month : 12/2012 327 results

West Seattle filmmaker Jamie Chamberlin’s ‘The Taking’ on sale

December 13, 2012 12:20 pm
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Rock/film fan on your holiday gift list? West Seattle filmmaker Jamie Burton Chamberlin sends word that “The Taking,” his feature film with Duff McKagan’s Loaded, “full of West Seattle cameos and venues,” is now on sale, including an option bundled with the album that inspired it. Above, McKagan’s promotional clip, talking about “The Taking”; as noted here in October, it’s been parceled out in “webisode” clips, most of which are featured here.

Memorial on Friday for Josephine Bodourian, 1935-2012

Longtime West Seattleite Josephine “Jo” Bodourian will be remembered tomorrow, and her family wanted to make sure her many local friends get the word in time:

Josephine M. Bodourian was born January 12, 1935 in Pittsburgh, PA, to Leonard A. Pepper and Josephine Pepper. Jo lived and worked in the Seattle area for more than 50 years. She was a cancer survivor and her recent passing on Friday, December 7, was unexpected.

Jo volunteered for Meals on Wheels, delivering food through the Senior Center. She worked for many years at the V.A. Hospital as a nurse. She was a member of the YWCA and was a swimmer and enjoyed various fitness activities. She also enjoyed traveling.

Jo was preceded in death by her brothers Anton and Leonard A. Pepper, Jr.

She is survived by her sister Rose Kholos (Henry) and her brother Joseph A. Pepper (Carole). She is also survived by her son Greg Bodourian.

Josephine was an exceptionally kind and giving woman and will be missed by all who knew her.

A viewing will be held at Acacia Funeral Home in Seattle on Friday, December 14, from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. There will be a brief prayer service beginning at 4:00 pm.

Acacia is at 14951 Bothell Way NE (map).

West Seattle Thursday: Art Walk, Shop Late, Ask The Expert, wine, music, Holidays 4 Hope’s final day…

December 13, 2012 9:20 am
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Thanks to Don Brubeck for capturing the sun’s cameo appearance early today. Busy day/night ahead! Highlights:

THREE LIBRARY STORY TIMES: Two for preschoolers this morning – Southwest Branch (35th/Henderson) at 11 am, Delridge Branch (Brandon/Delridge) at 11:15 am – then there’s one for toddlers at the High Point Branch (35th/Raymond) at 11:30 am.

FINAL DAY TO DONATE A TOY TO HOLIDAYS 4 HOPE! We’ve been updating you on the local students collecting toys to take to this Saturday’s South Park WinterFest holiday party. Today’s the last day you can drop off a donation – locations include Zippy’s Giant Burgers, JC’s Deli, The Original Bakery. Check out the Holidays 4 Hope Facebook page here.

HANUKKAH CONTINUES: Sixth night. And here’s a virtual menorah you can light; thanks to Eric from the Kol HaNeshamah congregation for the link (P.S. – KHN has a Hanukkah party on Saturday, listed in the WSB Holiday Guide).

CHAMBER PARTY: Tonight’s the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce “Mix, Mingle, Jingle” party, 5-7 pm at Feedback Lounge (6451 California SW; WSB sponsor), register online ASAP if you haven’t already!

WINE-TASTING EVENTS: Three tonight – at West Seattle Cellars (WSB sponsor), 5:30-9 pm, it’s the annual port tasting; at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), it’s Wine Club night, 6-8 pm (explained here); and at Bin 41 in The Junction, winemaker Marie-Eve Gilla from Forgeron Cellars is on hand for Art Walk night, 6-8:30 pm.

WEST SEATTLE ART WALK: Dozens of places to get your art on tonight – meet the artists, buy their work as unique local holiday gifts – 6 to 9 pm, walking map/venue list here, previews on the official Art Walk website.

CHRISTOPHER BOFFOLI @ ARTSWEST: The “Food as Art” three-artist show featuring some of the internationally renowned photos by longtime WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli runs just a few more days at ArtsWest – where you can attend a talk with Christopher and the show’s other two artists TONIGHT, 6 pm.

SHOP LATE THURSDAY IN THE JUNCTION: While you’re out – check out the participating stores – also open till 9 (or so).

AND WHILE YOU’RE OUT – DONATE! Twilight Artist Collective, for example, has a bin for Treehouse – details in the “Giving Opportunities” section of the WSB Holiday Guide. Lots of other businesses, too.

