Residents and staff at The Kenney (WSB sponsor) have been getting to know new CEO Ed Mawe over the past few weeks, but tonight was the first big public event at which he appeared – the continuing-care retirement center’s annual barbecue.

Mawe joined The Kenney last month, not long after the departure of previous CEO Kevin McFeely. That’s according to information provided tonight by Moraine Byrne, president of Ontrac Management Services, part of Covenant Retirement Services, an Illinois-based firm also recently hired by The Kenney, to help with management and positioning. Byrne tells WSB that Mawe has “many years of serving senior adults in the Tacoma and Portland areas.” Online research shows Mawe’s past leadership roles include tenures at Franke Tobey Jones in Tacoma and Mary’s Woods in Portland.
Back to the barbecue – The Kenney’s park-like northwest lawn provided shade, both trees and tents, and a chance for residents, relatives, and neighbors to enjoy each other’s company.

The barbecue is an annual August tradition.
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