month : 09/2012 340 results

More food drives for White Center Food Bank: Village Green, Chico’s

Two more food drives for the White Center Food Bank (which serves south West Seattle too):

VILLAGE GREEN NEXT SATURDAY: Bring donations to Village Green Perennial Nursery till 4 pm today Saturday, September 29 – look for the barrel. 10223 26th SW.

CHICO’S NEXT FRIDAY/SATURDAY: Shop at Chico’s at Westwood Village next Friday and Saturday (September 28-29), and if you bring a nonperishable-food donation, you’ll get a 10 percent discount on your purchase.

Happening now: Gardening, stepping-stone art on Genesee Hill

Thanks to Bryan and Janet Jones for photos from the grounds of the former Genesee Hill school, where the community gardens are getting some TLC from neighborhood and Seattle Pacific University CityQuest volunteers. That work’s going on till about 2 pm.

But it overlaps with another event you can join in, too – from 1 till 3 pm, make mosaic stepping stones with Bright River Studio artist Terri Goodwin. Just bring “a colorful old plate or tile to break up for the mosaic” and “dress for mess.” You’ll get to keep your finished creation.

ADDED: Afterward, Janet sent out this summary:

Today was a gold star day at the school, with several long-awaited tasks accomplished, as follows:

Four new basketball nets installed
Some playground sweeping
All summer debris transferred to the dumpster
Ivy pulled from the Dakota hedge
Wildlife area tidied
Blackberries trimmed
Wood chips wheelbarrowed to beds – wildlife area and behind play structure
Two and a half trash bags of litter picked up.
Photos with story posted to the wsblog
Stepping stone art

Thank you one and all!

Salmon Homecoming: Canoes cross bay from Don Armeni

If you were at or near Don Armeni this morning, you might have seen them – tribal canoes heading across Elliott Bay to join in the Salmon Homecoming celebration on the downtown waterfront. Anne from Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor) shares the photos, and says she counted eight canoes, including the Duwamish Raven Canoe (top photo):

And from the other side of the bay:

A canoe-welcoming ceremony was scheduled for the festival at 11 am; other demonstrations and celebrations of tribal culture are on the schedule (see it here) this afternoon.

West Seattle Saturday: Equinox; pets; SLHS homecoming; Camp Long; Oktoberfest…

Thanks to Chas Redmond for sharing that photo of part of the new “Hub and Spoke High Course” at Camp Long. It’s a big weekend for CL – a party tonight, open house tomorrow. Tonight’s event is part of our daily list of highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar:

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE TRAFFIC ALERT: As noted here on Friday, SDOT says crews will be painting stripes on the West Seattle Bridge, so you just might get stuck in a slowdown.

AUTUMN EQUINOX THIS MORNING, SUNSET WATCH TONIGHT: Fall officially arrives at 7:49 am our time today. Celebrate with NASA Solar System Ambassador Alice Enevoldsen‘s equinox sunset watch at Solstice Park; be there by 6:45 pm or so.

BENEFIT GOLF TOURNAMENTS: Two are happening at the West Seattle Golf Course today – the 11th annual Holy Rosary tournament, with an 8 am start, and the Seattle Parks Youth Scholarship Fund tournament, with a 2 pm start.

BLOOD DRIVE AT WESTWOOD: On the Barton side of Westwood Village, you’ll find the Puget Sound Blood Center‘s Bloodmobile, 9:30-3:30, and they’d love to have you come donate; details here.

OKTOBERFEST AT ELLIOTT BAY BREWING COMPANY: Special German food on the menu all day/night, and live Bavarian music 6-9 pm. Details here.

FREE MOVIE AT THE LONGHOUSE: At noon and 1:30, you can see “Princess Angeline†– the Duwamish story of Native Seattle – free at the Duwamish Longhouse, which explains, “This 2010 film by local filmmakers Sandy & Yasu Osawa explores the unrecognized tribal status of the Duwamish primarily through the life of Chief Seattle’s daughter, Princess Angeline. Funded in part by 4Culture.” The longhouse is at 4705 W. Marginal Way SW.

LIEN OPEN HOUSE & FURRY FACES PET-TAGGING EVENT: 1-4 pm, it’s an open house at the veterinary clinic in The Triangle, and Furry Faces Foundation will be there with their pet-tagging campaign. Full details here.

