Fauntleroy Community Association: ‘Outdoor senior wellness’ concept; burglary-uptick alert

From tonight’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting at the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse:

‘OUTDOOR SENIOR WELLNESS FACILITY’: Did you know that, among the city’s neighborhoods, West Seattle has the second-highest percentage of over-60 residents? (25 percent, topped only by downtown/First Hill.) So said Irene Stewart, briefing the FCA board on a concept she is circulating for an “outdoor senior-wellness facility,” or, put another way, a playground for older adults. She brought a four-page document outlining the proposal – FCA is the first group with which she has discussed it, but many more are on her list. Stewart said the idea is already in action in parts of Canada, Asia, and Europe, with areas set aside for elders to exercise outdoors – a benefit for health, longevity, and fitness. Because of its older population and large number of retirement centers, Stewart said, West Seattle might be just the place to try this. Potential sites are plentiful, both public and private (FCA board members suggested the north end of Lincoln Park, and Stewart said that has potential, also considering The Kenney is nearby). But she can’t serve as the project coordinator, since she works on senior issues for the city – she’s just trying to launch the idea. We’ll be following up on this, to find out more about how you can get involved, if you’re interested.

BREAK-IN UPTICK: The FCA board heard from Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Mark Solomon, who says there’s been more burglaries than usual in the Fauntleroy area lately. Most had something in common, Solomon noted – the burglar(s) got in by using a tool to pry open a back door or sliding-glass door. Then, during our rare bouts of warm weather, there were the crimes of opportunism – getting in through an open window, door, or garage. How to fight back? Besides preventing those opportunities, Solomon said, make sure you know your neighbors, and that you are watching out for each other. He also reminded the FCA board that Night Out is coming up August 2nd (you can register your block party here).

The Fauntleroy Community Association board meets the second Tuesday of the month, 7 pm, at the schoolhouse, 9131 California SW.

1 Reply to "Fauntleroy Community Association: 'Outdoor senior wellness' concept; burglary-uptick alert"

  • Irene Stewart June 15, 2011 (11:39 am)

    Thanks for covering the FCA meeting last night. Anyone interested in learning more about, or getting involved in, creating an outdoor fun and fitness space for older adults (“senior playground”), can contact me at irene.stewart@seattle.gov. For general info on recreation programs for older adults, check out Lifelong Recreation programs at http://www.seattle.gov/parks/Seniors/index.htm. ~ Irene Stewart, Aging & Disability Services, Seattle Human Services Department

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