‘SANTA AL’ ROAMING: Taking a break from his North Pole work, “Santa Al” (who shared the photo above) reports he’ll be “making random drop-bys tonight during the Art Walk and (Shop Late Thursday) at the Junction.”

ASK THE EXPERT: Second Thursday also means this monthly event at the legendary West Seattle Tool Library (northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 4408 Delridge Way SW) – 6 to 8 pm, with experts on hand to talk with you about a variety of potential projects (among those you’ll find, WSB sponsor LD Arch Design) – full list on the Facebook event page.

ARBOR HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY BOOKFAIR BEGINS: 7 pm tonight, come to Barnes and Noble at Westwood Village to hear special guest readers from Arbor Heights Elementary, which is B&N’s Bookfair beneficiary – special code for purchases over the next week is part of the info you’ll find in our calendar listing.

MADISON CONCERT: Madison Middle School Music Department winter concert happens tonight in the Madison gym (45th/Spokane), 7 pm.

KING TIDES CONTINUE: We went out for a low-tide walk late last night, and we weren’t alone; others were out with flashlights, peeking at what was revealed on the beach. Per the chart, tonight’s the lowest low tide, -3.6 at 10:41 pm. The afternoon high tides are on the wane but tomorrow at 6:06 am, you’ll find a 12.8-foot high tide, almost as high as it’s going to get this time around.

More on the calendar – and ongoing seasonal events in the WSB Holiday Guide.


(Live view from the only WS Bridge camera currently in operation; see other cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
After lots to talk about on Wednesday – we’re off to a quiet start for Thursday.

Reader report: Kudos for ‘great kids’ who came to the rescue

Often the first-hand raves (or rants) surface in the WSB Forums – but the past few days have yielded a couple of gems to share here in the news section. The latest is from Laurie:

I wanted to share a heart warming story about what my mom experienced (Tuesday).

She was heading to Safeway to get her groceries around 1 o’clock when her car stalled in the intersection by Jack in the Box on Admiral. She tried and tried to get it to start again while enduring all the rude people blowing their horns at her.

She couldn’t get it to start so she got out of the car and started to try and push it out of the way…really…she’s 80 years old!

While trying with no success but the horns were still blowing from the trucks and cars that were held up…NOT ONE ADULT got out of their car to help her…then her Heart filled with warmth..she heard voices shouting in the distance “don’t worry lady, we will help you”; out of Jack in the Box came about 10 high school girls and boys and pushed her car into Safeway parking lot for her.

My mom couldn’t thank these kids enough. Just as quick as they appeared, they left, I suppose their lunch was still waiting on the table for them.

Mom called West Seattle High School and shared her story and wanted to try and relay a message to the unknown Angels that she has a renewed faith in our youth of today and is and will always be very grateful to these young people.

I’m hoping the parents of any of these Angels are followers of WS Blog and will know that they are raising great kids. Happy Holidays to All.

Memorial this Saturday for Phyllis Evangeline High, 1923-2012

The life of longtime West Seattleite Phyllis Evangeline High will be celebrated this Saturday, and tonight, her family shares this remembrance:

Phyllis was born on August 2, 1923 in Taunton, Minnesota, to Casper & Lily Ningen. After she graduated from high school in 1941, her older brother drove Phyllis and her sister to Seattle to give them the opportunities available in a big city. She found employment at Associated Shipbuilders and there met the love of her life, Jack High, Jr. They married on April 22, 1944, and a few short months later Jack shipped out to serve in WWII, returning in 1946.

For the next thirty years, Phyllis kept busy as a stay-at-home mom to her three children, Jacki, Meredith and Jeffery. In 1977 she joined the workforce again and worked her way up to being a License Enforcement Inspector for the City of Seattle, retiring in 1989. She was a member of Teamsters Local #763, Washington State Investigators Association, and carried Badge #327, Special Police Officer.

Phyllis was a member of Hope Lutheran Church and loved singing in the choir there.

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Seattle School Board elects new president in split vote

A news release just in from Seattle Public Schools reports that the School Board elected new officers tonight – with a bit of a fight over the presidency. According to the news release, Kay Smith-Blum was elected the new board president in a 4-3 vote – her backers were West Seattle’s board rep Marty McLaren as well as Sharon Peaslee (who, like McLaren, defeated an incumbent to win election to the board last year) and Betty Patu. The three who voted against Smith-Blum had supported Sherry Carr for president instead – outgoing president Michael DeBell, Harium Martin-Morris, and Carr herself. Also elected tonight, this time unanimously, were Patu as vice president and Peaslee as executive committee member-at-large.

