Followup: Man missing in Duwamish River turns up alive

It’s a popular sport to question the value of online comments/discussion. Certainly, some discussions take questionable turns, but many more bring the community a chance to share important information and observations – and to reveal new developments in a story. The latest such case involves an incident we covered Monday night – a bicyclist believed to have fallen or jumped off the “low bridge” into the Duwamish River. The bridge was closed for hours and marine traffic was kept off part of the waterway while an intensive search continued, including Seattle Police and Fire divers.

While police had no further information Tuesday about the aftermath of that search, the story continued in the comment section these past few days. We heard there late Wednesday from the missing man’s wife, wondering if anyone saw anything. Today, she posted in the comment thread again – reporting that he had survived and found his way home. Worried friends and relatives have commented, too.

This afternoon, police confirmed to WSB that they have been notified the man is no longer missing; it became their case when the search turned to a “recovery” operation. Since this was reported to be intentional, we will close out this update with a number we share when reporting on such matters – the Crisis Clinic is always there, 24 hours, 206-461-3222.

9 Replies to "Followup: Man missing in Duwamish River turns up alive"

  • lk October 18, 2012 (6:03 pm)

    just want to say how much i appreciate wsb’s integrity and sensitivity when covering the subject of suicide or possible suicide attempts — it is a subject we need to be more willing as a society to acknowledge, and for which people should know how to access help and resources. thank you.

  • Stacy October 18, 2012 (7:15 pm)

    For those struggling —- know that you are loved.

  • Spike October 18, 2012 (7:55 pm)

    We jumped that lower bridge once not under the circumstances commented on above. I don’t reccomend doing it looking back it was a dumb thing to do an I honestly almost didn’t make it to the surface and struggled getting to shore.

  • alki mkay October 18, 2012 (9:34 pm)

    I agree with LK about the subject of suicide, and us being more willing to acknowledge it/talk about help/resources.

    I’m very, very relieved that the man has been found alive! What good news.

  • G October 18, 2012 (11:16 pm)

    Really happy he turned up alive. There has been so much depressing news lately.

  • Chris W October 19, 2012 (7:19 am)

    Thanks, WSB. You are the micro journalism gold standard.

  • Colleen H October 19, 2012 (9:03 am)

    Thank you WSB for having a follow-up. We have been with Molly and her family since Tuesday night when we found out. Molly has him home and now his family can start the healing process and work this out together. They have a long road ahead of them. But with family and friend support and the love of the Lord, they will get through this and so will we. Thank you again everyone for your help, it kept us going these last few day.

  • miws October 19, 2012 (9:23 am)

    WSB’s choice to not follow suit with other Media, that consider the topic of suicide taboo, only adds to their well-known, longstanding credibility, integrity, and ethics.


    Yes, suicide is a touchy subject. But it shouldn’t, and can’t be ignored.


    One of the best things about the internet, and how folks like Tracy & Patrick choose to use it, is how it builds community. Look at all of these supportive and heartfelt comments on this thread, so far, and on the comment thread of the original story, linked above. They will hopefully help in this man, and his wife’s healing from this.


    Perhaps the outpouring of support, and WSB’s consistency in reporting situations such as this, along with the reminder that help is available, will help someone else with similar, dark thoughts, work through their pain in a much better, and not so final manner.


    People dealing with personal demons need to know that there are people in this world that do care. Even folks they have never met, and may never meet face to face.


    WSB has, by it’s nature, reminded us that we are a community, and when one of us is hurting, many of the rest of us hurt too, even if we have never interacted with this gentleman.



  • shed22 October 19, 2012 (12:57 pm)

    Well said, Mike!

Sorry, comment time is over.