month : 11/2011 320 results

Delridge DESC project: Tentative date set for first Design Review

The city has set a tentative date for the first Southwest Design Review Board meeting on the Downtown Emergency Service Center‘s 75-unit Delridge Supportive Housing project: Thursday, December 8th. That’s according to the list of upcoming meetings on the city’s website. If that date holds, it’ll be at 6:30 pm, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. Design Review meetings are held before a city-appointed all-volunteer regional board that evaluates projects strictly in terms of design and whether those elements of a project conform to zoning (if not, “departures” have to be requested). Projects for which design review is required, like this one, will go before the board at least twice, once for “early design guidance” (the purpose of this meeting), then, for a formal recommendation to the city.

In the meantime, the project proposed for the 5400 block of Delridge (official address on city records, 5444 Delridge) has been recommended for two public-funding grants, $500,000 state and “up to $4.45 million” city, while the county-convened Joint Recommendations Committee meets November 17th to consider a request for $538,000. Other funding for the $14 million project is proposed to be raised through a tax-credits program.

Local residents researching the project continue to post information and documents obtained through public-records requests at these two sites: Delridge Community Forum and A Concerned Delridge Neighbor. The volunteers working on the DCF site say that the county staffers working on the Nov. 17th presentation suggest public comments be sent by this Wednesday; the contacts are listed in this post on their website

West Seattle weekend scene: Diabetic-alert dogs’ Graduation Day

At the Service Dog Academy north of Morgan Junction, today was Graduation Day for the newest class of diabetic-alert dogs – specially trained to alert their owners to a potentially dangerous drop in blood-sugar levels. Six dogs graduated this time around, two from West Seattle, and that’s who you see above – Ron with canine companion Spencer, Heather with Stella. Both Spencer and Stella are pit-bull mixes. Academy owner Mary McNeight says this is the fifth class of diabetic-alert dogs they’ve graduated since she launched the program.

Happening now: ‘Hope for Jan’ @ Feedback Lounge

Timely items in the big spread of silent-auction offerings at the “Hope for Jan” benefit at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) till 5 pm – something to keep you warm. (It was below freezing by 4 am today.) Or how about this one – Meander’s Kitchen proprietor Miranda Krone cooks for your party of up to 10 people? $500 value but they were taking bids as low as $100. It’s all to help out longtime WSB’er Jan Seeley – aka “JanS” – who’s there with daughter Jessica Diamant:

They’re asking for bids by 4. The Feedback is also donating profits from food and drink specials (spicy chicken teriyaki skewers, $7; Feedback Cape Cod, $6) while the event lasts till 5 – and while you’re there, you can play pinball, meet cool people, admire the wall of 45-rpm record jackets (small slice of the abundant music memorabilia at The Feedback):

Feedback Lounge is at 6451 California SW (in another benefit effort, it’ll be epicenter of the Whale Tail Ale release parties coming up at 6 pm this Wednesday).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Puppy stolen; garage break-ins

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reports today – a puppy stolen in a burglary, and break-ins in a parking garage – read on for both reports:Read More

From Belgium to West Seattle: Visiting musicians @ Locöl tonight

Tonight at Locöl (35th/Kenyon) – Belgian musicians, and Belgian ale. West Seattle trumpeter/composer Chad McCullough is in the clip above (from a jazz festival last January) with Belgian musicians including the two who will join him tonight at Locöl – Bram Weijters (piano) and Piet Verbist (bass), both from Antwerp. Chad explains, “Both are really fine players, and are top-call jazz musicians in Belgium. Bram and I met in Canada at the 2009 Creative Music workshop at the Banff Centre. We’ve been playing together as much as possible for the last 3 years.” They released an album last year, “Imaginary Sketches,” on Seattle’s Origin Records, available via iTunes. Joining Chad, Bram, and Piet tonight will be Seattle drummer Matt Jorgensen. The event starts at 7:30 pm. Oh, and then there’s the beer – they’re pitting Westmalle Trappist Ale vs. Odin Belgian Strong Ale, and the publicity poster says “You can decide the winner!”

West Seattle holidays: 2 ways to do ‘green’ gift shopping

November 6, 2011 11:41 am
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 |   Holidays | Sustainable West Seattle | West Seattle news

DONATION DEADLINE COMING UP FOR TOY SWAP & SALE: We’ve mentioned before that CoolMom‘s Toy Swap ‘n’ Sale is coming up November 12th (Fauntleroy Church, 9 am-2 pm) … and if you’d like to get a credit to apply toward whatever you buy, the deadline for donations is this Tuesday. Donation locations, and more info about the Toy Swap ‘n’ Sale, can be found on the CoolMom website.