West Seattle Christmas lights: From Highland Park to High Point

Thanks to Nicole for sharing the photo of bright Christmas lights at 1315 SW Trenton (map) in Highland Park. We’re working tonight to build our traditional annual map of West Seattle’s dazzling decorations, as the peak time for light-viewing approaches. Also in the spotlight: A great collection of photos by High Point resident Wendy Hughes-Jelen, who is again photographing the light-decked porches in HP – you can see more than 50 photos in her album on Facebook; find it here.

If you have a Christmas-lights photo to share – here are all the ways to get it to us. Or, if you’ve seen or heard of cool lights in West Seattle, White Center or South Park, but don’t have a photo, please e-mail us the address (or even add it here as a comment) –!

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car prowlers steal leafblowers, medical boot

Car break-ins are part of a sadly predictable holiday-season trend – and tonight we have two more reports. First, from Tish:
Sometime between 11 pm 12/11 and 9 am 12/12 someone entered our driveway, broke out the back window of our Sable wagon and stole two leafblowers. Police report has been submitted. We are located in the 9600 block of Marine View Drive SW [map].

And from KB:

I was parked behind the businesses (west side) on California and Oregon in the Junction lot for about 30 minutes (Tuesday) and returned to my car and someone had smashed the passenger side window and took a plastic bag with the medical boot I wear for my fractured foot and a canvas bag with a library book and some personal papers. They had also gone through the glove compartment. I went through the dumpsters in the alley hoping they would dump the bags, but couldn’t find them. Now I have to take the day off to go to the doctor and have the glass guy come out and replace my window. What I learned? Do NOT leave bags in car even if they don’t contain goods of great monetary value! Put your belongings in trunk! Also – it is very dark in that lot even at 4:30 pm. I wouldn’t park there again in the late afternoon or evening.

Here again is the official SPD car-prowl-prevention advice.

West Seattle holiday giving: 2 more chances to pitch in

December 12, 2012 3:47 pm
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We’re continuing to add holiday-season giving opportunities to the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide – including these two just in today. First, from Audrey at White Center Food Bank (whose jurisdiction includes West Seattle from Myrtle southward):

Do you have time next week to pass out food to clients at the White Center Food Bank at 10829 8th Ave SW? We need volunteers on the following shifts to help pass out holiday food:

Wednesday, December 19 (9:00 – 12:30 & 12:30 – 3:30)
Thursday, November 20 (9:30-12:30 &, 12:30-3:30)

We also need people who are able to lift 35 pounds to help with inventory Monday, Dec. 31 from 9:00 am until done. We’ll be weighing everything in the warehouse.

If you can help, contact Audrey Zemke at or 762-2848. Families and kids welcome.

Second, a clothing drive that’s under way till a January 3rd distribution. From Clarke at Neighborhood House‘s High Point Center:

The YELS program (Youth Empowered with Leadership Strengths), in conjunction with Neighborhood House, is sponsoring a winter clothing drive.

YELS is a youth leadership program for at-risk middle school and high school students living in low-income housing in High Point. Our program fosters leadership skills through environmental activism, community organizing and mentorship.

Between now and Jan. 3rd, we are collecting new or gently used winter clothing (i.e. hats, scarves, gloves, coats, socks, sweaters etc.) for the residents of High Point low-income housing. Clothes can be dropped off at our location (6400 Sylvan Way) or at Kol HaNeshamah/Alki UCC, 6115 SW Hinds/blockquote>
The Holiday Guide’s “Giving Opportunities” section also includes giving trees, toy drives, and more – most of which end some days before Christmas since time needs to be allowed for processing and distribution – please let us know if there are others to add!

