(Scroll down for updates – including the jubilation, on video, when the 50,000-diaper goal was hit)

10:40 AM: Just before 10:10, WestSide Baby volunteers welcomed their first official drive-up/walk-up diaper donation of the day for the 2011 edition of “Stuff the Bus.” You don’t even have to get out of your car if you don’t want to – just enter the Viking Bank parking lot from SW Alaska between 40th and 41st SW:

…and volunteers will be glad to receive your donation and add it to this stack (which at 10 am included 2,266 diapers just dropped off by Laurie Paul from Bright Horizons West Seattle, who told us they were donated by the new child-care center’s families).

Or, if you’re with a child who would like to honk the school-bus horn, you can get out and do that while dropping off diapers! We’ll be back to check on the drive’s progress later. “Stuff the Bus” continues till 2 pm, and WS Baby hopes to amass 50,000 diapers to qualify for a double-matching donation from Huggies.
10:59 AM UPDATE: Via e-mail from WS Baby:
A donation of 6,591 diapers just arrived from a surprise private donation!! They certainly turned heads loading up carts at Target yesterday. At 10:30, we have loaded over 14,000 diapers already. More than the total of the entire day in 2010!!! Keep ’em coming!!!
12:52 PM UPDATE: We stopped by around 12:30, and they were up to 32,000 diapers – then suddenly Valerie O’Mara arrived with almost 5,100 more that she had collected by hosting a diaper drive:

WestSide Baby encouraged people to sign up as diaper-drive hosts this time around – to collect in the days leading up to today’s big “Stuff the Bus” event. Oh, wondering how stuffed the bus was, as of 12:30 pm?

Still room for more! P.S. WSB is proud to be among the Stuff the Bus co-sponsors again this year.
1:56 PM UPDATE: Goal met! More than 50,200 diapers as of quarter till 2! (added) WS Baby executive director Nancy Woodland announced it jubilantly to her crew:
The final tally: 51,266. Celebratory group shot:

And of course, WS Baby is happy to have donations – diapers, other items, money, volunteer help – any time. You can check their website to see what’s needed the most when you’re next able to give.