SEATTLE LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING: The big game vs. Concrete is at 1:30 pm at West Seattle Stadium. Saints fans are urged to wear white to support the team!

SPAGHETTI-DINNER BENEFIT: Holy Family School invites you to dinner! Details on partner site White Center Now. 5-8 pm, 20th/Roxbury.

DESSERT AUCTION AND COFFEEHOUSE CONCERT @ CAMP LONG: Get a look at the new challenge-course element in progress, and enjoy dessert/coffee/music/bidding. 6:30-9 pm – more info here.

LIVE MUSIC: Lots of it again tonight! Use the followin links to see calendar listings with details. Kings of Side Two at C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor), 6-8 pm … Allison Scull & Victor Martin at Alki Arts, 6 pm … Three live bands at Skylark Café and Club, 8 pm … Alan Sobel at The Cask, 8 pm … Beard Feedback and Power Skeloton at The Benbow Room, 9 pm … Beard Brothers at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 9:30 pm.

‘BLOODY BLOODY ANDREW JACKSON’: First week of the musical’s run at ArtsWest continues, 7:30 pm.

More for today/tonight, on the calendar.

High-school football: Another big win for West Seattle HS

(Photos by Nick Adams for WSB. Here, #5 Diandre Jackson fist-bumps #88 Brennan Newquist after a TD)
Another big-scoring game for the West Seattle High School Wildcats on Friday night, running the score to 51-0 before visiting Cleveland managed one TD to make the final score 51-6. From WSHS band members’ pre-game rendition of the national anthem …

… to the late-game action …

… WSHS never looked back. Ahead, 11 more photos by Nick Adams for WSB, and game toplines:

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West Seattle Crime Watch: Bullet hits house

The city’s time-lagged police-report map includes a notation about an incident coded as a “drive-by” early this morning in the 1700 block of SW Trenton (map). Tonight, we have details via e-mail from the person (requesting anonymity) whose home was hit:

At approximately 5:05 this morning (9/21) a single shot was fired from a moving vehicle into my house in the 1700 block of SW Trenton St. The bullet lodged in the front door a few feet away from where I was sitting, looking out the window and visible to the road. I do not have a good description of the vehicle other than it was a car. No one was injured, and the police were called and came to investigate.

There’s no indication of whether it’s related, but that’s just a few blocks from a recent confirmed case of “shots fired” (no one hit), in the 8600 block of 14th SW, as noted in our most recent WSBeat roundup.

Check your medicine cabinet: ‘Drug Take-Back Day’ September 29

(April 2012 photo of Officer Mike Hope & the SW Precinct Drug Take-Back Day dropoffs)
The most recent Drug Take-Back Day, in April, netted a big take here in West Seattle … biggest of any precinct, though this is the city’s smallest precinct! Can West Seatttle and South Park do it again? Tonight, Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Pierre Davis sends word that the next national Drug Take-Back Day is just one week away – 10 am-2 pm Saturday, September 29th – and the SW Precinct will again be your local drop-off spot. Lt. Davis reminds you of the rules:

Our West Seattle community members can simply bring their expired and or unused medication to the Southwest Precinct for safe disposal. Any type of prescription and/or over-the-counter medications are acceptable collections. If liquid, please ensure that the lids are tight. Please note that intravenous solutions, injectibles, syringes, or medical waste are not collectable items.

The precinct lobby is off the parking lot, along SW Webster west of Delridge.

West Seattle Water Taxi: Later runs for ‘Hawks, Huskies next week

September 21, 2012 9:37 pm
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 |   King County Water Taxi | West Seattle news

A reminder from the West Seattle Water Taxi: It’ll have evening runs next Monday and Thursday for the Seahawks and Huskies games. The county says it’ll have extended evening service for all such games until the end of the summer/fall schedule on October 28th.

West Seattle scene: Taco Time NW contest = Pigeon Point party

The neighbors of Pigeon Point are known for their block parties – like one of West Seattle’s biggest Night Out block parties, and regular community cleanups. But tonight was one of a kind – thanks to a contest won by neighbor Thomas Prowell:

That’s Thomas, with wife Wendy Prowell and their dogs Ginger and Baxter – and the Taco Time NW Traveler food truck. Thomas won a TTNW contest for the Traveler to come cater a private block party with free food and drink for up to 75 neighbors, and tonight was the night. (Taco Time NW, by the way, was founded in White Center half a century ago and now operates more than 70 TT restaurants.)

