West Seattle Crime Watch: SWAT officers in Sunrise Heights

Thanks to those who have called and e-mailed about what they describe was a SWAT team presence in Sunrise Heights. We have confirmed with the Southwest Precinct that officers were attempting to serve a warrant for a “high-risk subject”; we just checked the area and it appears the officers are gone, so now we’re trying to find out if they made an arrest.

6 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: SWAT officers in Sunrise Heights"

  • MB June 8, 2012 (3:15 pm)

    Any idea where in Sunrise Heights? Obviously not a specific address, but cross streets maybe?

    • WSB June 8, 2012 (3:18 pm)

      We are told it was on 31st, near Elmgrove. I don’t have this officially confirmed but so far there are indications the person they were looking for was not there. – TR

  • Lura Ercolano June 8, 2012 (3:25 pm)

    That is close to a few schools. Was the SWAT team in action while kids walked home from school?

    • WSB June 8, 2012 (3:27 pm)

      It was apparently relatively brief. And it did not have to do with anything that happened today – it was a warrant. We have covered numerous cases of daytime warrant services and it has not generally been an occasion to alert schools etc. – TR

  • MB June 8, 2012 (4:23 pm)

    Thanks for the info!

  • WSB June 8, 2012 (8:41 pm)

    To the person who tried to leave a comment with a bogus e-mail address (I sent a note to that address and it bounced) – If you have any proof of what you claimed in your comment, you are welcome to e-mail us at editor@westseattleblog.com – TR

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