day : 04/03/2012 11 results

Update: Fire call in 5900 block of Delridge

11:08 PM: Second “fire in building” response of the day – this time, to apartments in the 5900 block of Delridge Way SW. Per the scanner, police are blocking off the street. We’re on the way to find out more.

(Photo courtesy S, shared by e-mail)
11:11 PM: “Fire’s out,” per scanner, and must have been small, since all but two units have just been canceled. We’re still en route.

11:38 PM NOTE: So small, the fire crews were gone when we got there.

West Seattle real estate: Alki Tavern site part of $3.9 million listing

Got $3,950,000? You can own a third of an acre at 1311-1325 Harbor SW, across from Don Armeni, described as “ASTONISHING views directly across Elliott Bay to Seattle. 6 contiguous lots with commercial, multifamily zoning. Unobstructed view corridor in perpetuity.” We spotted the listing online first, then noticed the sign when we went over today for a photo.

The six lots include the Alki Tavern, a vacant lot, a century-old house (photo right), and offices (photo left) used by Salty’s, which county records list as the land’s owner. Though this website describes the listing as new – and we can verify it wasn’t there, as recently as three days ago (the physical sign is new too) – the listing agent’s site says it’s been on the market for eight months. (Other versions of the listing online have a lower price, $3,595,000.) The site is zoned for commercial/multifamily development up to 65 feet.

‘Arroyos Whale’ at Highline College’s MaST: West Seattle links

As the skeleton of the ‘Arroyos Whale’ – the gray whale that died in West Seattle waters on April 14, 2010 – went on display this weekend at the Highline College Marine Science and Technology Center, the 15-mile distance between Redondo Beach and Arroyo Beach seemed to vanish. Not just because of where the whale was found; also, MaST’s executive director Dr. Kaddee Lawrence, beaming at a big turnout for Saturday’s whale debut, is a West Seattleite:

She told us another story of community ties: The West Seattle/White Center “charity beer” Whale Tail Ale was served at last weekend’s party for MaST volunteers who worked on the project, from a keg donated by Big Al Brewing. (The Arroyos Whale exhibit’s backstory was told by WSB contributor Keri DeTore in this story last month.)

The skeleton is suspended from the ceiling in the MaST building closest to Redondo Beach Drive (where, in another West Seattle echo, it is next door to the Redondo Salty’s). Look at it from the back, rather than front, and you will notice something that might startle you as it did us:

The bones from the whale’s fins are reminiscent of human hands, something not at all apparent when you view a whale either at sea or, in a sad circumstance such as this whale’s death, on land:

(April 2010 WSB photo by Tracy Record)
The Arroyos Whale is now on permanent display at MaST, which is open to the public, free, 10 am-2 pm every Saturday. But if you want to see the informational exhibit related to its death and the ensuing investigation – with not only wall displays but also a video loop of TV-news reports from April 2010 – you’ll want to get there this month or next, before another exhibit moves in. P.S. Further out on its pier, MaST also has an aquarium building, with Puget Sound sea life:

100 local species are represented in its 3,000 gallons of sea water, Dr. Lawrence told us (and unceremoniously resting on the pier outside the aquarium building, you’ll see the skull of a fin whale killed by a ship in 2004). MaST is at 28203 Redondo Beach Drive South (map).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Hit-run; bizarre encounter

Two reports to share:

Early this morning, we tweeted three times about scanner traffic involving what was first reported as a truck that had driven over the 44th/Andover traffic circle and “high-centered” atop it. It was gone when police arrived minutes later, but they searched the area extensively after reports it was headed north; before long, they found the truck, but reported that its driver had fled. We don’t know whether they ever found the driver, but Hayla e-mailed us today about the incident, including the photo above:Read More

Update: Weather alert canceled, no snow likely after all

(Photo by Laura James, added 6:21 pm; click for larger image)
The last few warnings about possible metro-area snow didn’t lead to anything much for West Seattle – one or two quick bursts of flakes – but nonetheless, we need to tell you that our area is covered by a “Special Weather Statement that the National Weather Service issued this afternoon, regarding a “strong cold front” late tonight into tomorrow … maybe even some Tuesday morning icing before things warm up.