West Seattle firefighters, police, neighbors rescue stranded dog

There’s a tale of heroism, and a happy ending, behind the most-recent “found dog” notice on the WSB Pets page. Beach Drive-area resident Debra sent us the photo early this morning with news that firefighters and police had helped get the dog off the rocks at Emma Schmitz Overlook – and that the dog had been taken to Lien Animal Clinic. We later asked Seattle Fire Department public-information officer Kyle Moore if he could dig up details, and he tells WSB that Ladder 11 was called to the 4000 block of Beach Drive at 5:17 am “to assist SPD with an animal rescue”:

A bystander heard the yelps of a dog coming from the rocks below the Beach Drive walkway. The dog had somehow crawled into a hole inbetween the rocks of a 12-foot high seawall and was taking shelter. The tide was low but was coming, in threatening the safety of the scared animal. The bystander and two firefighters were able to lure the dog out of the rocks. A Ladder 11 firefighter then cradle carried the dog up to safety.

The dog was cold, scared and shaking but had no signs of injuries. Firefighters were able to walk to the dog and warm him up. The ladder company then drove the dog up to a nearby animal clinic where they met a Seattle Police Officer.

Since then, Dawnie, one of the neighbors who got the rescue in motion while spotting the dog during an early bike ride (and, it turns out, took the photo), tells WSB that its owners have been found: “A big sigh of relief, for such a sweet dog.”

Clay Eals to be Southwest Seattle Historical Society’s first executive director

Author, advocate, and historian Clay Eals will make history at the Southwest Seattle Historical Society as its first executive director. Here’s the announcement from SWSHS:

The board of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society has hired veteran heritage advocate Clay Eals as the organization’s first executive director.

Eals is perhaps best known locally as editor of the “West Side Story” history book about the Duwamish peninsula and a leader of the successful drive to secure city landmark status for the Admiral Theater. He will begin work in the new half-time position on Jan. 1, 2013.
As part of oversight of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society’s programs and projects, including the Log House Museum, Eals will be responsible for volunteer recruitment, fundraising and outreach. The organization also plans to retain the part-time position of museum manager, which reports to the executive director.

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December 21: Solstice Sunset Watch, yes; end of the world, no

West Seattle’s own NASA Solar System Ambassador Alice Enevoldsen is not only preparing for her quarterly event at Solstice Park – this time, it’s the Winter Solstice Sunset Watch on December 21st, her 15th seasonal sunset watch – but she’s also doing a lot of myth-debunking regarding that same day. (2010 winter-solstice photo of Alice, at right, by Jason Gift Enevoldsen)

Alice notes that she is ready to answer, and has been answering, “any and all questions about the world-ending/planets aligning 12/2012 nonsense.” She’s written about it already on her Alice’s Astro Info website: About 2012 (with debunking of the world-ending myth), here; about planetary ailgnment, here. In fact, she notes with some surprise that the four-year-old post on planetary alignment is her most-read post of all time.

Alice summarizes: “No, the world isn’t ending, the planets aren’t aligning, gravity isn’t shifting. Go donate to your favorite science education or critical thinking organization in solidarity with scientific thinking.” And come join her at 3:45 pm on Friday, December 21st, for solstice-sunset watch – though the official sunset time is 4:20 pm, she notes that sunsets at Solstice Park are consistently at least 10 minutes earlier than official time. If you’re keeping track, the actual solstice moment is 3:12 am that day, but her events are always for the first SUNSET after the solstice/equinox. Here’s how to find Solstice Park.

Video: Caspar Babypants live at Easy Street Records

December 12, 2012 10:03 am
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He’s a hometown music hero most often seen and heard live in the summertime, at West Seattle Summer Fest and Summer Concerts @ Hiawatha – but last night, Caspar Babypants brought his summery sound to the brink of winter, taking the stage at Easy Street Records in The Junction. The occasion – a chance to get the new CB album “I Found You” before it officially goes on sale via iTunes next Tuesday.

P.S. Per the show list on the Caspar Babypants website, another wintertime West Seattle show is coming up Saturday, January 19th, 10:30 am, at High Point Community Center – check with the center for advance discount tickets.

West Seattle Wednesday: From tides to tolls; plus, ways to give

Seawall, near Alki Point

(Photo by “old desolate” via the WSB Flickr group)
Highlights for today/tonight from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and ongoing West Seattle Holiday Guide:

‘EARLY DAYS’ SUPPORT GROUP: Noon-2 pm, drop-in support group for new moms at Nurturing Expressions (WSB sponsor), 4746 44th SW.

‘KING TIDES’ WEEK: The tidal extremes continue – today, it’s 12.2 feet at 2:42 pm, and -3.4 feet tonight at 9:54 pm. (Here’s the chart.) And remember that the state is interested in your photos from the high tides – add them to this Flickr group (and if they’re from West Seattle, we’d love to see them in the WSB Flickr group, too!).