WEST SEATTLE BARTER FAIR: A unique way to find gifts – and share potential gifts – right after Thanksgiving. The date is set, 4-8 pmNovember 26th. From the Sustainable West Seattle website:

Join us for a fun and unique “money free shopping spree” geared toward the holiday shopping season on ‘Green Saturday’, the day after “Black Friday”. We’ll be enjoying a potluck at the same time, so bring a gift to share!

This unique event will be held in an equally unique setting — The Lodge at Camp Long. The object of the Barter Fair is to promote more meaningful gifting of products through exchanging services, or items made from raw materials

The “Money Free Shopping Spree” is gift trading. Categories include: Services, Art Crafts, Home Crafts, Food Crafts and Salvaged/Refurbished Items.

If you know what you will bring to trade, they would love to hear from you in the comment section on the SWS site.

West Seattle Sunday: 2 benefits; Farmers’ Market chefs; more

(Fall colors on the beach, from Mannie79 via the WSB Flickr pool)
Got any non-automatically-set clocks to turn back? Welcome back to Pacific Standard Time. Here are some of today’s highlights, from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

BENEFIT BRUNCH: Benefit brunch to help the family of Ed Kingston, the volunteer soccer coach who died suddenly last month, West Seattle Eagles‘ Aerie, doors open 10 am – details here.

CHEFS AT WS FARMERS’ MARKET: At the West Seattle Farmers’ Market, 10 am – 2 pm, The Junction (44th/Alaska), you’ll find cooking demos today: 11:00 am- noon – Jeremy McLachlan of Salty’s on Alki demonstrates his favorite seasonal holiday recipes; 12:30-1:30 pm – Laurie Pflazer of Pastry Craft shows how to make desserts using local, seasonal ingredients.

BOARD GAMERS: Strategy board game group that plays games like Settlers of Catan, Carcassone and Dominion. New players who don’t mind some complexity and strategic thinking in games are welcome. Uptown Espresso, California and Edmunds, 1 pm. E-mail Gene at with questions, and join

TOOL LIBRARY: West Seattle Tool Library open at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (east side of main building), 1-5 pm.

HOPE FOR JAN: Benefit for Jan Seeley (longtime WSB’er “JanS”) to help her as she awaits a kidney transplant. Silent auction, food/drink specials, and more, 2-5 pm at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 6451 California SW (more in this WSB Forums thread)

FINAL PERFORMANCE OF ‘THE FOREIGNER’: 2 pm at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California Avenue SW) – a comedy for all ages. More details here.

ARTISTS’ RECEPTION: The community art show at Southwest Library has its artists’ reception today, 2 pm.

STOCKBOX GROCERS’ FINAL DAY: The prototype micro-grocery in Delridge (24th/Holden) must shut down after today (though its founders say they’ll be back!) – having a sale on remaining inventory, too (here’s our previous report).

DRUMMERS TRY FOR A RECORD: Not in West Seattle, but presented by West Seattle drummer Donn Bennett: The Woodstick Big Beat 2011 world-record attempt, hundreds of drummers at Juanita Field House, Juanita HS, 10601 NE 132nd, Kirkland, 2:00-4:00PM. Doors open 10 am. Raising money for Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation and Camp Korey. $12 for participants, $10 for spectators. More info at

FAREWELL PARTY: Farewell party for St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church‘s departing Rev. Peter DeVeau and wife Mary, 5-8 pm (more details in our Saturday night report).

SWEET SHOW: HoneyHoney in-store performance at Easy Street Records in The Junction, free, 6 pm

AT KENYON HALL: Sousa Birthday Bash with the Ballard Sedentary Sousa Band, 7:30 pm at Kenyon Hall.

West Seattle schools: Tilden 5th-graders assist Nature Consortium

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Tilden School fifth-graders have contributed to WSB from time to time. Here’s a report about their environmental education in action.)

By Tilden School’s Fifth-Grade Class
Special to West Seattle Blog

If you help the West Duwamish Greenbelt, you also help the Duwamish River and the world. A nonprofit organization called Nature Consortium led us, the Tilden fifth-graders, in the right direction to reforest the West Duwamish Greenbelt, which helps a lot more than just this West Seattle forest.

