Update: 4 dogs survive fire believed to have started in kennel

10:55 AM: Crews are on the scene of a house-fire call in the 200 block of SW Roxbury – the east end of the street. They’ve already reported it as “tapped” and are dismissing some of the crews; more to come.

11:11 AM: Firefighters on the scene say what fire there was, was in the back of the house. No injuries reported; the investigation into its cause is under way.

11:25 AM: SFD spokesperson Kyle Moore has just been to the scene and provided new information: The fire started in a backyard kennel-type structure that was housing 4 dogs (all described as Chihuahuas). They’re all OK. But the flames did extend to the deck and the back wall of the house – the interior was not involved, so the house remains habitable. Investigators are still trying to find out what sparked the fire.

(This photo and next one courtesy of SFD)
4:36 PM: Adding photos shared by SFD’s Moore showing where the fire started (and spread), at the back of the home, where the wire kennel area was.

Still awaiting final word on the fire’s cause.

10:44 PM UPDATE: And that information’s now in – a heater in the “dog house” caused an accidental electrical fire, SFD says, with flames spreading to the wooden deck and siding before the fire was extinguished. Damage is estimated at $20,000.

13 Replies to "Update: 4 dogs survive fire believed to have started in kennel"

  • WS rats in a cage January 22, 2013 (12:27 pm)

    How many animals is one allowed to have? I’ve heard various numbers but can’t find anything on the animal shelter section of the City of Seattle website.

  • furryfaces January 22, 2013 (2:05 pm)

    So glad to hear everyone is okay.

    WS rats in a cage. Seattle Animal Shelter does not have a limit on number of animals; just that each one has to be licensed (dogs & cats). City of Seattle ‘Zoning’ states three indoor/outdoor cats and dogs.

    WSB, please let us know if we can be of any assistance to this family’s dogs. We will partner with AARF to provide food, beds, bowls, crates, etc., (even spay/neuter–you know us! It’s Hip To Be Snipped!).

    The family may email us at furryfaces@hotmail.com.
    Thanks, The F3 Gang

  • thugbee January 22, 2013 (4:30 pm)

    First of all–standard disclaimer: glad the dogs are OK and no one was hurt.

    Not surprised at this incident. Chihuahuas as a breed are known to smoke. We had two and they liked those thin brown cigarillos. A couple of times they fell asleep while smoking in their beds and it was a real mess.

    Not saying this is what happened, but… Luckily it turned out not too bad.

  • Ajax January 22, 2013 (5:16 pm)

    Four chihuahuas in a backyard cage… Is this some sort of backyard breeder? If so, I hope the dogs can be rehomed.

  • Huindekmi January 22, 2013 (5:35 pm)

    Don’t let your dogs play with matches.

  • KBear January 22, 2013 (5:52 pm)

    Glad the pups are OK. Not sure if this applies here, but aren’t there allowances for additional animals on larger lots?

  • Moose January 22, 2013 (7:32 pm)

    The number of dogs/cats is 4. I would guess they provided heat for the little guys and that could have caused it, having a fire and have my dogs trapped is my biggest fear. I’m happy to hear all are well. Betch’a they won’t be going in their kennel anytime soon. Their counseling bill will be substantial ;)

  • Moose January 22, 2013 (7:37 pm)

    Kbear – yes.

    “Seattle, Wash. – 3 dogs on lots of less than 20,000 sq. ft. , 5 dogs for 20,000 to 35,000 sq. ft., with an additional 2 per acre for lots over 35,000 sq. ft. to a maximum of 20, unless a special permit is granted.
    But each county if different. I called and was told 4 (west Seattle)

  • rr January 22, 2013 (9:31 pm)

    The dogs are Chihuahuas, you idiots are acting like they got horses back there.

  • Cait January 22, 2013 (10:04 pm)

    thugbee… oh my goodness, I just got a kick out of that visual. I’m so glad all the dogs are OK!!

  • Moose January 22, 2013 (11:06 pm)

    Rr it was a side discussion. Chill. It would take 10 to equal my one. Jez!

  • wingme January 23, 2013 (1:44 am)

    These little cuties are my neighbors. They are happy healthy well-loved and “fixed”. They have a nice house and big yard (fenced). I’m certain they are all indoors and getting lots of treats and cuddles tonight.

    • WSB January 23, 2013 (1:56 am)

      Thanks, Wingme!

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