By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
More than two dozen women who own/run businesses in West Seattle made a slew of new friends Monday morning.
They gathered at Mind Unwind in the Admiral District for the first major meeting of West Seattle Women in Charge.
We reported on the new group last month; it’s the brainchild of Alki Arts‘ Diane Venti (below left), now collaborating with Mind Unwind‘s Krystal Kelley (below right):

After a pilot organizational meeting, they launched a Facebook page, set the date for this meeting, and got more than three dozen RSVP’s. Twenty-six women showed up Monday to talk and nosh and listen, to admire, maybe even to conspire.
Though many didn’t know each other before, in many cases, they knew of each other. As each in turn introduced herself and talked about her business, there were oohs and aahs.
“What a great group of gals!” someone exclaimed after the introductions ended, and shortly before another round of conversation began.
The mission of West Seattle Women in Charge, as repeated this morning:
We are the women business owners of West Seattle. We believe in symbiotic networking and idea-sharing with good intentions, supporting our wonderful community and the arts in West Seattle, along with having a good time and smiling.
There was plenty of that. And a lot of learning – since it was the first meeting for most, they learned about each other, and their businesses, as conversations resounded around Mind Unwind’s high-ceilinged first floor.
Attendees’ businesses spanned services from pet care (three providers) to food manufacturing. Inbetween, they included – two retail-store owners, a future restaurateur, a lawyer, a marketing consultant, a career coach a painter, a jewelry artist, a sculptor, a realtor, two health-care providers, a child-care/safety specialist, a nutrition consultant, someone about to open an online shop, a woman who described herself as a gardener, housekeeper, and performer … (There was one exclamation of surprise that with all the salons in West Seattle, there wasn’t a single salon owner on hand. Next time! someone vowed.)
Certainly, business owners share common interests, goals, and challenges whatever their gender – but while men have networked for decades, women have often been too busy, with too much else going on, expected to hold down the homefront as well as work/business responsibilities. One entrepreneur here drew knowing laughter, and exclamations of admiration, when she mentioned she is not only launching a business, but also is a waitress at three local restaurants, and is raising three children. (Host/co-organizer Krystal’s kids patiently waited for the gathering to end, then started to ask their mom what playground they’d be visiting next.)
And all the while, the synergies percolated – a wardrobe stylist in attendance talked about the clothing swap she’s planning at Mind Unwind; others chatted with occasional eruptions of “We should … ” “You DO?” … from the din.
Miss this meeting? You are welcome at the next one, set for 9 am August 20th at West Seattle Fabric Company, two doors up from Mind Unwind, at 2210 California SW. The locations will continue to rotate – anyone is welcome to volunteer to host at their space.
In the meantime, check in with the Facebook page, here.