On October 7, we went to the West Duwamish Greenbelt to spend the day with environmental educators from Nature Consortium. We wanted to learn about the Greenbelt’s ecosystem and work toward improving its health. Our class removed invasive species like Himalayan blackberries, and planted native trees and shrubs.

Did you know that you can never step out of a watershed? Indeed, West Seattle is one big watershed. The point is, all watersheds affect the health of our waterways and oceans. Healthy green space in a watershed controls water yield, sediment levels, and water quality, providing cleaner runoff for nearby waterways. Thus, if more volunteers help reforest the Greenbelt, many unwanted pollutants will be removed.

Save the West Duwamish Greenbelt and get one step closer to saving the world. To volunteer for Nature Consortium, go to

WSB SIDE NOTE: One big event ahead for the Nature Consortium – its forest-restoration work party in the College Street Ravine in honor of King County Executive Dow Constantine’s birthday on November 15th from 10 am-2 pm. Volunteers can sign up by calling our office 206.923.0853, e-mailing or going online, here.

West Seattle churches: Rev. Peter DeVeau leaving St. John’s

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

After almost 15 years, Rev. Peter DeVeau will deliver his last sermon to West Seattle’s St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church tomorrow.

His departure is entwined with a return – he is going to lead the Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral congregation in Kansas City, where he served for more than 6 years earlier in his career.

Sunday night, community members are invited to a farewell celebration at St. John’s. We caught up with him late Friday for a look back, and ahead.

Read More

West Seattle wildlife: Call it ‘The Bachelor,’ Puget Sound edition

Been to the beach lately? Off Beach Drive, or Lincoln Park, in particular, there is much to see and hear – if you look closely. Thanks to another much-appreciated wildlife photographer (and sharer), Trileigh Tucker, for that photo of hooded mergansers. She writes:

We’ve just begun the exciting season when the sea ducks begin their dating-and-mating process! The males are going all out to impress the ladies, splashing and head-bobbing in ways that the females apparently find pretty endearing. Keep an eye out for mergansers, scoters, buffleheads, and others in waters near the West Seattle shore!

Trileigh is also writing about this topic on her Natural Presence website.

Saving Southwest Community Center: Councilmember’s visit

November 5, 2011 5:04 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

This past week, the City Council listened to presentations about possible changes to the mayor’s budget plan for next year. Next week, they start making decisions about possible changes, before finalizing a plan around November 21st. A group of Southwest Community Center users concerned about the mayor’s proposal to change it into a Teen Life Center and Neighborhood Service Center invited councilmembers to visit – and Councilmember Tom Rasmussen accepted their offer, visiting SWCC on Friday afternoon, to talk and tour.

The Family Learning Program is particularly concerned; their program has grown since starting earlier this year at SWCC, and while they have been told they can keep using space there, they told Rasmussen that much of the functional space they use will be taken away by changes to the building that will be necessary to turn it into a Neighborhood Service Center. They believe the city used bad data in deciding that SWCC was underutilized, as it’s had frequent closures in the past few years for upgrades and repairs, some of which aren’t even fully paid off yet, though their availability to the public will be curtailed if these changes are made.

Rasmussen asked if the SWCC supporters had reached out to other councilmembers; yes, they said, but nobody else responded. He suggested they try again, and promised to convey what he had heard. And when asked what else they could do – he suggested offering other money-saving or revenue-raising ideas, to show what could be done to save money instead of changing operations at SWCC.

You can keep an eye on the ongoing council budget process here.

Happening now: Rachel Austin at Click!; craft fair in High Point

If you’re interested in a little shopping, a little art/craft appreciation, two things happening now:

RACHEL AUSTIN AT CLICK! Looking ahead to Thursday’s West Seattle Art Walk for art! Artist Rachel Austin is at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) in The Junction this afternoon. You can check out her “Cartography Series” during the reception continuing till 5 pm. Look closely at the painting she is standing next to (sent by Click! a short time ago) – see West Seattle’s outline?