TUNNEL TOLLING COMMITTEE: The advisory committee talking about tolling for the Highway 99 tunnel, and related traffic-management matters, meets at 3 pm today, Puget Sound Regional Council HQ, 1011 Western in Pioneer Square.

HANUKKAH: Tonight is the fifth of eight nights.

FINAL DAY FOR PIZZERIA 22 COAT DRIVE: The annual Pizza for Parkas coat drive with the Atlantic Street Center. Donate a children’s jacket, ages infant to adult, and Pizzeria 22 (in The Admiral District) will give away a coupon for a free Margherita pizza.

34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS’ HOLIDAY PARTY/TOY DRIVE: 6 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy, no business meeting – holiday potluck and toy drive – details here.

HOPE LUTHERAN CHRISTMAS CONCERT: 7 pm at Hope Lutheran School (42nd/Oregon), with the Bell Choir, Chapel Band, Glee Club, Vocal Choir and Seattle Lutheran High School Band.

‘WINTER WONDERETTES’: 7:30 pm at ArtsWest – this year’s holiday musical!

More for today/tonight on our regular (non-holiday) calendar! And ongoing holiday activities (such as Christmas tree lots) are in the Holiday Guide.

West Seattle Whale Watch: Orcas – but they’re headed away

December 12, 2012 8:33 am
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If you’re in north West Seattle, grab those binoculars – Dan e-mailed to report orcas, sighted “mid-channel, northbound,” seen from North Admiral.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Wednesday watch, 12-12-12 edition

(Live view from the only WS Bridge camera currently in operation; see other cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
6:06 AM: Rain showers are the only commute complication as this morning gets going.

6:59 AM: Via Twitter, Dave just reported a crash on the eastbound bridge. It’s not on the 911 log. But in a comment here, Kimberley has a few more details – “There’s a fender bender in the right lane just before the crest of the bridge.”

7:44 AM: Don’t let the camera fool you – the crash scene(s – commenters report 2) are BEFORE the view you see on the cam. Very slow going.

8:35 AM: West Seattle Bridge is better, we’re told, but 509 (1st Avenue South) is backed up. Nothing on the 911 log – so either it’s a fender-bender/stall, or spillover from earlier WS Bridge problems.

Fauntleroy Community Association board sets date for Lincoln Park mega-meeting

December 12, 2012 5:31 am
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First of two notes from Tuesday night’s Fauntleroy Community Association meeting: The date’s set for a big FCA community meeting about Lincoln Park – April 23, 2013. When the board talked about it last month, they were focusing on something earlier in the year, but last night, president Bruce Butterfield pointed out that since they hope to follow up the meeting with a park tour a week or so later, April would be better than February. The board has formed a committee to plan the agenda, with presentations by Parks, animal control – given ongoing concerns about off-leash dogs, also discussed last month – and nature groups suggested, along with park history. (Update #2 later today will include the latest on the schoolhouse renovations.)

West Seattle development: 4755 Fauntleroy takes the next step

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Almost five months after early word of what will be West Seattle’s biggest development to date, 4755 Fauntleroy Way SW has a long way to go till construction – but is moving along the path.

One big step came last month when the mixed-use megaproject passed the Early Design Guidance phase of the city’s design-review process, on the second try.

That in turn paved the way for what the project team did yesterday (Tuesday, December 11th) – formally meeting with the city Department of Planning and Development to apply for the Master Use Permit (explained here), according to Lance Sherwood of retail specialists Weingarten, one of the project’s developers, along with housing specialists Lennar, and Seattle architects Fuller Sears.

They also confirm they are continuing to meet with community members who are watching the project closely and still concerned about some of its fundamental design elements, while preparing for another Design Review meeting that could come as soon as next month.

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Update: Gunfire in Highland Park, no one hurt; casings found

(WEDNESDAY MORNING UPDATE: New info added to end of story)

(Added 10:40 pm – photo from neighbor who reports casings found in her neighborhood)
FIRST REPORT, 9:45 PM: We’re getting multiple reader reports of possible gunshots heard in Highland Park – no shootings on the 911 medical-call log, though – and a helicopter (believed to be the law-enforcement Guardian One) is overhead. The scanner indicates police are investigating – so far they have not found anything.

