That photo sums up the not-completely-summery conditions at Hiawatha on Tuesday night for the annual West Seattle Hi-Yu Concert in the Park: Note Hi-Yu president James Kline and Junior Court Princesses Amanda and Elena in long sleeves, while in the background, Hi-Yu past president Tim Winston tends to the festival banner, which had been tousled by the wind. Even Jim Edwards of the featured West Seattle Big Band joked that it felt more like a fall concert. And yet the kids danced on as WSBB performed songs such as “Bye, Bye Blackbird”:
Next up for Hi-Yu: The Junior Court Coronation, also at Hiawatha, at 1 pm this Friday (during the noon-3 pm Kids’ Fun Fest) – then their star turn in the West Seattle Grand Parade on Saturday, and the Community Breakfast on Sunday (details in our recent preview). P.S. Reminder that the official Hi-Yu website has a new address –
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