raymond, who’s a major Mariners fan:

The lineup announced for WSE just before the event included announcer Aaron Goldsmith, players Jason Bay, Jeremy Bonderman, Nick Franklin, Joe Saunders, Kelly Shoppach, and coach Robby Thompson.

1 Reply to "Mariners go to bat for local students at West Seattle Elementary"

  • george June 11, 2013 (10:40 pm)

    This is a terrible idea!!! Local athletes going to our schools and mingling with kids? Being hero worshipped? And worse, by adults too? By gosh, we better not bring the Sonics back, who knows how fast this community could go to he11 in a hand basket then. Who do these guys think they are?

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