9:23 PM UPDATE: The “Special Weather Statement” is still in effect, but weather analyst Cliff Mass‘s latest assessment has led him to publish an update titled “Snow Threat Evaporates.”

10:06 PM UPDATE: The alert is now canceled. The NWS’s latest “forecast discussion” explains it, as does WS-residing meteorologist Patrick in comments – the cold temps and the moisture just aren’t synching up in the outlook any more.

One more school auction ahead: Explorer West Middle School

March 4, 2012 2:54 pm
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As West Seattle’s school-auction season continues – here’s an invitation from Explorer West Middle School (WSB sponsor):

We are excited to announce the upcoming Explorer West Middle School auction ‘Rising Stars’ on Friday, March 23, 2012 at The Hall at Fauntleroy, 5:30 pm. This year’s theme celebrates the development of future leaders among our students and the evening will feature red carpet, old school Hollywood glamour and guaranteed fun. To learn more about the event and Explorer West, visit Tickets are available by contacting Debbie Ehri, Business Manager: Come find out what the Explorer West community is about!

Update: High Point ‘building fire’ = ‘food on stove’

March 4, 2012 1:39 pm
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1:39 PM: Major response to the 6000 block of Lanham Place SW in High Point. More shortly.

1:51 PM: Our crew reports it turned out to be a “food on the stove” call – smoke but no real fire, and the Fire Department’s wrapping up.

Be part of history: Help clean & protect Fairmount Ravine

(1994 “planting party” photo, courtesy of Fairmount Ravine Preservation Group)
We often publish notices about community cleanups. Few are as long-running as the annual Fairmount Ravine work party – which could really use extra hands from beyond the immediate neighborhood. It’s a beautiful West Seattle greenspace that many drive, bicycle, or walk through, but not only is it a trash magnet, it’s also suffering from the same problem as other greenspaces: Invasive plants, and this year the Fairmount Ravine Preservation Group hopes to get rid of as many as possible. John Lang says it’s their 20th annual cleanup – and there’s history in the invitation he sent to last year’s participants, also shared with us:

Twenty years ago Charlie Chong came over to my house to help develop a strategy to save the Fairmount Ravine. It was full of trash and overgrown with invasive plants. Discussion how to turn this around was patterned after similar and successful community efforts in the nearby College Ravine. That night, my son Michael was 2 months old and sleeping in a small bassinet. Flash forward twenty years and Michael is now 6’-3” and soon to get his AA degree from SSCC.

Likewise, every year the Fairmount Ravine Preservation Group grows in its commitment to preserving this valuable open space by cleaning the ravine from top to bottom of the hill. Over these twenty years, concerned neighbors have removed tons of trash, removed illegal encampments and planted hundreds of native trees and shrubs. We were instrumental in securing over $4.2 million dollars to purchase property within the ravine which is now held in public domain. The open space across from Salty’s is a good example.

We are proud of our achievements to date and pleased to announce the 20th annual Fairmount Ravine cleanup Saturday, March 10th from 8:30 to approximately 10:30. We meet at the intersection of SW Forest St and Fairmount Ave, just east of Hiawatha Park. Everyone is welcome to participate. Community awareness keeps the ravine cleaner than past years and our focus this year will be on removal of invasive plants as well as general cleanup. Coffee, hot cocoa and donuts are provided. Please dress for the weather, wear boots and gloves as well as bring large cutters, saws if interested in plant removal. Your two hours can make a huge difference and we hope to see you there on the 10th. Please let others know of this effort!

Teen volunteers welcome too (as you’ll note in our 2008 cleanup coverage).