West Seattle Bridge traffic alert: Striping tomorrow

September 21, 2012 5:10 pm
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Just in from SDOT:

SDOT pavement marking crews will re-mark lines on the West Seattle Bridge tomorrow, Saturday, Sept. 22, weather permitting. They plan to begin at approximately 4:30 am and complete the work by 3:30 pm.

The crews do not expect to close lanes, but motorists will need to slow down when driving behind the paint trucks which travel an average of three to six miles an hour during this operation. Motorists are asked to drive cautiously, allowing the crews plenty of room to do their work safely.

New place to get Full Tilt Ice Cream: West Seattle Thriftway

Full Tilt Ice Cream proprietor Justin Cline sends word that pre-packed pints of FT are about to go on sale at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor)! Starting next week, he says, Thriftway (California/Fauntleroy/Morgan) will be selling 12 flavors of Full Tilt – vanilla, salted caramel, übe, green-tea chip, Thai iced tea, backyard-mint chip, dark chocolate, Mexican chocolate, huckleberry chip, lavender, peanut butter and jelly, and strawberry basil. P.S. Justin tells us this is Full Tilt’s first retailer in West Seattle!

United Way Day of Caring helps WestSide Baby, WC Food Bank

September 21, 2012 2:45 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle people | White Center

Several sites around West Seattle/White Center/South Park got an extra boost from volunteers today, during the United Way of King County “Day of Caring”:

At WestSide Baby‘s WC headquarters, the volunteers included former Mariners player Dan Wilson and wife Annie Wilson, photographed with WS Baby executive director Nancy Woodland. They are the chairs of UWKC’s campaign this year. WS Baby also welcomed dozens of volunteers from Virginia Mason. Full story – with video – is on our partner site White Center Now.

In West Seattle, volunteer sites included the Westwood Village QFC:

That’s where we photographed Judy Nash and Sukhvinder Singh Gulati, Microsoft employees there to help with a food drive to benefit the White Center Food Bank. Microsoft also shared some of its staff with the Nature Consortium‘s work party in the West Duwamish Greenbelt today. (Anyone else who worked on “Day of Caring” today – as a volunteer or a nonprofit host – let us know!)

Update: Basement fire at Fauntleroy Way house, no one hurt

(Photos by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
FIRST REPORT, 1:13 PM: Avoid Fauntleroy Way SW south of the Triangle – there’s a big fire-department response for a house fire in the 5000 block (map).

1:21 PM UPDATE: Firefighters are actively fighting what’s described as a basement fire in a one-story home. We’ve added a photo from WSB’s Christopher Boffoli. No word of injuries so far – firefighters are searching to make sure there’s no one inside. Again, Fauntleroy is blocked by fire units – so take alternate routes.

1:26 PM UPDATE: The fire is “tapped” – the first milestone of major progress – but firefighters are being warned to be careful in the room where it started, because of what was described on the scanner as “a possible hazardous situation” involving “needles on the floor.”

1:45 PM UPDATE: The fire has since been reported as “out.” SFD spokesperson Kyle Moore is on the scene so our crews are getting a summary from him shortly.

1:51 PM UPDATE: Moore confirms no injuries; firefighters did encounter very thick smoke upon arrival, and that plus the results of the firefighting operation make it unlikely the home’s residents will be getting back in any time soon. Regarding the needles, he says a box of hypodermic needles was in the basement and got knocked over, but doesn’t know anything more regarding why they were there. No cause determined so far. Fauntleroy’s still likely to be blocked in the area for a while, an hour or so, he thinks. We have his briefing on video and will add here when it’s uploaded. (added – here it is)

3:29 PM UPDATE: Fauntleroy is open again through the fire zone, so you won’t have a problem during the commute. Still awaiting word from SFD on the cause.