CRAFT FAIR IN HIGH POINT: Didn’t get advance word of this one, or else it would have been in our morning preview, but Jennifer e-mailed to say that Bridge Park is hosting a craft fair till 4 pm at 3204 SW Morgan: “There are a variety of vendors here… Scentsy candles, handmade jewelry, scarves, holiday decor, African jewelry, historical photographs, handpainted plates and wineglasses, Usborne books, handmade cards, and an artist doing pastel portraits while you wait. There is a drawing for door prizes! Refreshments available as well.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car prowling in 2 neighborhoods

Two reports of car prowling early today in two West Seattle neighborhoods – read on for details:Read More

Can they regain the record? West Seattle drummer leads ‘Woodstick Big Beat 2011’

November 5, 2011 12:20 pm
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Big fall for Fauntleroy resident Donn Bennett. His eponymous Drum Studio in Bellevue has just been honored as “Best in Western Washington,” for musical instruments. And tomorrow, he’ll rally hundreds of drummers for the annual “Woodstick Big Beat” mega-drum charity-benefit event he organizes – not in West Seattle, but not that far, if you want to go help local children’s charities and see an inspiringly thunderous display of musicians’ teamwork. Donn says, “We’re featuring Danny Seraphine, original drummer from Chicago, and 7 other top pro drummers” – along with hundreds of Northwest drummers, gathering tomorrow at the Juanita Field House in Kirkland. The official announcement explains more:

They’ll join drummers in 15 cities across North America to set 2 new Guinness World Records for drummers playing a song simultaneously. One record for the most drummers playing a song in a single location, the other for the most drummers playing together via live internet connection. The entire international event will be directed from our Kirkland, WA, location.

Drummers in Birmingham England assembled 588 drummers in 2008 to beat our previous record of 533 set at Qwest Field in 2005. On November 6th 2011 we’ll attempt to bring the record back to the Northwest where it all started. All proceeds will go to the Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation to purchase musical instruments for underfunded local schools and to Camp Korey, a camp in Carnation WA for kids battling serious illness.

The event is 2-4 pm tomorrow (Sunday), 10601 NE 32nd; doors open at 10 am. Admission is $12/participant (register online here), $10/spectator, all going to charity. Quite a sight and sound, as you’ll see on the highlight reel from last year (above) – especially once it gets to the overview of the entire Field House.

West Seattle schools: Alki Elementary ‘Cedar & Salmon’ potlatch

(Photos by John Hinkey unless otherwise credited)
By Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

It was standing room only in Alki Elementary’s gymnasium Thursday night when students in Native American costumes held a Potlatch as part of an in-school cultural program created by Native American Artist and teacher Ronn Wilson.

A Potlatch is a traditional Native American ceremony that involves storytelling, song, dance, and gift-giving. Alki’s Potlatch was the culmination of a six-week Artist-in-Residence program called “Of Cedar and Salmon,” in which Wilson taught students the traditions and culture of Native Northwest Coast people. He’s been visiting the school twice a week for the past six weeks, sharing stories of how native cultures lived off the land, and teaching skills such as “good listening” and “showing respect.” He adds: “This is a very small piece of a big picture.”

Wilson painted the stage set; the students colored their headdresses as a school project. Kindergartener Freja showed us hers:

Students from all grades participated in drumming and performing dances such as “The Welcoming Dance” and “The Lightning Serpent Dance.” Wilson himself performed dances in elaborate costumes, including the headdress that didn’t just stick out its tongue — it stuck out a tongue with a frog on it.

The gift-giving portion of the Potlatch came at the end, when Wilson presented his own orca painting to the school, and former Principal Clover Codd (left) presented new Principal Chanda Oatis with a print of the painting:

Plus, each participating student got a poster showing the orca design and everyone present received bookmarks depicting the stage set designs.

Ronn Wilson says that beyond “getting kids to connect to Native American culture and tradition, I hope this is a catalyst for them to dig into their own history and connect to their elders.”

West Seattle Saturday: Green Seattle Day; ‘Comfort Food Throwdown’ tonight; set your clock back…

(Photo by Ted Johnson, from “The Foreigner,” continuing tonight at Fauntleroy Church)
Suggestions for your Saturday, from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

BUSINESS CELEBRATIONS: Ribboncutting scheduled at newly opened Petco (41st/Alaska) at 8:55 am; grand-opening celebration at newly opened Stuffed Cakes (35th/Henderson), noon-3 pm, lots of details here.

STORY TIME: At Kol HaNeshamah, 6115 SW Hinds, 9:30 am: The PJ Library Storytime at Kol HaNeshamah Congregation. The PJ Library welcomes Erik Lawson as our guest musician, with PJ Library manager Amy Paquette as our storyteller. We will be reading the book “Ella’s Trip to Israel.”

