Test drilling to start this week in the Lowman Beach area

Work crews are scheduled to be in the Lowman Beach area this week and next, doing work related to the county’s plan for a million-gallon storage tank to reduce sewer-system overflows into Puget Sound at Murray Pump Station. County spokesperson Annie Kolb-Nelson confirms drill rigs will be in the area to begin “geotechnical boring,” explaining: “Basically, a contractor will be drilling six small-diameter holes (about 6 inches) to test soil and groundwater conditions. Engineers will use the data to help design the facilities.” The six spots above show where they’re drilling. Here’s a flyer with full details – note there might be traffic effects in the area as the work proceeds over the next two weeks. Kolb-Nelson also confirms that one of the area’s property owners has accepted a purchase offer. The county has to buy the land (currently privately owned and residential) across from Lowman Beach Park, one way or another, to build the project (which is explained here), and could obtain it via “eminent domain” if necessary. More details about the project’s status are expected at a community meeting this Thursday, 6:30 pm in the hall at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW).

2 Replies to "Test drilling to start this week in the Lowman Beach area"

  • hmmm October 17, 2011 (10:48 pm)

    Don’t close the park to the public and make it a Poop plant. They might!

  • nulu October 18, 2011 (8:50 am)

    ‘hmmm’ has not followed any of this long running story to make such an uninformed statement.

    There is no plan to close the park and make a “Poop plant.”

    The plan includes storage and pumping to the “Poop plant” located out of West Seattle.

    The plan includes keeping the park and buying or taking through eminent domain a few properties across from the park for the storage tank.

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