MONDAY UPDATE: The cause, from SFD spokesperson Moore:

Seattle Fire Investigators determined a fire at a West Seattle Home on Friday was accidental. Fire investigators determined the basement bedroom fire was most likely caused by an unattended candle or improperly discarded smoking materials.

The first 911 call came in 1:05 p.m. to reports of flames visible from a one-story home with basement in the 5000 block of Fauntleroy Way SW. The firefighter/paramedics from Medic Unit 31 arrived first and made sure all occupants were safely outside the house. Firefighters ran hose lines to the basement. It took about 12 minutes to knock the flames down.

The American Red Cross was called for the two female and five male occupants who were displaced by the fire. No one was injured.

Fire investigators estimate the fire caused $30,000 damage to the structure and $15,000 to the contents.

High-school sports: Seattle Lutheran homecoming tomorrow

September 21, 2012 12:21 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools | WS & Sports

The first of this fall’s three homecoming football games in our area is tomorrow afternoon at West Seattle Stadium, as the Seattle Lutheran High School Saints host the Concrete High School Lions (from eastern Skagit County), 1:30 pm. SLHS fans asked us to remind you today – “Wear white to support the Saints!”

Delridge District Council: More details on 2 big city projects

About two dozen people filled a room at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center for the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council‘s September meeting on Wednesday night – and about half were city employees, mostly to talk about projects previewed here earlier, repaving the south mile of Delridge next year (map above), and reducing combined-sewer overflows into Longfellow Creek. Read on for the toplines on those topics and other key points:

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West Seattle Fight & Fitness: New martial-arts center on Delridge

What had been a boat business at 5050 Delridge Way SW is in the process of conversion to a martial-arts/fitness center. David Stegman from West Seattle Fight & Fitness e-mailed us to share the news of what he and his business partners have in progress there, and shared photos too, saying, “We are very excited to be a part of this growing community of local businesses!” They’ll specialize in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which he will teach: “I’m currently one of the highest-ranking Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belts in the Northwest and the only one that lives and will be teaching in West Seattle!” They’ll have a “full-fitness gym area,” too – here’s where it’ll be:

(More remodeling photos are on their Facebook page.) And they’re planning on classes for children ages 3 and up – Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, tumbling, and Tae Kwon Do. He’s expecting West Seattle Fight & Fitness to open sometime next month.

WSB site note: Having a garage sale? Here’s how to announce it

September 21, 2012 9:20 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle online

Since yard/garage-sale season isn’t over yet, we’re still receiving some questions about where to announce sales on WSB. The quick answer: The WSB Forums‘ Freebies/Deals/Sales section. Here’s how:

*If you already have a WSB Forums user name, sign in and go here
*If you don’t, go here first to register
*Then when you do, go here
*Please be sure the subject of your post includes the sale’s date(s)

That’s it! Free listing for your yard/garage/rummage sale.

P.S. If your school, church, or other large nonprofit organization is having a big benefit sale, you are also welcome to send an announcement for the WSB West Seattle Events (as with all calendar items, please include the who/what/when/where/why/link info in your e-mail, NOT as an attachment, and please e-mail us at least a week in advance – thanks).

P.P.S. Yes, we’ll be presenting West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day again next year – mark your calendar(s) for May 11, 2013!

West Seattle Friday: Food drive; Restorative Yoga; live music…

September 21, 2012 7:33 am
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(Newly paved stretch of Beach Drive, Juneau to Atlas, completed Thursday)
Happy Friday! Here are highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar, on the eve of autumn (the equinox is at 7:49 am our time Saturday):

FOOD DRIVE: As part of the United Way Day of Caring, Microsoft employees will be at Westwood Village QFC 10 am-1 pm collecting food and money donations for the White Center Food Bank.

BALLROOM DANCING: 1:30-3:30 pm at Delridge Community Center (Delridge Way SW south of SW Genesee) – the monthly event with Lauren Petrie.

HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: West Seattle High School hosts Cleveland at Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle), 7 pm. (The full sports schedule for WSHS and Chief Sealth, daily, is always linked from our calendar.)

WINE TASTING: 6-7:30 pm at Bin 41 in The Junction, a “Washington Wine Medley,” in conjunction with West Seattle distributor Elliott Bay, also featuring “a couple wines from our neighbors in Oregon.”

