day : 08/04/2012 9 results

Update: West Seattle crews at marina fire in South Park

April 8, 2012 10:31 pm
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10:31 PM SUNDAY: If you’re in eastern West Seattle, you might have noticed Seattle Fire crews rushing eastward. They’re headed for South Park, where smoke is coming from a 40-foot boat at a marina on the Duwamish River. We’re tracking it on our recently soft-launched site The South Park News.

MONDAY MORNING UPDATE: Here’s the update published on TSPN. West Seattle side note: Ladder 13’s firefighters were instrumental in getting the hose laid out to reach the fire – an unusually long way, 800 feet!

West Seattle wildlife: ‘Easter seal’ pup ‘Bunny,’ and a followup about ‘Sandy’

Yes, West Seattle had an “Easter seal” today (By the way, the original Easter Seals are still around.) Jen sent us the top photo of a pup on Alki this morning, watched over by Seal Sitters, whose Robin Lindsey told us tonight they nicknamed “Bunny” – because it kept popping up all over the place! Robin shared a photo too:

Robin also calls our attention to a story published tonight by our partners at the Seattle Times, following up on a sad story she broke last week – also reported here last Monday – the death of the rehabilitated pup “Sandy,” found tangled in old fishing gear in Edmonds. The Times story quotes a conservation group as saying more than half a million sea creatures are killed by lost/abandoned gear every year.

West Seattle schools: New sign for the ‘Boren Building’

April 8, 2012 8:08 pm
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8:08 PM SUNDAY: It was originally Louisa Boren Junior High School … with multiple school using it as temporary quarters in recent years … and now, the Seattle Public Schools site at 5950 Delridge Way SW has a new sign officially declaring it the “Louisa M. Boren Building.” As you probably know, it will be home to a new school, K-5 STEM at Boren, for at least the next two years, and the first wave of enrollment letters for the opt-in school are scheduled to go out one week from tomorrow. Meantime, the school Design Team meets again Tuesday night at 6:15 pm at school district HQ in SODO; you can plug directly into discussions about the new school on its community-created Yahoo! discussion group, here.

ADDED MONDAY AFTERNOON: Just received the link for district notes on the Design Team’s long Saturday session – you can see them here. New principal Dr. Shannon McKinney is now here from Arizona and joined the team for the session focusing on curriculum and related items.

Ultimate Easter decorations? Peep-riffic yard in West Seattle

600+ peeps in a Lowman Beach-area yard, said the e-mail tip from Scott. So we had to go take a peep – er, peek – for ourselves.

We didn’t count them, but we’ll take his word for it. Pastel bunny Peeps, to be specific, all over the lawn. And even in the bushes, with some of their faceless marshmallow cousins:

P.S. For other Peeps creations, check out the gallery from our partners at the Seattle Times.

1st ‘cash mob’ in West Seattle/White Center to be @ Village Green

Maybe you’ve heard of the “cash mob” concept, now that it’s been tried in a couple neighborhoods around, and near, Seattle – supporters of a local small independent business “mob” it at a pre-set time and place, usually pledging to spend at least $20 each. The first West Seattle/White Center “cash mob” has just been announced, with its “target” Village Green Perennial Nursery (WSB sponsor) at 2 pm April 28th. Local entrepreneur Michael B. Maine of Menrva Labs, whose mission is “to promote social change by increasing social awareness,” came up with the idea this weekend, and will roll out more information in the week ahead. He explains that “… after meeting Vera Johnson at the ‘Women on a Mission’ conference a few weeks ago, I decided to head down to her nursery yesterday. After spending a couple of hours with her, I thought her place would make a great location to host a cash mob.” We think every day would be a great day to “mob” your favorite local independent businesses, and Michael says he agrees, while adding, “I think it’s important for them to know where to be and when. Then they can make the conscious effort to support or not support that business.” Keep tabs on the “cash mob”‘s Facebook event page in case something changes.

If you saw the smoke to the north this morning, here’s what it was

Bob A in North Admiral took this photo around 8 this morning – looking north toward Magnolia – and shared it with WSB, wondering what the smoke was from. All we could tell at the time was, nothing in Seattle. Our friends at KING 5 said they had heard about something in North Kitsap. And now the Kitsap Sun has details – the community of Indianola actually had two fires to deal with today, including one at a “large new house,” though their time frame and description would correlate the smoke with the other fire, involving a garage and exploding propane tanks sending flames high into the air. So now you know.

West Seattle schools: Denny’s delegation at Youth Town Hall

April 8, 2012 10:42 am
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Another tale of West Seattle student achievement this weekend: Eight students from Denny International Middle School went downtown for the Youth Town Hall, reports principal Jeff Clark (who shared the photos, too):

This Saturday, Denny International Middle School scholars joined many Seattle area teens at the Youth Town Hall, an annual event hosted by the Seattle Youth Commission.