DESC Delridge project: Meetings this week on Tuesday, Thursday

March 4, 2012 9:04 am
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For those tracking the DESC 66-unit “supportive housing” complex planned at 5444 Delridge Way SW (map), two meetings are on the schedule this week. Tuesday (6 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 4408 Delridge Way SW) the Advisory Committee meets for a second time, with another opportunity for public comment. Thursday, it’s the second, and possibly final, Southwest Design Review Board session to look at the project. It’s the second project on the schedule, 8 pm at Senior Center of West Seattle, California/Oregon. (The “packet” for the first project to be considered that night, an unrelated 20-unit proposal at 9051 20th SW, is available online, but the DESC “packet” is not, yet.) More information and links are in a DESC-meetings preview published on the North Delridge Neighborhood Council website.

West Seattle Sunday: Soccer; baseball; nature; Purim carnival…

March 4, 2012 6:25 am
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(Youngstown Cultural Arts Center – “the old Cooper school” – photographed last weekend)
Happy Sunday! From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

SUNDAY SOCCER: Pickup game for men and women of all ages and skill levels, 7:30 am, Delridge Playfield. On Facebook, check out West Seattle Sunday Soccer.

LITTLE LEAGUE: Draft Day for West Seattle Little League – 8:45 am majors, 1:15 pm minors; more details here

WALK IN THE PARK: Spring is Sprouting nature walk with naturalist Stewart Wechsler, Lincoln Park, 10 am, full details here.

MARKET DAY: West Seattle Farmers’ Market in The Junction, 44th/Alaska, 10 am-2 pm. Highlights include: Final visit until July for Finnriver and its cider.

GUEST SPEAKER: At 10 am, Alki UCC will hear from Rev. Dr. Ann Holmes Redding. From their announcement, she is “a minister, teacher, author, Ph.D. in New Testament, consultant, and musician. Ann is founder and president of Abrahamic Reunion West.”

WEST SEATTLE SPOKESPEOPLE RIDES AGAIN: Meet at Alki Bike and Board in the Admiral District for a ride to Portage Bay Grange, 11 am. Details here.

WINTER GEAR ON SALE: Returning WSB sponsor Mountain to Sound Outfitters is having a “progressive sale” – now it’s 40 percent off. They’re at 3602 SW Alaska in The Triangle.

SECOND DAY FOR NEW CAFE: As reported here on Saturday, Fiddlehead Fine Foods and Café is now open for lunch in The Junction, with breakfast service starting next week.

TOOL LIBRARY’S OPEN: Just a reminder, the West Seattle Tool Library is open on the northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space, 1-5 pm.

YOUTH SOCCER TRYOUTS: Highline Premier FC is holding tryouts for Boys U16, U17 and U18 at Hiawatha Playfield (2700 California SW).
· Boys U16: 1:30-2:30PM
· Boys U17: 2:30-3:30PM
· Boys U18: 3:30-4:30PM
You can register, and get more info, here.

MUSIC AT THE LONGHOUSE: At the Duwamish Longhouse: Native American Flute, 2-3 pm. Paul “Cheoketen” Wagner introduces his new album, reception includes performance of selections from “Time of Paradise.” 4705 W. Marginal Way SW. Free.

LIVE MUSIC AT C & P COFFEE: Sarah Burgess and Friends, 3-5 pm, C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 5612 California SW.

PURIM CARNIVAL: A celebration in honor of the Jewish festival of Purim is planned for 3:30 pm-5:30 pm today at High Point Community Center (6920 34th SW), presented by West Seattle Torah Learning Center. More info on the Facebook event page.

‘Chain-reaction’ crash on 35th SW: SUV vs. truck vs. tree

Two people texted us in the past hour or so, reporting a loud “bang” or “crash” noise. This was apparently the source – a crash on southbound 35th SW, just north of SW Henderson (map; across from the Gasco station). No serious injuries, if any injuries at all – no victims were in sight by the time we got there, and the Fire Department‘s involvement in the call ended pretty quickly. But the “GOT JUNK?” truck wound up pushed into what we believe is one of the area’s famous collection of European Hornbeam street trees:

Tow trucks for both vehicles arrived fairly quickly; we’ll follow up later for any information on the crash’s cause, and to see if the tree will survive. (Speaking of which, a side note: Online information now indicates the Fauntleroy crash we covered in the early-morning hours yesterday was a suspected case of DUI).