9:56 PM: Co-publisher is in the area and says Guardian One has left. Meantime, police are still checking out various areas where people reported hearing the possible gunfire, but no indication they’ve found any evidence so far.

10:15 PM: Nothing new, and the scanner traffic on this has quieted down. Earlier via the radio, SPD was reported to have checked with the county to see if anything had happened on their side of the line – the answer was no. We’ll follow up a bit later to see if anything ever turned up.

10:39 PM: Just heard from a resident near 12th and Elmgrove, where she says casings have been found and police are searching for more evidence. Added the photo she sent (atop this story).

ADDED 10:15 AM MONDAY: Just checked with SPD spokesperson Det. Renee Witt, who says police recovered nine casings in all, in the 7900 block of 12th SW. No injuries or property damage reported. Police were told that a white car, possibly a Gran Prix, was seen with a passenger pointing a “rifle out of the window,” firing shots “into the air,” but police did not find the car or any suspects.

Reader report: Thankful for caring strangers on the bus

Just out of the WSB inbox, from a grateful West Seattleite who wants to be anonymous:

Today was an “ordinary” cold late fall Tuesday morning. I bundled up and headed for my bus stop, the last one on the West Seattle RapidRide Route, Avalon and Yancy.

Along with my fellow commuters, I stood patiently waiting while frequently glancing at the new Metro sign tick down the minutes for the arrival of our “C” line bus.

The bus arrived; I was the last one on ….no seats, so I stood ….no problem. As we headed north, then east onto the Bridge, soon there was a problem. That old unfriendly visitor of motion sickness set in, as did the bus’s heater. I began to seriously sweat, just as my body was reacting to a then-unknown blood-flow issue to my brain. Within about 5 minutes, I was completely passed out on the bus floor.

I woke around Seneca and 2nd with a dozen or so people around me. Concerned eyes, and moving mouths suggested one thing after another to assist me in my still-unclear position. One lovely woman took my coat off, while another held my hand. Someone else offered me fruit while the driver said to dispatch, “….she seems to be coming around….”

My new friend and Angel, Jennifer, walked me, arm and arm, to my work building.

As this day ends, my heart aches for those in Clackamas…but at the same time, I am exceedingly grateful to the compassionate strangers on the bus.

Thank You.

West Seattle traffic alert: Southbound 99/Viaduct lane closures ahead

SR 99 tunnel south portal concept

(WSDOT rendering of the 99 “south portal” including the future overpass)
First road-work announcement for 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct in a while – from WSDOT:

Drivers should plan for delays on southbound State Route 99 through downtown Seattle the next two weekends. Crews working for WSDOT will reduce SR 99 to one lane near the stadiums and close the southbound off-ramp to South Atlantic Street. During the closures crews will drive more than 50 pilings to support construction of the new South Atlantic Street overpass.

Dec. 14-17 weekend

Crews will close the right lane of southbound SR 99 between Columbia Street and South Royal Brougham Way and the southbound SR 99 off-ramp to South Atlantic Street from 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 14, to 5 a.m. Monday, Dec. 17.

Dec. 21-24 weekend

Crews will close the right lane of southbound SR 99 between Columbia Street and South Royal Brougham Way and the southbound off-ramp to South Atlantic Street from 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 21, to 5 a.m. Monday, Dec. 24.
Crews will reopen all lanes of SR 99 and the South Atlantic Street off-ramp two hours prior to the Sunday, Dec. 23, Seahawks game at CenturyLink Field. The ramp and southbound lane will close again an hour after kickoff, and reopen by 5 a.m. Monday, Dec. 24

Construction on the overpass started last summer and is scheduled for completion by the end of 2013. The overpass will improve mobility by allowing freight haulers and commuters to bypass the rail crossing near the entrance to the Port of Seattle’s Terminal 46.

Thursday: West Seattle Art Walk & ‘Shop Late Thursday’ together

(Photo by Nick Adams for WSB, from 12/1/2012 West Seattle Junction Christmas Tree Lighting)
Just a quick reminder – 6-9 pm Thursday night is the nexus of West Seattle holiday shopping: Shop Late Thursday and West Seattle Art Walk, same night, many of the same places – plus Art Walk participants in The Admiral District, Alki, Morgan Junction, and other parts of the peninsula. You can preview many of the Art Walk’s featured artists right now by going to the official website – – and to see the list of who’s participating in Shop Late Thursday all season long, go to this page on The Junction’s website.