Denny’s delegation of eight student leaders took time out of their weekend to get up close and personal with Mayor McGinn, Council President Sally Clark, and Council members Sally Bagshaw, Tom Rasmussen, Nick Licata, and Tim Burgess.

They really showed remarkable leadership in connecting with our civic leaders asking questions during the Q&A session and then approaching individual council members to hear more about what these city leaders do to serve our great city. Our Denny Dolphins joined scholars from other Seattle middle and high schools to ask questions about educational funding, transportation, crime prevention, public safety and civic service. We are proud of all the students who participated and got a first hand opportunity to engage our civic leaders.

Principal Clark says the Youth Town Hall is scheduled to be televised by Seattle Channel – cable 21 – at 10 pm Wednesday (April 11th), 9:30 am Thursday (April 12th), and 1 pm next Sunday (April 15th). We’ll also keep an eye out for its appearance on the Seattle Channel website, so we can add that video to this story.

West Seattle schools: Congrats, Roxhill Saturday Academy grads!

At one elementary school in West Seattle, dozens of students have been attending six days a week for the past three months – to get an extra educational boost. It’s the Roxhill Elementary Saturday Academy, and principal Carmela Dellino shares photos and a report on this weekend’s “graduation” ceremony:

More than 150 students, teachers, family members and volunteers packed the Roxhill Elementary School cafeteria Saturday for a celebration of knowledge and community. The 12-week program concluded with 44 students from grades 3-5 graduating and receiving a diploma.

Saturday Academy is a program introduced by third-year Principal Carmela Dellino in an effort to offer extended learning time in mathematics and reading for students grades 3 – 5. The Academy started last year, but grew even bigger thanks to a $20,000 infusion of cash from the school’s fundraising auction last May and from a grant from the Symetra Foundation.

The day started off like every other Saturday Academy with a breakfast snack at 9:00 am for all participants. All students then attended 2 separate sessions reviewing what they had learned, giving each other positive compliments and preparing their mini-speech for the graduation ceremony. Each student prepared a binder of their work over the 12-week course.

At 10:30, family and friends joined the scholars for brunch of eggs, pancakes, waffles, and bacon.

After the brunch Principal Dellino gathered everyone to attention and started the graduation proceedings.

Ms. Dellino started out by thanking the scholars, the “Stars” of the day, and led them on the 3 Saturday School chants. She then thanked the essential Saturday Academy teachers, City Year volunteers, and family members for their commitment to their children. Four young people were singled out for their tireless volunteer work, sometimes arriving at 7:30 am to help set up.

Each student was called up individually and one of the eight teachers read a statement about the work and improvement that specific student had demonstrated. The intelligence, dedication and enthusiasm to be life-long learners were reflected in the mini-speeches. Then the scholar said a few comments about what they had learned and improved on over the 12 week period.

After the scholars presented their comments, they shook hands with the principal and received their graduation certificate while ‘pomp and circumstance’ played over the speakers in the cafeteria.

It was a great day of celebration for the scholars and their families.

You can help make Saturday Academy a reality for the 2012-2013 school year by either donating to or attending the annual ‘Night for the Stars’ fundraising auction, 6:30 pm May 4th, at 415 Westlake in the South Lake Union neighborhood of Seattle. Please see the link on the school’s website for further information.

Sunny West Seattle Easter Sunday: 4 miscellaneous notes

(Photo by John Hinkey, taken Saturday from Hamilton Viewpoint Park in North Admiral)
Another sunny day is unfolding – maybe into the mid-60s! Besides church and brunch, which we’re sure you have figured out already if they are in your plans, three notes:

VIADUCT STILL CLOSED: The state is working on Highway 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct again this weekend, reinforcing it in advance of tunnel-construction work. Reopening isn’t planned till 5 am Monday, but if it’s earlier, you’ll hear it here (and on the WSB Facebook page and Twitter feed, of course).

YES, THE FARMERS’ MARKET IS OPEN: 10 am-2 pm at 44th/Alaska, you’ll find West Seattle Farmers’ Market vendors. Market managers’ promotion point for this week is: “Welcome back Tiny’s Organics, with perfectly preserved preserves and dried goodies!”

ALKI KAYAK TOURS IS OPEN FOR THE SEASON: Yes, that includes today (and what a perfect day to be out on the water!), according to proprietor Greg Whittaker, who says AKT – at Seacrest Boathouse (1660 Harbor Avenue SW) is up and running for “early season sea kayak tours and rentals, stand-up paddleboard (SUP) instruction and rentals, as well as skate and bike rentals … More information on our website @ or by calling 206-953-0237.”

VILLAGE GREEN IS OPEN TODAY: Another sunny day got you in the mood to get out in the garden? Village Green Perennial Nursery (WSB sponsor) is open – “and hiding little treasures,” according to proprietor Vera Johnson. (10223 26th SW – open at 10 am)