West Seattle schools: Gatewood Elementary’s Mariners surprise

Thanks to Gatewood Elementary PTA president Nicole Sipila for the photo and report about today’s big event:

Just wanted to share an exciting surprise with you about the students and staff of Gatewood Elementary today. Six Mariners came to talk to the kids about being apart of the Dream Team, D = Drug Free, R = Respect, E = Education, A = Attitude & M = Motivation. Manager Eric Wedge, John Jaso, Dustin Ackley, Kyle Seager, Jason Vargas, and Felix Hernandez all spoke about how important it is for kids to succeed in life to stay drug free, show respect for themselves and others, to stay in school and do well, to keep a positive attitude, and to be motivated to succeed.

Also, the students of Gatewood enthusiastically took Felix Hernandez’s two-extra-books-a=week challenge! It was a very special and exciting day for the Gatewood community. A big Thank You to the community outreach team of the Mariners for a great surprise!

More details in an MLB.com writeup we just found on the Mariners’ website.

9 Replies to "West Seattle schools: Gatewood Elementary's Mariners surprise"

  • WSMama3 May 8, 2012 (10:06 pm)

    My son came home so excited! Thanks Mariners!

  • NotMe May 8, 2012 (10:19 pm)

    THAT is very cool.

  • Aman May 9, 2012 (7:21 am)

    OMG, A WIN for the M’s. Way to go!

  • Dave May 9, 2012 (7:54 am)

    Very exciting for the kids.
    Was it a secret because they were afraid there would be a sudden increase in parents volunteering to “help” at school yesterday?

  • dbsea May 9, 2012 (9:39 am)

    My daughter brought home a ball with Ichiro’s and Pete Rose’s signatures. I don’t think it’s authentic but that’s her story and she’s sticking to it.

  • T- Rex May 9, 2012 (9:44 am)

    I love when athletes do this, go Mariners!

  • sb May 9, 2012 (9:50 am)

    Both of my girls were over the moon excited when they got home last night. I don’t know which they were more excited about; meeting the Mariner players or explaining to me the D.R.E.A.M (especially the reading part!) message. Thank you Mariners and thank you Gatewood for a homerun!

  • christina May 9, 2012 (11:58 am)

    I don’t have any kids there but I would have gladly volunteered, and made cookies, and mopped the floor, etc. to hang out with those guys for the day, lucky kids, and the teachers deserve this treat too. Thanks M’s for community outreach in my neck of the woods.

  • Oliver May 9, 2012 (10:02 pm)

    My son thought it was so cool!

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