What the big police response on 47th SW in Admiral was about

If you were along 35th SW about two hours ago – as one WSB team member happened to be – you might have wondered why three police cars went roaring northbound with lights and sirens. They, and other units, were bound for a home on 47th SW in North Admiral, and we just got the details from Seattle Police Det. Mark Jamieson in media relations: Someone called 911 to report a suspected burglary, with a screen pried off a window. Officers and burglary detectives responded. They eventually surrounded the house and went inside. Nobody was there. The witness described seeing a white man, 25-30, 5’7″, green stocking cap, blue windbreaker, but no one fitting the description had been found as of our conversation with SPD, which at last report was working to contact the homeowner to see if they could come verify whether anything had been taken. (Coincidentally, as this unfolded, we also had someone at the Southwest Precinct, where its commander Capt. Steve Paulsen spoke to visiting WS Chamber of Commerce members; he talked about the importance of calling 911 when you see something suspicious. More on the lunch event a bit later.)

11 Replies to "What the big police response on 47th SW in Admiral was about"

  • DML February 8, 2012 (1:56 pm)

    Saw some police activity at the junction Wells Fargo in the last 30 minutes…anything reported?

  • SR February 8, 2012 (2:07 pm)

    Exactly where on 47th SW was this?

    • WSB February 8, 2012 (2:35 pm)

      2700 block is what we heard on the scanner. Near 47th/Admiral, was also mentioned.

  • CB February 8, 2012 (3:20 pm)

    Go, SPD, Go!

  • ME February 8, 2012 (3:21 pm)

    I also was curious about the police response at Wells Fargo … had to move over for them to get there!

  • rlv February 8, 2012 (3:59 pm)

    From someone in the neighborhood – thank you, SPD!

    • WSB February 8, 2012 (5:17 pm)

      Re: Wells Fargo: Lt. Ron Smith @ the precinct says it was a false alarm (robbery alarm accidentally tripped) – TR

  • 47th Resident February 8, 2012 (4:33 pm)

    Wonder if there is any relation to the same location that was busy with police activity last week? As a resident on 47th I’m getting really sick of it and glad to see quick reaction from SPD! Yeah! Although 47th may not have made the blog before except for the comment section last week those issues have been going on for some time.

  • gogetem February 8, 2012 (8:19 pm)

    Thanks for all you do SPD!

  • george February 8, 2012 (10:59 pm)

    Have you been by the neighborhood south of the Vashon Ferry Dock on Fauntleroy where it makes the sharp turn to go up to Endolyne Joe’s? Mega home owner neighborhood block watch signs…on every driveway! About 25 homes. Now THAT’s showing a presence. They must have had some mega issues going on.

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