Kona the dog, found! ‘That karma will last you a lifetime’

That’s Kona, a Husky/Lab who is home tonight, two weeks after she was reported lost (her photo has been on the WSB Pets page all that time). Kona’s family says an incredible outpouring of help in West Seattle this afternoon brought a joyful conclusion to their dog’s odyssey. Claire writes:

I wish everyone in the world could have been there today to see the amazing kindness of every person and dog in Westcrest Dog Park today. We got a call about 1:30 that Kona (the black husky lab female who has been missing since 9/12) was spotted in the dog park with an injured leg. We sped there from work and I think every person there, and especially a couple with an amazing Malamute, helped lead us to her in the woods.

She ran out right between my husband and I and he caught her in his arms–she was frantic and running from the voices–but when she realized who it was I think we were all crying. (Well, Kona and I were anyway!) THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for staying with her and making sure she was contained so we could get her home. We took her to the vet and she has a fractured foreleg, and will go into surgery tomorrow, but I don’t know if she could have been caught if she didn’t have the injury to slow her down.

If I could lasso the moon for all of you, I would. She means the world to my husband, 4 year old son, our other dog Ernie, and me. “Thank you” doesn’t begin to express the depth of my gratitude. Blessings on each of you, and that karma will last you a lifetime.

28 Replies to "Kona the dog, found! 'That karma will last you a lifetime'"

  • Aman September 27, 2011 (10:09 pm)

    Glad your adventure has a happy ending. May Kona’s injured leg heal quickly & return to normal.

  • kate September 27, 2011 (10:20 pm)

    Best news of the day!

  • Type and Tamarack September 27, 2011 (10:20 pm)

    As close friends of the family we echo Claire’s sentiment and are amazed by the kindness, endless support and hope the people of sw Seattle had for this sweet dog. Their persistence brought her home – an awesome story.

  • Joe September 27, 2011 (10:22 pm)

    That brings tears to my eyes and a smile to my face. I am so happy you were able to bring your family member home safe. Here’s to a speedy recovery to Kona.

  • Jbsc September 27, 2011 (10:31 pm)

    Thanks for sharing such a happy story! There is still a lot of good in the world:-)

  • Blessed Doggy Mama September 27, 2011 (10:33 pm)

    I needed this wonderful story tonight. There are days that I think the Universe reminds us to never give up, no matter what and that most people are filled with good. I am so glad you got Kona back safe and my two doggies and I send warm, warm healing vibes for her fracture. Thank you WSBlog for keeping us informed.

  • ddb September 27, 2011 (10:37 pm)

    This just made my day, week, month! I love happy endings and am sooo happy for you guys that you found doggie doggie Kona! Great job neighbors and this is just one reason why I love living here in West Seattle, and yet one more reason why this blog rules! Thank you so much, family, for taking the time out to let us all know the happy ending to your doggie’s “adventure”! May she get all the hugs and kisses she deserves!

  • JO September 27, 2011 (10:39 pm)

    YEA!! This story makes me so happy, it has everything-especially the help of lots of GOOD PEOPLE and a really HAPPY ENDING for everybody!

  • TW September 27, 2011 (10:44 pm)

    So great to hear a happy ending. Kudos to all who helped and best wishes for a speedy recovery to Kona!

  • Kayleigh September 28, 2011 (5:25 am)

    Awww! Thank you for a positive story. Best wishes to Kona in her surgery.

  • Rick September 28, 2011 (6:10 am)

    Can I sign her cast? Can I Can I Can I? Happy Day!

  • SeaChanty51 September 28, 2011 (6:14 am)

    What a wonderful story to start the day. Bright blessings to those who go forward with ‘Kona Karma’ from helping a pooch come home again!!

  • lina September 28, 2011 (7:03 am)

    rest up kona! such an awesome story- just made my morning. so glad she is home safe and sound.

  • Brandon September 28, 2011 (7:42 am)

    AWESOME!!! I am glad your dog is safe and back with her loving family

  • Lyanda September 28, 2011 (8:04 am)

    Oh! A couple of days ago I saw a sign about the missing Kona, and I thought, “What an adorable dog, so sad she’s lost…” What a happy story! Welcome home Kona!

  • Rosanne September 28, 2011 (8:11 am)

    Yay! Great news! We lost our dog on Sunday night & posted her photo and info on the blog and she was found by Monday morning. Thank you WS blog!

  • Alki resident September 28, 2011 (8:17 am)

    What a beautiful dog,looks like Kona will be pampered for awhile.Welcome Home Kona.

  • AJP September 28, 2011 (9:13 am)

    Saw you riding your bike around looking for her a few days ago. So glad to hear she’s been found!!!! May she have a speedy recovery.

  • KatherineL September 28, 2011 (10:08 am)

    So glad to hear the happy ending. Thank you for sharing in the midst of your own celebrations.

  • Beth September 28, 2011 (10:18 am)

    I am so happy for you! I read your poster at Westcrest every time I was there hoping and praying that there will be GOOD news soon. Yay!

  • Hoyne September 28, 2011 (11:19 am)

    This warms my heart so much! Get well soon, Kona!!

  • Steph in WS September 28, 2011 (12:15 pm)

    The people at Westcrest are the best bunch of people to have help from. Yay! Wish I could sign her cast with ‘get well soon, love Steph’ on it. What a cutie.

  • AH Neighbor September 28, 2011 (6:14 pm)

    Brought me literally to tears to read that dear Kona is home, and thank you WSB for bringing this wonderful news to us. Love the photo of Kona resting on the pillow with her cast, looking so content!

  • Holly September 28, 2011 (10:39 pm)

    So relieved to hear this sweet girl is safe! We spotted her last Sunday by the Bartells on Roxbury. We tried to coax her to but she took off ( she is one swift pooch, even with injured leg). We searched the area to no avail and have been saying doggie prayers since. Welcome home, Kona! Your friends in Georgetown.

  • BlingBling September 29, 2011 (4:17 pm)

    Great story and happy ending!

  • goodgraces September 29, 2011 (6:17 pm)

    I am SO happy to hear that Kona was reunited with her family. My young daughter and our two dogs talked briefly with the nice man with the Malamute at Westcrest yesterday — he asked if we’d seen a black limping dog heading up one of the hills there. I replied that we had and that I thought there was a LOST DOG sign with a picture of a dog matching his description on one of the bulletin boards at Westcrest. I can’t say for sure, but I’m hoping that’s how he was able to contact Kona’s owners?

    When we left the park yesterday he said he hadn’t been able to capture Kona, but he didn’t tell me that he’d called the owners. So I went home wondering what happened and hoping for the best outcome. I was delighted and surprised to read this story today and put the pieces together. Thank God for all the wonderful animal people out there who love Kona and helped her find her people again!

  • JN September 29, 2011 (10:56 pm)

    Awesome! The WSB pets page seems to have helped enormously. We actually used it to return someone’s cat. So glad your dog was returned!

  • tk September 30, 2011 (7:26 am)

    aawwwww! You gotta watch those huskies. I’ve also had my husky mix caught in the dog park and also gotten calls after she’s jumped out of the dog park with me still in it!!!! Not sure how she was lost, but hope you husky proof your fence!

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