8:08 PM SUNDAY: It was originally Louisa Boren Junior High School … with multiple school using it as temporary quarters in recent years … and now, the Seattle Public Schools site at 5950 Delridge Way SW has a new sign officially declaring it the “Louisa M. Boren Building.” As you probably know, it will be home to a new school, K-5 STEM at Boren, for at least the next two years, and the first wave of enrollment letters for the opt-in school are scheduled to go out one week from tomorrow. Meantime, the school Design Team meets again Tuesday night at 6:15 pm at school district HQ in SODO; you can plug directly into discussions about the new school on its community-created Yahoo! discussion group, here.
ADDED MONDAY AFTERNOON: Just received the link for district notes on the Design Team’s long Saturday session – you can see them here. New principal Dr. Shannon McKinney is now here from Arizona and joined the team for the session focusing on curriculum and related items.
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