It wasn’t just a celebration of reading – but a celebration of books – for West Seattle Elementary School principal Vikki Sacco and students, including (clockwise from left) Cynia, Alejandra, Keyradin, and Layla on Tuesday morning. They welcomed visitors from Book Trust, a nonprofit that WSES has been working with since 2007. Book Trust espouses book ownership, and has helped WSES students choose and own thousands of books in the five years of their partnership. Owning books – having them at home – makes a big difference, Book Trust says, and it’s reaching out in the early years, noting that a child who isn’t reading proficiently by the end of third grade is four times more likely to become a high-school dropout. And not only do they seek to help kids own books, but also to give them a choice of books – as explained here. (Book Trust also accepts donations and volunteer help.)
West Seattle, Washington
05 Thursday