WESTSIDE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: Westside School (WSB sponsor) is having an open house 10 am-noon. Families are welcome to stroll the entire campus, speak with teachers, parents, and students about Westside School. The Open House is for all levels, Preschool through Middle School. In addition, Westside is offering weekly campus tours. For more information, contact Director of Admission David Bergler, (More information on the Westside website.)

GREEN SEATTLE DAY: Your chance to get out and help keep Seattle green, maybe even make it a bit greener. Westcrest Park in Highland Park is a hub for this event – check out the work-party opportunities here; it all starts at 10 am.

RETURN OF THE FOOD TRUCKS: After a week away, the food truck pod is back at Highland Park Improvement Club (12th/Holden), 11 am-3 pm. Scheduled: Lumpia World, I Want Curry Now, Charlie’s Buns. (1:11 pm note: WSB commenter says only Charlie’s showed up)

MEET ‘HELLO KITTY’: Not in West Seattle, but the International District’s sponsoring WSB this month to let you know what’s up at the Wing Luke Museum, and today they’re inviting you to come meet “Hello Kitty” and explore Shop-O-Rama, 1:30-3:30 pm at 719 South King Street – lots more info here.

(added) RACHEL AUSTIN AT CLICK! Meet the artist and see her “Cartography Series” creations, 2-5 pm at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) in The Junction.

‘THE FOREIGNER’ IN FAUNTLEROY: This community play continues at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW), 2 pm and 7 pm. “The Foreigner” is a comedy for all ages. More details and ticket info here.

COMFORT FOOD THROWDOWN: Comfort Food Throwdown fundraiser for Family Promise of Seattle, 6 pm at Seattle Lutheran High School (41st/Genesee) (full details here) – or, for a bit extra, be part of the 4 pm pre-event with a cooking demo by Amy Finley!

ALSO ON STAGE: Not in West Seattle, but – Matt Jeakle and Colleen Devine, West Seattle residents and Holy Rosary School ’09 graduates, are starring in the comedy “You Can’t Take it With You” at Seattle Prep, tonight at 7 pm (with a 2 pm matinee tomorrow). William Jeakle says, “It’s a great opportunity to enjoy live theater, laugh like crazy, and support up-and-coming West Seattle actors. Spend some money to support live theater. After all, you can’t take it with you!”

HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: West Seattle High School vs. Capital, postseason play in Olympia, 7 pm.

TEN-YEAR REUNION: Chief Sealth Class of 2001 10th Reunion, 7-10 pm at Talarico’s Pizzeria in West Seattle. Contact Arlana Angel – And check out the Facebook group.

‘EVIL DEAD’: Two shows tonight at ArtsWest Playhouse & Gallery for “Evil Dead,” based on the cult-classic Sam Raimi movies, 7:30 and 11 pm (tickets available online).

ON THE RUN: Chief Sealth runner Kenaia Neumann competes in state championships (WSB story here)

CHANGING BANKS TODAY? There’s been a national call to move your money to community banks and credit unions today. If you are thinking about this, note that two Pacific Northwest community banks are on the WSB sponsor team: Viking Bank in The Junction and Umpqua Bank, newly opened in Admiral.

SET THE CLOCK BACK: Daylight Saving Time ends tonight (actually early tomorrow) – at 2 am, it’ll become 1 am.

West Seattle holidays: Vendor call for Feedback Lounge bazaar

(WSB photo from November 2010 Feedback Lounge holiday bazaar, with Ivette, Mary, and Bradi)
Christmas Eve is exactly seven weeks away. Some like to shop early, some like to wait till the holidays are closer. This year, the Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) is having its Holiday Bazaar on the later end of the season – so it’s time now to send out their call for potential participants:

……………………..Call to Crafters, Artists, Creators!

Feedback Lounge in West Seattle is holding our 3rd annual Holiday Bazaar, on Dec 11th!
We are interested in having your creations at our Bazaar.
The event will be from:
11:30 am to 6 pm at
Feedback Lounge
6451 California ave SW

Table with floor space available per vendor. Table sizes vary at approx 3’x5′—3’x8′ etc. (smaller & larger tables are options as well) with plenty of floor space. Vendors are invited to bring their own table as well. $25 per table space all day.

We can work with you on any amount of space, table size, etc, that you might need, just let us know!
If you are interested in selling your wares at this event, please contact me directly (see my contact info below).

