Thanks go out to Luckie for this morning’s feature photo, Laverne and Shirley, the West Seattle Nursery chickens. That makes us think of farming … which leads to item one on today’s event list:
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: The market takes no holidays, so you’ll find it in session, 10 am-2 pm, The Junction (44th/Alaska). Food, beverages, flowers, plants … (And looking 3 weeks ahead, check out what the market is doing on Father’s Day!)
COLMAN POOL’S OPENING DAY: Opening day for West Seattle’s only city-run outdoor pool, Colman Pool in Lincoln Park, is today, delayed a day from original schedule, details here – and the city warns it’s likely to be chilly. “Wet suits welcome,” their announcement notes. The swimming begins at noon with a lap swim; first non-lap public swim is at 3 pm. (Same schedule tomorrow, at which time the water’s likely to be a bit warmer …)
THE PLAYS (ARE) THE THING: Annual Showcase of New Plays at ArtsWest. 7 pm. Five more local playwrights (including West Seattle’s Jeff Mandels) give you a preview of their newest work, either one-acts or excerpts of longer plays. Our update from last night includes the ticket-buying link.
IT’S IN THE CARDS: Free Texas Hold ‘Em poker @ Heartland Café, 1:30 & 3:30pm. More info at
More on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar!