West Seattle Summer Fest 2011 countdown: Six days away!

Less than a week till West Seattle Summer Fest 2011 (with co-sponsors including WSB) rocks The Junction … and there’s more information online now, so you can start planning your time there:

GREENLIFE AT SUMMER FEST: Exhibits and live demonstrations will be the highlights of this year’s sustainability expo on the south end of the festival zone – and the list of demonstrations is now live on the Summer Fest website; find it here. For example – 4 pm Friday (July 8th), Connie from West Seattle Nursery has the (s)coop on raising backyard chickens; 5 pm Saturday (July 9th), Micah from the West Seattle Tool Library shows you how to make beer at home; 1 pm Sunday, Stu from Alki Bike and Board shows you how to make your bike electric-powered … and lots more before, after, and between all those.

REMEMBER, STREET FESTIVAL MEANS STREET CLOSURES … If you’re new, or otherwise in need of reminding, Summer Fest setup, enjoyment, and breakdown means the streets in the heart of The Junction will close starting this Thursday evening and will stay closed till next Sunday (July 10) night. The north edge of the closure tends to vary slightly year to year but keep in mind that the blocks of California from Oregon to Edmunds and Alaska from 44th to 42nd are closed no matter what.

… WHICH MEANS A FUN CHANCE TO EXPLORE ON SUMMER FEST EVE: Come down and wander those closed streets during Shop Late Thursday in The Junction, 6 pm-9 pm.

YES, THERE’S ONLY ONE STAGE, BUT … one act on the Summer Fest music list (see all 24 acts listed here) will be in the informal performance area at California/Alaska (by the Information Booth, where we’ll be helping out again this year). That would be Caspar Babypants, performing at 6:30 pm Friday, and you’ll see other types of fun performances and demonstrations in that area throughout the festival. P.S. The official stage for the other 23 performers/groups is on the north end of the festival zone, California SW between SW Oregon and SW Genesee (see the map above).

REMEMBER THE ‘HASHTAG’ … if you use Twitter, include #wssummerfest with your Summer Fest tweets.

Next Summer Fest update, we’ll explain what “Hack-Cycle” – which you might have noticed on the map – is all about, and introduce you to the artist who’ll be helping you do it!

2 Replies to "West Seattle Summer Fest 2011 countdown: Six days away!"

  • sam-c July 3, 2011 (7:06 pm)

    does any-one know if the giant purple (“European”) slide will be back again this year ?
    I remember seeing it advertised on some poster, but can’t remember which festival/ street fair.

  • wren July 4, 2011 (2:47 pm)

    I’m looking forward to the fest. Any insider tips as to which bands are good and anything else to look for. Also suggestions on where to park and walk from since a lot will be closed off.

    thanks! Wren

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