Crafters, Artists, Shoppers, Awesome Food, Award-winning Cocktails and You!
It’s going to be a great time, and hopefully prosperous afternoon for all, so let us know if you’d like to be a part of the day! Please see attached poster.
Thank you,

Gianetta Griffitts
Feedback Lounge

High-school football: Seattle Lutheran wins; WSHS plays tonight

The high-school-football postseason continues for two local teams: Seattle Lutheran High School defeated Bellevue Christian, 21-19, Friday night; according to the SLHS Twitter feed, the Saints will play on Tuesday for the chance to go to the state tournament. Meantime, West Seattle High School plays Capital in Olympia tonight (Saturday) at 7. (We’re keeping an eye on other sports too, with the help of our partners at the Seattle Times, but the results aren’t always up to date, so any sports reports you have from SLHS, WSHS, or Sealth, are always welcome – – thanks!)

And more West Seattle wildlife: ‘Octopus’s Junkyard’ off Alki

Octopus’s Junkyard from Laura James on Vimeo.

A sea-life doubleheader tonight! Also just received this from diver/underwater photographer extraordinaire Laura James – not an “Octopus’s Garden,” as the soundtrack goes, but rather, an “Octopus’s Junkyard” off Alki. (Thanks to Laura for continuing to share the submerged sights for us landlubbers!)

West Seattle wildlife: Seal pup ‘Spanky’ rescued by ‘superhero’

November 4, 2011 10:27 pm
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 |   West Seattle beaches | West Seattle news | Wildlife

News tonight from Robin Lindsey of Seal Sitters:

I thought your readers might want to know that seal pup Spanky was rescued successfully today after falling off a high rock, deep into a hole between immense boulders late yesterday afternoon. It was quite a challenging predicament for the little pup who could not climb back out – and we could not reach in far enough to get him. Spanky has been a fixture along the west side rocks since we first discovered him on October 5th, entertaining volunteers and onlookers almost daily with his antics. We want to thank everyone who has respected the stranding network’s tape perimeter which has been put in place on busier days so he could rest undisturbed. Thankfully, we have had a good ending to this nerve-wracking incident and we hope Spanky returns to his rocky stretch of beach – just not to this particular rock!

Robin says a state wildlife worker turned into a seal-rescuing “superhero” to get Spanky out of there – she tells the story on Seal Sitters’ “Blubberblog” site. (And remember that if you see a seal, or any marine mammal, on a local beach, call 206-905-7325 [SEAL] to let SS know.)

Delridge Neighborhood Service Center space already up for lease

November 4, 2011 6:28 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

The City Council hasn’t taken its final budget vote yet, but the plan to move West Seattle’s lone Neighborhood Service Center into what is now the Southwest Community Center may already be considered a done deal, if you consider the fact that the space has just been put up for lease. We got the word from real-estate broker Kelsey Diller at City Closers, who sent us the link to the new listing for 5405 Delridge Way SW (see it here, including a photo from inside the NSC), describing it as a followup to this story we published in September, after the budget proposal for community-center changes was announced. Just this afternoon, City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen visited SWCC to meet with community members who don’t want it to be changed into an NSC and Teen Life Center (separate story coming up later); the council is supposed to start finalizing budget tweaks next week, with a final vote due two weeks later.

Update: Southbound 99 lane fixed, reopened, re-closed, re-opened

ORIGINAL 2:55 PM REPORT: Just in from WSDOT:

The right lane of southbound SR 99, approximately ½ mile north of the West Seattle Bridge, is closed for emergency road repair work. The lane will be closed through the evening commute. During the 6-hour closure, crews will place a steel plate in the lane. When the road reopens, motorcyclists should use extra caution near the steel plates. The 40 mph speed limit will not change.

ADDED 3:31 PM: On the WSB Facebook page, at least one person with a view of the Viaduct says it’s already a mess.

5:35 PM UPDATE: WSDOT has reopened the lane hours earlier than projected.

LATE-NIGHT UPDATE: And WSDOT says it’s closed again.


3rd of 3 sentencings in Steve Bushaw murder: 20 years for Sylve

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

In King County Superior Court Judge Joan DuBuque‘s courtroom, the third of the three men found guilty of murdering Steve Bushaw in West Seattle in early 2009 has just been sentenced: One of the two triggermen who pleaded guilty, John Sylve, was given a sentence of 20 years total.

His sentencing originally was to be on the same day as that of the other triggerman, Danny O’Neal (here’s our Sept. 30th report), but Sylve’s family was a no-show in court on that date and all parties agreed to a postponement, including the victim’s family.

As the hearing began, the 26-year-old victim’s mother Meg Bushaw spoke:

Read More