WCCDA DINNER: As previewed on partner site White Center Now last week, trailblazing King County Councilmember Larry Gossett is the featured speaker at tonight’s White Center Community Development Association‘s 10th annual dinner/auction, 6-9 pm at South Seattle Community College‘s Brockey Center (south end of the campus at 6000 16th SW). Ticket info here.

RESTORATIVE YOGA AT SOUNDYOGA: 6:30 tonight with Milo Minnis, “no experience needed” – a great way to follow a busy week. SoundYoga (WSB sponsor; 5639 California SW) – details in the calendar listing.

MOVIE NIGHT IN HIGHLAND PARK: At HP Improvement Club (12th/Holden) tonight, doors open at 6:30 pm, movie at 7. Here’s the rest of the announcement:

Volunteers will be selling popcorn, candy and other movie fare. Bring blankets and pillows or sit in our chairs. Movie hint: In this 1985 classic, a group of kids embark on a wild adventure to save their neighborhood from dastardly developers after finding a pirate treasure map. Free admission! Please bring your family and friends and join us!

LIVE MUSIC: Lots of it tonight! Follow the links to calendar listings with details. Sid Law at C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor), 6-8 pm … Coven and Demon Dogs (CD release party) at Skylark Café and Club, 8 pm … Kimball and The Fugitives at The Cask, 8 pm … Barbie Anaka at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor), 8 pm … NMERCER and PonyHomie at The Benbow Room, 9 pm … Flat 5 at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 9:30 pm

More for today/tonight – plus a preview of the weekend! – on the calendar.

West Seattle scenes: Sunshine’s days may be numbered, rainlessly

Thanks to Barry for the sunset view above, and to Chad for the one below. The spectacular-sunset streak may not last too much longer, if the newest forecast is accurate – it’s predicting a string of cloudy days, starting shortly.

P.S. The National Weather Service offers this observation re: our rainlessness (sorry, the caps are theirs):


West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen vehicle to watch for

From Karen:

Sometime in the middle of the night, my 1998 Red Honda CRV was stolen from in front of my house on the 7300 block of 29th SW. Police report has been filed. CRV has older Yakima rack with roof mounted bike rack and rear tire mounted Thule 2 bike rack (silver and black). License plate 649VJZ, just in case any WSB readers see an out-of-place Red CRV matching description.

Are you ready? Fauntleroy UCC’s next Recycle Roundup, this Sunday

(WSB photo from last April’s Recycle Roundup)
This Sunday brings another chance for you to recycle no-longer-needed and/or no-longer-working electronics, among other things, as Fauntleroy Church hosts another of its twice-a-year Recycle Roundups with 1 Green Planet. Check the list on the official flyer – it’s a LONG list! – those are the items you’re welcome to drop off in the church parking lot, 9140 California SW, between 9 am and 3 pm on Sunday (September 23). Last time around, participants dropped off a record 16 tons of recyclables!

Election 2012: Weekly Alki phone bank for marriage-equality R-74

September 20, 2012 7:33 pm
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Six more Thursday nights till the November 6th election – which means six more chances for you to be part of a unique joint-effort phone bank in support of marriage-equality Referendum 74. We photographed the volunteers tonight in the room where they’ve been working at the building shared by Alki UCC and Kol HaNeshamah. They would love to have more volunteers – training and food are provided; you’re asked to bring a laptop and cell phone. It’s a standing listing for 5:30-8:30 pm Thursdays on the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar – see it here.

(SIDE NOTE: If you are just starting to pay attention to this fall’s issues – Referendum 74 started with the Legislature and Governor Gregoire making same-sex marriage legal; opponents gathered signatures to put the new law to voters as a referendum. If the majority of voters vote to approve R-74, the law is affirmed; if more voters reject it, it is overturned. Read the full text of the law here.)

Video: Fitness Together creates ‘The Lincoln Park Workout’

Another beautiful evening. And more to come. Going to the park? Thinking about a way? Take it one step further. Or maybe 100 steps further. Longtime WSB sponsor Fitness Together (headquartered in The Junction) came up with “The Lincoln Park Workout” and put it on video, as one way to enjoy the entirety of West Seattle’s biggest park, while getting a sizable amount of exercise. (You can break it down into components, too, if you just want to do part of it.)